Saturday, August 30, 2008

Congressman Mica's office sent a FedX to the House Judiciary Committee, now, controlled by the Democrats.
Staff [ renata strause ] claimed that this FedX was "lost". Where's the tracking and confirmation number?
This FedX was not "lost". It was deliberately thrown away. My conversations support this.
And, this point is irrelevant. I emailed information to staff at the Judiciary Committee, and made follow-up phone calls. They know.
Dr. Gold at Bellevue Hospital, in New York City, agrees with me. 36 federal judges and Dan Riesel are psychotic: persistence in an irrational belief despite hard evidence to the contrary, see the definition in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 36 federal judges upheld a fabricated ruling that a " former " student cannot correct her records----too stupid, too stupid, too stupid for words. Of course, a " former " student can correct her records, the law, accrediation standards, and simple common sense dictate so. No one honesty and sincerely believes that I should pay thousands of dollars for classes Yeshiva University never provided to me just because a bunch of STOOGE JUDGES made something up.
If these judges want to play games [ while real men and women, on every side, are dying in a war ] and refuse to correct this deliberately fabricated ruling, and the REST OF THEIR STUPIDITY, then, they can be removed from their posts FOR BEING OVERTLY MENTALLY ILL. CASE CLOSED. GET REAL.

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