Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 Falsified documents upon which 9.30.2009 was built.

In a " nutshell " , see hand-written note, on 9/23/2008.

6 WAIVERS-THERE WAS NO EVICTION--the landlords & their attorney LIED.

There was no eviction.
I quoted Judge Fast's book to Judge Fast, on 9/25/2008, to get this waiver.
Each time my landlords cashed my check, they waived their action, and re-established my tenancy, a total of 6 times. This has to be a dangerous precedent. My landlord's attorney was in the court; she knew that there was no eviction. She was not truthful when Jersey City Medical Center called. And, Robert Ruiz did not check with me. If he did, I could have easily produced this document, and corrected the lies my Landlord, Ralph Pagnozzi told. Mr. Pagnozzi had this document in his possession too. When Robert Ruiz called from Jersey City Medical Center on 9/30/2008, Ralph Pagnozzi deliberately lied to hurt me and my family---Ralph Pagnozzi and his attorneys already admitted to the Jersey City police that Ralph Pagnozzi slashed my door with a knife [ it is his HAIRY masculine hand in the photograph that I published on the Internet. Robert Ruiz saw my hand, in the ER, he knew that it was not my hand in the photograph, but he recorded a FALSE STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACT ]. In addition to the photograph, I had witnesses who saw Ralph Pagnozzi slash my door with a knife, who were readily available. Robert Ruiz did not discuss this with me, deliberately, to create a false medical record. Ralph Pagnozzi lied, because he knew, in advance, that he could get away with telling a lie on that day. He knew no one would check with me, that a false record would be created behind my back---standard operating technique a la Dan Riesel.
Note: This document is inaccurate. I have the audio-tapes [ and will be posting them to back me up, soonest, with the help of a volunteer ].
I got this waiver on 9/25/2008 [ not 9/24/2008] at about 4:30 pm to 5 pm.
[I had to come to court twice, once on 9/24/2008, Judge Fast knew I had a waiver, but, jerked me around, so on 9/25/2008, I read his book, and then, quoted Judge Fast to Judge Fast, that's when I got this waiver ]. At 6 pm, a fax was sent from Judge Rodriquez's court, to Jersey City Medical Center. Why? What simulated Judge Rodriquez to send a fax to Jersey City Medical Center on 9/25/2008 at 6 pm, to create another lie? I had no-contact with Judge Rodriquez, my landlords, or the city court since 9/12/2008; all issues in this fax were already addressed, on 9/12/2008. Judge Rodriequez's municipal court, located on Summit Avenue, is in a different geographic location than Judge Fast's court, located on Newark Avenue.
I talked to the Pentagon investigator on 9/24/2008. He was fine with me. He told me, post on the Internet, because Anthrax screening of hard-copies takes weeks.
I never talked to Dr. Chang on 9/25/2008, yet, he DIAGNOSED ME?
I refused to talk to the 2 mental health workers from Jersey City Medical Center who came to my house on this day. They refused to tell me who they were, why they thought they could accost me on the street at 9:30 pm with 2 uniformed, armed police officers and presume to engage me in questioning.
The record that they created that stated: " (1) Pt. interviewed, (2) info. collected, (3) pysch consultation..." is a FALSE STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACT, deliberately to create a false medical record.
On 9/26.2008, I tried to talk to Dr. Chang at Jersey City Medical Center, on the phone at the front desk, all Dr. Chang could say was: " I can't talk to you, I can't talk to you". Why? You can send police officers to my house, but you can't talk to me?
There is no note in my medical records that states I tried to talk to Dr. Chang on Friday, 9/26/2008---deliberately OMITTED.
The Jersey City Medical Center did not contact me on Saturday, 9/27, Sunday, 9/28/2008, or on Monday, 9/29, 2008. Stacey Dix-Kielbowski did not return phone messages that I left on Friday, 9/26/2008, on Monday, 9/29/2008 or on Tuesday, 9/30/2008.
At 4 pm on Tuesday, 9/30/2008, when I was in Manhattan getting a witness statement that helped me in my fight against a racist University, then, Jersey City Medical Center sent workers to my house to SCARE my family.

Jersey City Medical Center deliberately OMITTED infomation to create a false medical record.

My neurologist, Aric Hausknecht, M.D., Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management faxed my medical records to Jersey City Medical Center.

From Dr. Hausknecht's 7/29/2008 neurological office visit-New York Office, Complete Care, 19 East 37th street, New York, New York, telephone, 212-239-2112:


MENTAL STATUS: Mood and affect are within normal limits. Immediate recall is intact. Short-term memory is intact. Long-term memory is intact. There is no evidence of expressive aphasia. Repetition is intact. There is no evidence of receptive aphasia. Spelling reversal is within normal limits. Mental status examination is performed in accordance with the standardized Folstein Mini Mental Status Examination."

I asked, where's his fax? Their answer: we destroyed it.

I am reviewing what Jersey City Medical Center claims is my complete medical record, as quickly as I can, yet, there is no note that states they received (1) a fax from Dr. Hausknecht, (2) his name, his contact information, or (3) anything that says a mental status exam on 7/29/2008 says I'm fine.

