Monday, March 30, 2009
MOTIVE, MEANS, OPPORTUNITY--very serious--not a creative outlet = communication, top of his list.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Very serious, the destruction of innocent people's lives is not a game.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
CONNECT THE DOTS---very serious---not a creative outlet.
Note added on 3/29/09---updated: Details to be posted, ASAP.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009

[re: meeting last week at Columbia University, to be followed with formal papers ]
The bigger picture: The psycho-pathology of my adversary.
He is always trying to put power in someone else’s hands, so he can manipulate:
“Because the judge said-so”
“Because the doctor said-so”
In this instance, it is because the STUDENT, ME, said-so.
The law is written,
When there is a dispute,
Believe the student,
Not the school.
I am relieved of the burden of proving the school lied.
Here, my word alone, is good enough.
I am taken, at my word.
The big picture
Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, West-pointer, lawyer, academic dean, knows I am telling the truth.
-Here’s a synopsis of a recent meeting, to be followed with formal papers, at Columbia University, with respect to Janice Bennett, and my student loan.
-With respect to my student loan, I do not have to prove that Janice Bennett lied.
-I do not have to compel her testimony.
-I do not have to compel any one’s testimony, on this issue.
-The way the law is written, when there is a dispute, believe the student, not the school.
-This is done on my say-so.
-see, section 682.206-Due diligence in making a loan, for ease of reference, from the Code of Federal Regulations.
-When the lender [ = the bank ], delegates “loan-making” duties to the school, like completing and having the borrower [ = the student, me ] sign the promissory note, then, the lender [ = the bank ] may rely in good faith upon the statements of the borrower [ = me, the student ] made in the loan application process, but not rely upon statements made by the school in that process.
-In other words, my word, alone, is good enough.
-This is simple common sense.
-The school wants money, and the school will falsify paperwork to give to the bank to get money, as happened to me.
-I was manipulated and lied to in the loan-making process. I was bullied into filling-out Part A of my promissory note, which consisted of, essentially, name, address, phone number, references, and how much money do you want to borrow.
-Then, my incomplete promissory note was taken away from me, and behind my back, without checking with me, my school falsified Part B, my eligibility to borrow, see box 21, I was not a “full-time” student [ I was not doing what all the other full-time students were doing ] and I was not eligible to borrow. I was not eligible to borrow as a “part-time” student either.
-Yeshiva took $18,500.00 for classes it never provided to me. Over a ten-year repayment period that amount with interest would come to almost double the amount I borrowed [ 3/24/09---Eric Summerville, experienced attorney, never worried about minor details, like a typo or two, he got his court papers in on time, and corrected minor errors later, apparently, this is SOP, in New Jersey ].
-I discovered the falsified promissory note in June 2005, one month after Judge Patterson ruled against me. Based on newly-discovered evidence, I have the right to amend my complaint. An amended complaint completely replaces the original complaint, and I can quote the judges in the Second Circuit on this.
-There is a two-year fraud discovery rule in civil cases, which means the clock started ticking, for statute of limitation purposes, when I discovered the promissory note, in June 2005.
-For criminal prosecution there is a one-year fraud discovery rule, which means, the clock started ticking, for statue of limitation purposes, when I discovered the promissory note, in June 2005; the Bronx DA lied to Congressman Weiner about this. The word “fiduciary” is explicitly used with respect to the school’s obligation to the student.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I was reluctant to do this, because anyone who sues Jersey City Medical Center, and/or Doctors Jelnov, Stewart, Chang, and La Monica, Robert Ruiz, Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski and/or others, for malpractice, can, and will, use my deliberately falsified records to support their case, and it was not my intent to harm the institution, itself, only to hold individuals accountable for their criminal conduct towards me, nevertheless, I can publish my medical records, wholesale, because it is not a legal/medical record, it is FRAUD.
Note: The psychological profile reflected in this record is not mine. It reflects Marlen Abramova. I was falsely accused of trying to project my issues through her case. She lost her case, in part, by trying to claim credit for my work. The truth is that my case is the foundation, the Rock, upon which other cases could have been built. Unfortunately, Marlen Abramova, and Jeevan Padiyar lost their cases, in part, by trying to claim credit for my work, and by falsely accusing me of a crime, see YeshivaVictimsFraud, this blogsite.
Moreover, the pathological distrust, described in my medical history at Jersey City Medical Center, reflects the pathological distrust of Marlen Abramova, in specific, and the Bukarian-Jewish community in Queens, in general, a characteristic her attorney commented on.
In addition, the note that states "she questioned their grading system" or words to that effect, do not reflect my issue. That is Marlen Abramova's issue. She was expelled for cheating on a test, allegedly, and questioned, Einstein's, the medical school's grading system, not me.
From conversations I had with individuals involved in our cases, I suspect that Marlen Abramova and/or Jeevan Padiyar, at one time, may have had some mis-guided notion that if I did all the work, regarding the civil rights, hearing issue, in my case, then, they can take my work and use it to re-instate themselves in our medical school. Unfortunately, they are not facing reality. They destroyed their chances with the Yeshiva Victims fraud.
Marlen Abramova had connections to Mt. Sinai medical school; Jersey City Medical Center is a teaching hospital for Mt. Sinai.
* * * * *
RE: Physician bruality.
Hospitals and doctors are not clubs that are used to beat up on people.
Dear Mr. Yost :
-Did you block my emails to silence me?
-Please, restore my email access, immediately.
-I am going to do and say everything I have to do and say to make sure the criminals that I am dealing with do not do to you, what they did to me, including making a paper trail, that attorneys can follow.
-I'm lucky. I have a Bosnian president worried about Human Rights. I have an Iranian diplomat who defended me. I have an Aric Hausknecht, MD, and a Lt. Col. Kevin Reilly, US Army, and a Mike Potagel, Ph.D, who told the truth for me, and others too. I have a foreign country that offered me sanctuary.
-The poor, the disenfranchised, the powerless in Jersey City do not. They can't fight like I do.