Dr. Hausknecht saw me once a month from July to November 2008, in addition to two other doctors who treated me for pain [ due to a car crash ], about twice a week. With the exception of physical injuries due to the the car crash, they say I was fine. In addition, a mental status exam that was done on 11/20/2008, by an social worker, unrelated to these doctors, who said I was fine.

Sorry, Jim Martin, Vice-President, Behavioral Health, Jersey City Medical Center, your hospital already changed the hospital record---MINE---to deliberately, maliciously, intentionally, knowingly, with malice of fore-thought, with criminal intent, to hurt me.

It is impossible for Robert Ruiz and Dr. Jelnov to make a diagnosis that I have been out-of-contact with reality, delusional for years, with Dr. Hausknecht evaluation ON-THE-RECORD, so they OMITTED it a la Dan Riesel, a "former" chief prosecutor for the federal government, dirty lawyer trick # 1, create a false record by deliberately omitting information, then, follow-up with dirty lawyer trick # 2: make false statements of material fact.

Here's an example from my deliberately falsified medical records: "As per Stacey pt. has been mailing threatening letters to Judge Rodriguez."

Really, Stacey, show me one, show me the post-marked envelopes too, you know how much Tracy McQuaide, at the Hudson County prosecutor's office, loves post-marked envelopes. You know, the Hudson County prosecutor's office that thumbed its nose at my Congressman's staff, when they tried to get some help for me, because my medical school is stealing money from me.

I am NOT your patient. I am your CRIME victim.

And, I will be posting more examples of false statements of material fact intentionally drafted into my medical records at Jersey City Medical Center, and more examples of information that was deliberately omitted, to create a false medical record.

Monday, January 5, 2009




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---In surgery, its called mutilation.
---In the law, its called conspiracy. ----In Israel, its called " a great evil ".


Please call the Jersey City Police Department to confirm.

[left-click, once, on any document to enlarge it, for easy viewing. To return to reading this blog, click on your Internet browser's "return" button.

Mr. and Mrs. Pagnozzi violated Judge Rodriguez's "no-contact" order, several times. Here's one police report I obtained for August 8, 2008, when the Jersey City police refused to enforce this order.

Judge Rodriguez's "no-contact" order was issued in open court on 7/10/2008.

On 7/30/20008, again, I stood in front of Judge Rodriguez and asked her to give me her order in writing to show the police. She refused. I asked to have my public defender, Kevin Purvin replaced. He was, by Jonthan Goodman, who appeared with me in front of Judge Rodriguez on 7/30/2008.

On 9/12/2008 when Judge Rodriguez ordered a mental status exam, she did so, based on 2 lies, and Judge Rodriguez knew she was lying, with absolute certainty. According to my intentionally falsified medical records, made by Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski, M.A., (telephone: 201-915-2826 ), Judge Rodriguez claimed that (1) there was something wrong with me because I kept coming to court on days when there was no hearing scheduled-----YES---as she instructed to have her "no-contact" order enforced---which Judge Rodriguez refused to do, and (2) that my public defender, Kevin Purvin, asked to be removed from my case because I was "stalking" him throughout the COUNTY in a menacing manner.

I called Kevin Purvin (telephone: 201-867-4454 ).

He says he doesn't know what these people are talking about.

I asked for a new public defender on 7/30/2008.

If Mr. Purvin would like to change his story, then, I hope he has names, dates, times, places, and detailed descriptions, with witnesses, of how I stalked him throughout the COUNTY in a menacing manner.

The truth is, I caught his eye in court once or twice, and tried to talk to him, and once, walked with him to get a drink from a local deli----that's not stalking----I asked him what kinds of things he needed me to do, so he could be prepared for court----that's not stalking.


I can't wait to WALLPAPER Jersey City with my false medical records, so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski and Judge Rodriguez are sociopaths, and stooges for my medical school.

Judge Rodriguez had my falsified promissory note in her hands since June/July 2008, when I had to present my finances.

Judge Fast knew about my falsified promissory note, too.

My landlords, the Pagnozzis, knew that my medical school was lying to steal from me since February 2007.

On 9/12/2008, I showed Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski post-marked envelopes and bills from Sallie Mae, the loan servicing company, to demonstrate that I did not forge this promissory note, like Dan Riesel, a " former " chief prosecutor accused me; notably absent from her report that day is all mention of this.

Question: why are Mayor Healy, and Judge Irwin Rosen, when they did very little wrong, in comparison? Why isn't Judge Rodriguez held to the same standard as Judge Rosen or Mayor Healy?

Judge Rosen told the truth on the record, and is prosecuted.

Mayor Healy tried to help a woman. There was no malice in any thing that Mayor Healy did. Mayor Healy's conviction is being used as a pretext to remove him from office, unfairly.

There was plenty of malice in what Judge Rodriguez and Stacy did to me. You should have seen Stacy's face when she lied, when she told me that she was a "forensic psychiatrist" [ she is not ]. She enjoyed taunting me. She got off on it. Tells you alot about the nature of aggression, doesn't it: a naturally occurring experiment.

[ note for a monster: what were we to you? an amusement? a little human drama for the gods today? a naturally occurring experiment? an interesting case study? a blotched email that bounced ? ]