-I'm lucky the Rev. Al Sharpton and attorney Mike Hardy are men of such great stature that they did not have to make phone calls for me, I only had to say that they would, if I asked them to, to stop some of the brutality coming at me.
-I'm lucky that I can help open a National Action Network chapter, Rev. Sharpton's organization, in Jersey City, to protect my " former" community.
-Do you know what young black men say in Harlem? If you join Rev. Sharpton's organization, and the police come after you, for fun, for blood-sport, invoking Rev. Sharpton's name will stop them. That's a disgraceful comment on our police.
-I live like young black men in Harlem. I'm afraid to walk the streets. I'm afraid of the police. I know doctors will lie. I know doctors will treat me like an animal. I don't have to explain to Mike Hardy how psychiatrists, doctors, characterized a slave's desire to be free as a mental disease that could be cured.
-Do you know that Christians in the South are afraid, too, because they think they could be set-up by our government, again [ details to be posted, on my blog, ASAP ].
-Do you know how the patients' rights movement was started? It was started by a normal, healthy woman who was locked in a psychiatric ward for 20 years, so her husband could steal money from her. How do you think husbands got rid of their wives before divorce was allowed? They paid dishonest doctors to lock their wives in psychiatric wards, stole all their wives' money, and then, had all the mistresses they wanted, with the sympathy of their communities, because, poor men, their wives were crazy. This is a feminist issue, too.
-I am sending you this email, copying it widely, and publishing it on the Internet to protect myself, see
-At your earliest possible convenience, please forward the brief factual outline contained in this email, as my complaint to the Board of Trustees.
-Judge Gallipoli, the Superior Court judge who supervises the municipal court judges, already put me on the oral record. I am following up with him, to fill in any gaps in my oral testimony, to date. I am copying this to his law clerk, to protect myself, until I file written papers with Judge Gallipoli.
-Thank you.
FOR CREATING A FALSE LEGAL/ MEDICAL RECORD TO DISCREDIT ME, THEY WANT TO STICK ME WITH A BIG BILL [ without my say-so, your hospital DOES NOT give my bill to Charity Care, or to Welfare, the criminals who lied will pay this bill ].
Their argument against me collapsed to:
( 1 ) My bizarre behavior on 9/12/2008 = I distributed flyers.
Judge Rodriguez, in a lower court, didn’t want people to know that she refused to enforce a “no-contact” order against my landlords, throughout August 2008, so Judge Fast, in a higher court, could rule against me in September 2008.
Judge Fast’s decision against me falls apart.
I can not negotiate a new lease in good faith with criminals, the Pagnozzis, who cheated on their income tax, threatened me, paid an attorney to threaten me, lied in court and to a hospital, violated a “no-contact” order a number of times, and filed false criminal charges against me.
Note: The last time I saw lawyers from Jack Wind’s Northeast New Jersey Legal Services they were handing out flyers in on the 7 floor [ landlord-tenant ] in Superior Court.
Are they mentally ill, too? No.
Did they get threatened with arrest or hospitalization as a mental patient for handing out flyers in a court building, too? No.
Judge Rodriguez does not want anyone to know how hard she worked to keep evidence off-the-record including obstruction of justice: deliberately letting my landlords submit a blank CD, despite repeated objections; my landlords made video-tapes that demonstrated they violated Judge Rodriguez’s “no-contact” order, and refused to provide them as evidence, and Judge Rodriguez helped them get away with it.
FALSE IMPRISONMENT = CRIME [ + other crimes ].
The criminal scheme, goes like this:
-The 9/12/2008 medical record is FRAUD.
-The 9/25/2008 medical record is FRAUD.
[up-dated 3-23-09---my 9/26/08 conversation with Dr. Chang is OMITTED--me to Dr. Chang: "what's going on?" Dr. Chang's reply: " I can't talk to you".
-The 9/30/2008 visit to my home at 4 PM, is deliberately OMITTED.
-To the police, after 7 pm, on 9/30/2008, Dr. Stewart claimed he had the “right” to hold me, based on “history” at his hospital. That history is FRAUD.
-In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, Dr. Stewart claimed he had the “right” to hold me, based on me being “uncooperative”.
-Security guards from Jersey City Medical Center physically assaulted me, a person with neck and back injuries from a recent car crash, and then, they think my manner is “ uncooperative’ ! ! Notwithstanding, a doctor cannot hold a person for being “uncooperative”.
-And, it is NOT TRUE. I told Dr. Stewart that he was LIED to, there were no emails, or letters from me to Judge Rodriguez.
- In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, the Pagnozzis and Falcone’s office LIED to Robert Ruiz. Robert Ruiz accepted their lies without question. He did not even bother checking facts with me. Update on 3/21/2009---this is where their defense falls apart---their excuse, oh, I didn't lie, I just quoted someone else who lied, won't fly. They had a responsibilty to check the facts with me. Deliberately, they did not.
- In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, Robert Ruiz worked hard to deny reality---he knew with absolute certainty that was not MY HAIRY hand in the photograph I posted on the Internet.
-The Jersey police know that they were lied to, I did not voluntarily commit myself. I explained to a police officer, the night of 9/30/ 2008 going into 10/1/2008, in the hospital, that I was protecting evidence. He knew.
-In the morning of 10/1/2008, Dr. La Monica committed me involuntarily based on WHAT ? 36 federal judges can’t be wrong, he said.
FACT: 36 judges already admitted they were wrong, and tried to blame their law clerks.
FACT: In 30 seconds, Dr. La Monica could have looked at page 22, of my medical school bulletin, and confirmed for himself that 36 federal judges lied. He refused.
-The doctors and staff at Jersey City Medical Center LIED to me, my family, and my lawyers. They said they had a signed court order.
-When I asked to see it, they could not produce it.
-Then, they started to change their story, as they learned the legal standard [ immediate danger to self, others, or damage to property ] and lied some more, to try and meet it.
-Dr. Jelnov tried to say I was a danger to self, by claiming I could not interact rationally. This lie does not meet the standard.
-A person has to be in immediate danger of committing suicide, like standing on the outside of a building, looking down, saying that he is going to jump.
-Dr. Jelnov tried to say that I was a danger to others by falsely accusing me of getting a bomb to blow up my school---this is a lie, circulated by my medical school for years, behind my back, and most recently, by Marlen Abramova, a dishonest Russian-Jew, who tried to take credit for my work, and in doing so, lost her case, against my medical school, and made Rita and Stanley Kaplan, of Kaplan Educational Centers, look foolish.
-On 10/2/2008, from a social service note, page 3: “As per Stacey [ Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, who created the false document on 9/12/2008 ] pt. [ patient, referring to me ] has been mailing threatening letters to Judge Rodriquez”.
-They can not produce these letters or the postmarked envelopes, because they do not exist. Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski LIED.
-Information that was that was provided to Jersey City Medical Center from my neurologist, and my personal injury attorney, that directly contradicted the LIES these criminals wanted to tell, was deliberately OMITTED.
-Nowhere in my records do I see a note, directly analogous to the notes that were made when Nino Falcone’s office and my landlords were contacted, that reads: here is the name of the neurologist, his phone number, and the information he provided.
-My neurologist did a complete exam on 7/29/2008 that directly contradicts Dr. Jelnov’s diagnosis--- that is why this information was deliberately omitted. My personal injury attorney directly contradicted Dr. Jelnov’s diagnosis---- that is why his information was deliberately omitted.
-Much later, Vice-President Jim Martin tried to say…..well, what can we do, when we get a phone call from a judge…. Would Mr. Martin or the doctors like to name the judge?
-Jersey City Medical Center LIED: you’re being evicted on 10/1/2008. The attorney covering for Nino Falcone LIED. She was in court with me; she knew I had a waiver good until 10/2/2008, so did my landlord. They knew every time they cashed my rent payments, 5 times, they renewed my tenancy, and I would get another wavier. Judge Fast knew he was setting a dangerous precedent to allow a landlord to do this more than once.
( 3 ) Dr. Jelnov goal was to diagnose me as delusional for the past year to get criminals off the hook.
According to Dr. Jelnov, I have the following beliefs, which are true:
( a ) Her landlord slashed her door with a knife.
FACT: He admitted it, several times.
[ then, a bunch of stupid excuses about why that’s OK ]
( b ) Her medical school owes her money.
FACT: It does.
I paid, in advance, for classes I never got.
( c ) There is a connection between her landlord-tenant case, and her medical school.
FACT: There IS, a number of different ways, easy to prove.
Then, Dr. Jelnov tried to say my functioning decreased.
FACT: My functioning INCREASED, easy to prove.
Note: The North Bergen police threatened me: "we will take you off the streets".
North Bergen is where Nino Falcone is a municipal court judge---in other words, these are his friends.
Dr. La Monica is an ass. I’m preoccupied with criminals in Jersey City who created a false record to steal money from me.
Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski is an ass. What treatment should be provided to me because my medical school falsified financial information to steal money from me. Refund my money to me, that’s effective relief.
The Russians are not informed. Every black mark on my credit report gives me the opportunity to have a hearing to dispute it, at each and every credit reporting agency; so if this is what they want, over, and over, and over again, they can testify as to how they lied, until there is no doubt that they are sociopaths.
Note: My medical school is circulating propaganda that I had a break down, in 1996, because, after two years of constant, unwarranted abuse, I told my dean to go take a long walk off a short pier. The truth is I inhaled a patient’s blood ( not smelled it, this is Russian propaganda ), and could not get medical care without having my privacy with my doctor violated by my medical school.
Note: My medical school claimed it was acceptable to treat me, a student with minority-student status, like an experimental rat, like a Tuskegee experiment, because I am not considered a human being to Zionists.
Tuskegee experiment = black men in the deep South, in America, were used as experimental animals, against their will, because they were not considered human beings by a racist government, from about the late 1940’s to the 1970’s, you know, like Joseph Mengele experimented on the Jews.
At my medical school, Jewish racism mirrors Nazi racism.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Update on 3/19/2009-When the Army comes home, some of them will be traumatized, some will be mis-diagnosed, because they will turn to drugs and alcohol, instead, they can: " use the body to heal the mind ".

Judith Herman's study groups were Holocaust survivors, survivors of violent crimes, and the military.
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[updated on 3/19/2009 ]
Alternatively, from the Training Manual:
( 1 ) How psychological trauma is used to break a new recruit, part I.
Monday, March 16, 2009
No, you will not.
This is how they scared Brian and Julie, originally.
I have been threatened from 1994 to now, ever since I entered the Albert Einstein Freak Show of Medicine, and that is enough.
I can and will post a list.
And, Mr. Falcone, I can and will post all the information I gave to Judge Carpenter, that he forwarded to Judge Gallipoli.
And, Mr. Falcone, I can and will let everyone at Seton Hall know that you, Mr. "I have been to the White House four times" did not say a word to defend Catholics, and spent your time beating up on the woman, me, who did.
Because what should have happened, Mr. Falcone, is that you should have taken a look at what I was bringing to your attention, a private, religious university was getting hundreds of millions of dollars to finance private, religious education and you should have run, not walked, to Seton Hall to organize your Brothers-at-the-bar to ask: "how much money do the Catholics get?"
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Dr. Jelnov wrote a prescription [ RX ] for drugs from 10/1/2008 to 10/15/2008, indicating his plans, his criminal intent....a nice long hospitalization to create a nice, long medical record packed with LIES....for which Jersey City Medical Center would try to charge me thousands of dollars.
Recall, I was never at Jersey City Medical Center on 12/5/2008. This information was sequested in a record that is NOT rountinely provided to patients, in other words, if I did not fight tooth and nail to discover it, I would never have known, and criminals would run around behind my back, circulating LIES about me.
I was charged for drugs I never took for 9/30/2008 to 10/3/2008. Again, if I did not fight tooth and nail to demand full, true, and complete access, I would have never discovered this false information, and criminals would run around behind my back, circulating LIES about me.
Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Their argument against me collapsed to:
( 1 ) My bizarre behavior on 9/12/2008 = I distributed flyers.
Judge Rodriguez, in a lower court, didn’t want people to know that she refused to enforce a “no-contact” order against my landlords, throughout August 2008, so Judge Fast, in a higher court, could rule against me in September 2008.
Judge Fast’s decision against me falls apart.
I can not negotiate a new lease in good faith with criminals, Magda and Ralph Pagnozzi, who cheated on their income tax, threatened me, paid an attorney, Nino Falcone, to threaten me, lied in court and to a hospital, violated a “no-contact” order a number of times, filed false criminal charges against me, AND---update on 3/14/2009--tried to get away with submitting a blank CD of video-taped evidence they made, trying hide evidence is obstruction of justice.
Note: The last time I saw lawyers from Jack Wind’s Northeast New Jersey Legal Services they were handing out flyers in on the 7 floor [ landlord-tenant ] in Superior Court.
Are they mentally ill, too? No.
Did they get threatened with arrest or hospitalization as a mental patient for handing out flyers in a court building, too? No.
Judge Rodriguez does not want anyone to know how hard she worked to keep evidence off-the-record including obstruction of justice: deliberately letting my landlords submit a blank CD, despite repeated objections; my landlords made video-tapes that demonstrated they violated Judge Rodriguez’s “no-contact” order, and refused to provide them as evidence, and Judge Rodriguez helped them get away with it [ update on 3/14/2009--compare municipal court Judge Rodriguez's conduct with municipal court Judge Irwin Rosen's conduct, and Jersey City Mayor Healy's conduct. Mayor Healy tried to help a woman. There was no malice in anything he did. He got prosecuted. Judge Rosen told the truth on the record, he dismissed his own $42 parking ticket, which would have been dismissed anyway. He got prosecuted. Judge Rodriguez deliberately hurt me, and undermined confidence in the town of Jersey City ].
FALSE IMPRISONMENT = CRIME [ + other crimes ].
The criminal scheme, goes like this:
-The 9/12/2008 medical record is FRAUD.
-The 9/25/2008 medical record is FRAUD.
----update on 3/14/2009---I talked to the Pentagon investigator on 9/24/2008--he was fine with me. He told me, post everything you can on the Internet, because screening of hard-copies for Anthax takes weeks. Plus, I know from experience that my hard-copies get thrown away, to deliberately create a false record, and I can make a list--that can be confirmed, independently.
--- [ update on 3/14/2009 ]---deliberately OMITTED, the conversation Dr. Chang and I had on 9/26/2008, Friday.
---I gave Jersey City Medical Center the benefit of doubt, I came down, personally, to the front desk at Jersey City Medical Center, I got Dr. Chang on the phone: " Dr. Chang, if there is a problem, please talk to me now". His response: " I can't talk to you, I can't talk to you". You can't talk to me, but, you can send armed police officers to my house?
[ Jersey City Medical Center can't talk to me, but, they can try to scare my family with false information ? They can't talk to me, but, behind my back, they can create a false medical record----dicated to them, by dishonest attorneys. They can't talk to me, but, behind my back they can talk to my dishonest landlords without checking the facts with me? ]
-The 9/30/2008 visit to my home at 4 PM, is deliberately OMITTED.
-To the police, after 7 pm, on 9/30/2008, Dr. Stewart claimed he had the “right” to hold me, based on “history” at his hospital. That history is FRAUD.
-In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, Dr. Stewart claimed he had the “right” to hold me, based on me being “uncooperative”.
-Security guards from Jersey City Medical Center physically assaulted me, a person with neck and back injuries from a recent car crash, and then, they think my manner is “ uncooperative " [Note: as in " you went off the reservation " this was cruel, cruelty does not inspire loyalty, turf battles do not inspire loyalty ] Notwithstanding, a doctor cannot hold a person for being “uncooperative”.
-And, it is NOT TRUE. I told Dr. Stewart that he was LIED to, there were no emails, or letters from me to Judge Rodriguez.
- In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, the Pagnozzis and Falcone’s office LIED to Robert Ruiz. Robert Ruiz accepted their lies without question. He did not even bother checking facts with me.
- In the late evening, 9/30/2008 going into 10/1/2008, Robert Ruiz worked hard to deny reality---he knew with absolute certainty that was not MY HAIRY hand in the photograph I posted on the Internet.
-The Jersey police know that they were lied to, I did not voluntarily commit myself. I explained to a police officer, the night of 9/30/ 2008 going into 10/1/2008, in the hospital, that I was protecting evidence. He knew.
-In the morning of 10/1/2008, Dr. La Monica committed me involuntarily based on WHAT ? 36 federal judges can’t be wrong, he said. --update on 3/14/2009--This is NOT a legal standard to involuntarily commit a person, and, if Dr. La Monica does not know it, he is INCOMPETENT.
FACT: 36 judges already admitted they were wrong, and tried to blame their law clerks.
FACT: In 30 seconds, Dr. La Monica could have looked at page 22,
of my medical school bulletin, and confirmed for himself that 36 federal
judges lied. He refused.
-The doctors and staff at Jersey City Medical Center LIED to me, my family, and my lawyers. They said they had a signed court order.
-When I asked to see it, they could not produce it.
-Then, they started to change their story, as they learned the legal standard
[ immediate danger to self, others, or damage to property ] and lied some more, to try and meet it.
-Dr. Jelnov tried to say I was a danger to self, by claiming I could not interact rationally. This lie does not meet the standard. Normal, sane, decent people act, what appears to be, irrationally all the time.
-A person has to be in immediate danger of committing suicide, like standing on the outside of a building, looking down, saying that he is going to jump. --update on 3/14/2009--And, if Dr. Jelnov does not know this, then, he is INCOMPETENT.
-Dr. Jelnov tried to say that I was a danger to others by falsely accusing me of getting a bomb to blow up my school---this is a lie, circulated by my medical school for years, behind my back, and most recently, by Marlen Abramova, a dishonest Russian-Jew, who tried to take credit for my work, and in doing so, lost her case, against my medical school, and made Rita and Stanley Kaplan, of Kaplan Educational Centers, look foolish.
-On 10/2/2008, from a social service note, page 3: “As per Stacey [ Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, who created the false document on 9/12/2008 ] pt. [ patient, referring to me ] has been mailing threatening letters to Judge Rodriquez”.
-They can not produce these letters or the postmarked envelopes, because they do not exist. Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski LIED.
-Information that was that was provided to Jersey City Medical Center from my neurologist, and my personal injury attorney, that directly contradicted the LIES these criminals wanted to tell, was deliberately OMITTED.
-Nowhere in my records do I see a note, directly analogous to the notes that were made when Nino Falcone’s office and my landlords were contacted, that reads: here is the name of the neurologist, his phone number, and the information he provided.
-My neurologist did a complete exam on 7/29/2008 that directly contradicts Dr. Jelnov’s diagnosis--- that is why this information was deliberately omitted. My personal injury attorney directly contradicted Dr. Jelnov’s diagnosis---- that is why this information was deliberately omitted.
-Much later, Vice-President Jim Martin tried to say…..well, what can we do, when we get a phone call from a judge…. Would Mr. Martin or the doctors like to name the judge?
-Jersey City Medical Center LIED: you’re being evicted on 10/1/2008. The attorney covering for Nino Falcone LIED. She was in court with me; she knew I had a waiver good until 10/2/2008, so did my landlord. They knew every time they cashed my rent payments, 5 times, they renewed my tenancy, and I would get another wavier. Judge Fast knew he was setting a dangerous precedent to allow a landlord to do this more than once.
( 3 ) Dr. Jelnov goal was to diagnose me as delusional for the past year to get criminals off the hook.
According to Dr. Jelnov, I have the following beliefs, which are true:
( a ) Her landlord slashed her door with a knife.
FACT: He admitted it, several times.
[ then, a bunch of stupid excuses about why that’s OK ]
( b ) Her medical school owes her money.
FACT: It does.
I paid, in advance, for classes I never got.
( c ) There is a connection between her landlord-tenant case, and her
medical school.
FACT: There IS, a number of different ways, easy to prove.
Then, Dr. Jelnov tried to say my functioning decreased.
FACT: My functioning INCREASED, easy to prove.
Dr. La Monica is an ass. I’m preoccupied with criminals in Jersey City who created a false record to steal money from me.
Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski is an ass. What treatment should be provided to me because my medical school falsified financial information to steal money from me. Refund my money to me, that’s effective relief.
The Russians are not informed. Every black mark on my credit report gives me the opportunity to have a hearing to dispute it, at each and every credit reporting agency; so if this is what they want, over, and over, and over again, they can testify as to how they lied, until there is no doubt that they are sociopaths.
Note: My medical school is circulating propaganda that I had a break down, in 1996, because, after two years of constant, unwarranted abuse, I told my dean to go take a long walk off a short pier. The truth is I inhaled a patient’s blood
( not smelled it, this is Russian propaganda ), and could not get medical care without having my privacy with my doctor violated by my medical school.
Note: My medical school claimed it was acceptable to treat me, a student with minority-student status, like an experimental rat, like a Tuskegee experiment, because I am not considered a human being to Zionists.
Tuskegee experiment = black men in the deep South, in America, were used as experimental animals, against their will, because they were not considered human beings by a racist government, from about the late 1940’s to the 1970’s, you know, like Joseph Mengele experimented on the Jews.
At my medical school, Jewish racism mirrors Nazi racism.
Prophetic, isn’t it ?
The abused, becomes the abuser,
The victim, becomes the victimizer,
And, so the abuse is carried forward into the next generation,
How they live in you, Nazi Jew.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I am sending you this email, copying it widely, and publishing it on the Internet to protect myself, because I have demonstrated judges, the Hudson County prosecutor’s office, the police, and my government will not protect me, my family, or the citizens in my community from criminals.
The kind of overt aggression that was directed at me yesterday at your hospital was completely unwarranted, your hospital is scaring me, your security officers have physically assaulted me, and a friend of mine; this, in addition to the fact that doctors and staff at your hospital intentionally created a false medical record/legal record that is being used, like a club to hurt me; I am afraid, I could not get the work I needed done today completed, I am insulted, and I am tired of being falsely characterized, and falsely accused.
I would like to make a formal complaint to the Board of Trustees, not only about the unwarranted aggression your hospital directed at me yesterday, but, also about Medicaid fraud. My $15,000 bill was submitted to New Jersey Medicaid without my knowledge or consent, and I protest, in the most strenuous terms possible, this fraud.
Today, I reviewed the facts with a member of your staff, Edwin Cuervas, Jr, and asked him to remind you that I would like my formal complaint forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
Pursuant to this complaint, please preserve ( 1 ) the hard-copies of all my records at your hospital, and ( 2 ) all video-tapes, including the video-tape of my interactions with Dr. Stewart on 2/24/2009 to 2/25/2009 wherein he expressed his anger towards me for placing his name, information, facts, and evidence, on my blogsites, in order to protect myself, and claimed falsely that I was behaving erratically, as an excuse to inject me with an un-necessary major tranquilizer. Apparently, this is one way that Dr. Michael Stewart expresses aggression and retaliation, in addition to intentionally creating a false medical record.
On 2/24/2009 to 2/25/2009 I was sitting quietly, on the edge of a bed, trying to have a civilized conservation with Dr. Stewart about the fact that Judge Rodriguez did not like the way I shared information with my community regarding the way she had misused her position, and abused the system to intentionally harm me, and informed members of my community about the New Jersey court rule that would allow them to switch judges, no questions asked. Apparently, Judge Rodriguez does not like the hand-bills that I distributed, published on my blogsite, for ease of reference [ see, www.http// , to denote a concept, taught at West Point , and, executed by the National Action Network, that no one stands alone against evil, what the rabbis call Amalek ].
Judge Nesle Rodriguez [ a woman ] lied about me; so did Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, a mental-health worker, in the municipal court, employed by your hospital.
To recap, as briefly as possible, last week, as I was reviewing the hard-copies of what purports to be a legal/medical record at your hospital, I discovered the name of Shari Grenier noted, and asked the gentleman in medical records who was helping me how I would go about speaking with her. He told me her office was located across the hall, and that I should go talk with her. I did so. Ms. Grenier was not available so I left a message with her assistant. I followed-up, but, could not get a call back, or a sense of what Ms. Grenier’s schedule was like so that I could make an appointment. So, today, I asked her assistant if she would be so kind as to place a hand-written memo in Ms. Grenier’s mailbox, so that Ms. Grenier could get a sense of the very serious nature of the crimes directed at me.
My memo read like this, essentially:
“ To: Shari Grenier 3/10/09
From: Lidya Radin
I am reviewing what purports to be a legal record/medical record at your hospital,
and, I am shocked to discover deliberate omissions, and intentional false
statements of material fact that I would like to discuss with you and the members
of your staff who are responsible for creating this false record.
Here’s an example: ‘ As per Stacey [ Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski ] pt.
[ pt. = patient, referring to me ] has been mailing threatening letters to Judge
Rodriguez ’, from a social service note, made on 10/2/08 .
This is a false statement.
Can I see these letters, and the post-marked envelopes?
I can’t, because they do not exist. Can you explain why Stacey
Dix-Kielbiowski lied about me, and now, refuses to return my phones calls? ”
This is not the only false statement of material fact that is contained in my records at your hospital, I can cite other examples.
Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski refused to return phone calls for months. Apparently, she can create a false medical record behind an innocent person’s back, but, she cannot face her victim, me.
I saw my memo in your hands, today, so I know that you are aware that there is nothing threatening or inappropriate contained therein.
There is nothing inappropriate or threatening in my conduct either.
I understand the goal is to shut me up, and shut me out of any kind of process wherein the truth could be heard.
The bottom line is that the criminals responsible for hurting me, do not want employees of your hospital to know that their co-workers, Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, Robert Ruiz, and Doctors Stewart, La Monica, and Jelnov lied about me.
I would appreciate a call back, and guidance and direction as to how I can bring the crimes in my case to the attention of the Board of Trustees as quickly as possible to address the crimes directed at me, and so that no other innocent person is harmed by your hospital.
I already explicitly pointed-out and discussed some of the false statements of material fact contained in my records with Bryna Keiser, Director of Medical Records, and pointed out this false statement to her and to the Assistant Medical Director.
I explicitly release my medical records, the hard-copies which are easier to read and the scanned documents, at your hospital to any employee at your hospital so that they can view for themselves the lies recorded in my records, and confirm that I did not forge these documents [ Dan Riesel, a dishonest attorney for Yeshiva University, my medical school, likes to falsely accuse me of forging documents ], and I invite them, and encourage them to view these documents for themselves, so that they know I am not lying, and I invite them, and encourage them to ask me any questions they like.
As far as I am concerned, these records are wholesale fraud, not a bona fide, guenuine, record created by normal, decent people doing the best they can. If these were normal, decent people they would sit down and explain to me, how and why they intentionally created a false record to hurt me, upon which they continue to base even more crimes against me.
Notwithstanding, Dr. Jelnov's diagnosis that I have been delusional for the past year is absurd, intended to get my dishonest landlords, Ralph and Magda Pagnozzi, and dishonest judges off the hook, namely their attorney, North Bergen municipal court Judge Nino Falcone, and not supported by, at least, four doctors who have been treating me for neck and back injuries sustained in a car crash on June 24, 2008.
Moverover, my neurologist did a mental status exam on 7/29/2008 wherein he stated that I was normal. His reports were deliberately kept off my records at your hospital so that Drs. Jelnov, La Monica, and Stewart could get away with lying about me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I spoke with Bob Jones.
They are afraid.
Here's why [ finish this ASAP ].
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I have not gotten a chance to confirm this information through independent sources, because who, at this point, believes the American propaganda machine, however, according to the American press, Adm. Mullen is using the military as an adjunct police force to secure the Mexican border.
If true, then, Adm. Mullen just independently validated the legal move I made when I went to Westpoint to ask for help, and said that in a time of war, when civilian authority is so corrupt that it breaks down, then, it is appropriate for a civilian, like me, to appeal for help to the military, as an adjunct police force.
Note: Say what you want about Richard Nixon, but, some of his legal work was very good; you guys should read the executive orders; there's even one on Communism I can use, today.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
(1 ) run around behind her back, telling lawyers not to take her case.
As recently as February 20, 2009, Jonathan Goodman, my public defender, confirmed this to me.
( 2 ) run around behind her back, telling people not to help her.
( 3 ) run around behind her back, telling people that she is mentally-ill, and that she is an out-patient.
Can you believe how sick, how deeply disturbed these people are?
And, how stupid people like Tracy McQuaide, at the Hudson County Prosecutor's office is? She is a prosecutor and she believes these criminals without question, without even discussing the FACTS with me?
( 4 ) make her put everything in writing, over and over again, to have her experience psychological pain, and then, claim that her writing behavior is evidence of a mental illness.
Friday, March 6, 2009
It looks like he believes I was delusional because:
( 1 ) There was a decrease in functioning---NOT TRUE.
He stated this in order to use words and phrases to manage towards a false diagnosis.
FACT: There has been an INCREASE in functioning.
[ list facts, with detailed supportive examples, here ].
( 2 ) I believed that there was a connection between my landlords’ dishonest attorney and the dishonest attorneys for my racist medical school.
See ( i ) December 6, 2007 letter to landlord, and ( ii ) their attorney’s December 12, 2007 reply, and ( iii ) I discussed this with my landlord in February 2007.
[ the December 12, 2007 letter is already posted on this blog, and the Hudson County prosecutor already has this letter and more, as did Judges Carpenter and Gallipoli; moreover, these were entered into evidence in my landlord-tenant case, with Judge Fast. In his December 12, 2007 letter to me, North Bergen, municipal-court judge Nino Falcone threatened me, because I called him a dishonest attorney. He IS a dishonest attorney. He acted on his threats. ]
( iii ) In February 2007, when my landlord tried to order me out of my home, I explained, that my medical school falsified financial information to steal money from me in a federal student loan program : I paid for classes Yeshiva University never provided.
My landlord knew about my federal lawsuit. He knew because I explained to him that with the black mark of a defaulted student loan on my credit reports
[ done in May 2006, not ten years ago ] it would be difficult for me to rent an apartment, because I could not pass a credit check.
The response of my attorney, and his, was that my landlord would give me some money and I could go bribe a dishonest landlord----yeah, right, I already have that situation with the Pagnozzis. That would really improve my life, getting involved with MORE criminals.
[ actions against me happened as recently as a few weeks ago, and as recently as May 2006, NOT 10 YEARS AGO, when I was illegally declared in default on a student loan I was not eligible to receive in the first place, damaging my credit reports for life, not for 7 years, as the bankruptcy rules do not apply to federal student loans. Janice Bennett, a member of my Promotions Committee, lied as recently as a few weeks ago, not 10 years ago. Moreover, Janice Bennett, and every member of my Promotions Committee had and has an obligation to accurately report the number of classes Yeshiva University provided to me, so that there could be an honest accounting, not to continue to lie about this issue ].
(3 ) I believe my medical school owes me money.
FACT: It does. I paid for classes Yeshiva University never provided.
I showed Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski post-marked envelopes and bills, the falsified promissory note, and explained. Judge Rodriguez, a chief judge, has had my falsified promissory note in her hands since 7/10/2008.
( 4 ) I believe that my landlord slashed my door with a knife.
FACT: He already admitted doing so to the police. Witnesses saw him do it. They took photographs. I posted one on this blog.
As recently, as February 20, 2009, he admitted to this again, and his criminal-defense attorney had all kinds of absurd reasons why it was OK to take a knife to my door, in August 2008, in violation of a “no-contact” order.
[ Excuse: The landlord, Mr. Pagnozzi, damaged his own property, he doesn’t need a mental-health exam. FACT: Mr. Pagnozzi tried to scare me, and witnesses against him, some of us had already testified against him in a civil trial, and were scheduled to testify against him again, in an upcoming criminal trial ].
[ Excuse: He was just trying to remove a sign held in place with tape, because it was a fire hazard. Nonsense. Long before I held the signs in place with tape, Mr. Pagnozzi and his wife came to my door, at night, yelling that I was a “rat”, pulling down my signs, and stuffing them under my door: “ choke on this, you rat ”.
[ I placed the signs on my door, so that when I left the house, my landlord, acting under direction of his dishonest attorney, would not try and pull another dirty trick. Like coming to my home with a police officer, while I was out, and claiming that there was an emergency, so that he could gain immediate access to my apartment, as he tried to do, previously on 6/20/2008 see, Sindoni letter, dated 6/20/2008. My landlord, Mr. Pagnozzi, also violated a "no-contact" order about 24 hours later, in January 2008, this "no-contact" order was issued from a criminal court, CJP, in Jersey City. Mr. Falcone, Mr. Pagnozzi's dishonest attorney, and a municipal court judge in North Bergen, violated this "no-contact" order 10 days later, as Tracey McQuaide, in the Hudson County Prosecutor office knows. [the additions made in green, to clarify, were made on 3/9/2009 ]. I already demonstrated, on this blog, that if I did not protect evidence from being lost or stolen, Nino Falcone would create a false record, and try to steal money from me, committ more crimes, based on that false record---are you sensing a THEME here, Mr. Hudson County Prosecutor, could your rival use your refusal to act to protect me, and other citizens in Jersey City in a re-election campagin? Same question for the City Council-----see, Falcone’s November 2008 letter re: my security deposit, and my reply ].
[ Nino Falcone has been to the White House 4 times---but, he can't open his mouth to speak up for Catholics ? ! Instead, he beats up on me ! ]
[ My landlord pulled down my signs because he was ashamed that his tenant was compelled to employ these measures and more to protect herself, and that no potential tenant would want to rent from him ].
( 5 ) Dr. Jelnov's entire diagnosis collapsed down to: she talks TOO FAST.
I grew up in New York. We ALL talk TOO FAST, walk too fast, eat too fast.
We live in a get-it-done-yesterday world. Even Lt. Col. Reilly said so, back in medical school, this is normal.
My neurologist talks faster than I do, every surgeon I ever met talks faster than I do, no one calls them manic.
Mikey Weinstein, a former WHITE HOUSE attorney, and founder of Military Religious Freedom Foundation, says he sleeps 4 hours a night, and outside of an hour and a half of exercise per day, devotes all his time, money, and energy to this foundation, and no one calls him obsessed.
I'm obsessed because I have been continually threatened, and am compelled to protect myself against criminals----I should relax! Are these people kidding ? ! I can post a list of threats from medical school to now. Here's what Dominick Purpura, " former " dean of my medical school told me, when I asked him about my falsified records: "what makes you think this has anything to do with the truth, Lidya", in front of a witness who took notes.
Dr. Jelnov threatened me: shut-up about the 36 federal judges who lied in your case, or we'll LIE about you even more, to imprison you in a locked psychiatric ward for the rest of your life, even though everyone knows you have no mental defect or disease; even though everyone knows you stood-up against Zionists, racists who corrupted the flow of information to a GENERAL on the WESTPOINT campus-----THIS IS THE ISSUE------ Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly deserves recognition for standing-up with me, too.
( 6 ) Jersey City Medical Center is NOT an innocent victim. Had anyone discussed these issues with me, I could have provided them with accurate information. THIS IS THE POINT---create a false record, rumor-monger behind her back, tell all kinds of outlandish stories to ruin her life.
Note: The Syrian press secretary promised me that if he/they heard these terrible stories, they would tell me, so I could provide accurate information. They were gentlemen.
Note for Tony, #1: Thank goodness for the boys that protect your life BY CONTRACT, too. Here's your marketing message: Support your Local Mafia, goodness knows, one day you might need them, when the boys in blue refuse to protect you.
Note for Tony, #2: The Russians are with you. Here's what they say, quoted in the New York Times: Don't think of us as a criminal organization, instead, think of us as an adjunct police force, you know, the ones you pay directly, when the boys in blue, the ones you are fighting for, let you down.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Gandhi read the Russian authors,
Against an overwhelming force,
Violence leads to slaughter,
He created another way,
And inspired his troops with Yeats [ * correction, 3/12/09, I may have cited the incorrect poet, will check, and correct ] :
“ Stand ye calm
And resolute,
Like a forest,
Close and mute,
With folded arms and eyes which are
Weapons of unvanquished war,
And should the tyrants dare
Let them ride among you there
And slash, and stab, and, maim, and hew,
What they like, that let them do
With folded arms
And steady eyes
Little fear and less surprise
Look upon them as they slay
‘Til their rage has died away. ”
Note for Tony: when you taught the women, did you teach them to obey?
Did you teach them to say " NO ", too ?
Did you teach them that history [ his-story ] is not made by women who behave?
At Columbia, if the students did not take over the buildings, every couple years or so, we'd disappoint our professors.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Update on 3/7/2009- Even better if Yeshiva University lies and says there is no contract, even better for Lt. Col. Reilly.
Robin Pattin was trying to give me acting lessons in how to act stupid and helpless, so our professors would do our work for us. I refused.
Janice Bennett was never my therapist. She was a stooge for my medical school. Her job was to slap a false label on me, and then, run around behind my back, telling people she diagnosed me. When I confronted her, she lied.
I was accepted to medical school to satisfy tacit quotas in the admissions process, to demonstrate diversity, and then, railroaded out.
I already discussed the details with Reilly. If not anatomy lab, Yeshiva University's lawyers would have made something else up.
Update on 3/7/2009- Detective Lee and I had a recent conversation. He reminded me that Marlen Abramova [ accompanied with Jeevan Padiyar ] made a false police report; she falsely reported that I subjected her to aggravated harassment.
In one of our conversations, Detective Lee let me know that Marlen Abramova was running around behind my back telling people that I was going to go get bomb from Hamas and blow-up my school. Chief of staff, Mike Simanowitz, at Assembly woman Nettie Mayersohn's office, confirmed this rumor-mongering too.
For Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly:
-Don't worry.
-Janice Bennett discredited herself. She stated, over the course of time, that David W. Preven, MD, supervised her work with our group.
-He left me audio-tapes, stating that was not true. I played them for witnesses [ placed on hard-drives, up-loaded to the Internet ].
-I suspect that they regarded your contract as a commodity, placed it in a safe, somewhere, and waited for your political career. Then, they would have leaked it to a rag-sheet, to make a few bucks, make you look bad.
-Now, if they bring this up, just start screaming malpractice, if they try to throw mud at you.
-Have your political career, after military service.
-Medical school won't touch you.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
[ the element of guilty mind necessary to convict ] is demonstrated by:
( 1 ) deliberate false statements of material fact. They told lies, and they knew they were lying at the time they lied.
( 2 ) deliberate omissions. Once, again, they created a false record based on deceptive practices: (i) false statements of material fact, and (ii ) deliberate omissions. Then, they committed MORE crimes, based on the false record they created. [ insert here ].
( 3 ) They deliberately did not check with me. [ examples, we spoke to your landlord....he's what he landlord lied, here's why.....he already admitted that he slashed my door with a knife, and, most recently, he and his criminal attorney made up more lies to try and justify this conduct* , and Robert Ruiz knew my landlord lied, Robert Ruiz does not honestly and sincerely believe that is my HAIRY hand in the photo I posted. We spoke to your landlord's's what they said....they lied....they were in court with me, they knew I had a waiver, there was NO EVICTION.....they lied, Jersey City Medical Center never cross-checked the FACTS WITH ME, deliberately ].
(4 ) Dr. Jelnov's prescribing behavior [ insert here ].
( 5 ) The false record created after I left the hospital, and this information was not provided to me as a matter of course, I had to fight tooth and nail to discover it, in other words, other innocent victims would not discover this easily, either: (iii ) I was not a patient on 12/5/08 [ more false records ] and (iv) I was charged for drugs that I never took, from 9/30/08 to 10/3/08.
( 6) Dr. Stewart's retaliatory actions last week: angry because his name, and the facts, appear on this blog, angry because I circulated hand-bills, and told members of my community how to protect themselves from these criminals.
[ insert more here ]
* The law is intented to protect people. Not here's a rule, and here's the lie we're going to tell to circumvent that rule. This is not the practice of law. This is criminal conduct. This is what we pay the Mafia to do, we pay you, you commit crimes for us [ with all do respect to Italian-Americans ].
Monday, March 2, 2009

Last week I was hand-billing, shaking hands with members of my "former" community, sharing information with Jersey City residents about how they could protect themselves from Judge Rodriguez [ Jersey court rules state that no one has to put-up with a corrupt judge, if, for any reason, a person feels uncomfortable, all she has to do is ask for another judge, she does not have to prove anything ]; apparently, Judge Rodriguez does not like the truth, so she tried to have me spend the night in county jail, and when that didn't work, then, she trumpeted up a reason [ " I'm so upset " ] to have me spend a night in the ER with Dr. Stewart, who expressed his anger at having his name placed on this blog. *****more notes, here, ASAP****** Dr. Stewart discredited himself.