Friday, August 29, 2008

A President Does Not Stand Alone. Time-line for Scarfone, Feb. 10, 2006 email.

June 2005-Radin discovered falsified promissory note. Two-year fraud discovery rule in civil cases, one-year fraud discovery rule for criminal prosecution. Financial issues cannot be separated from the persons who are responsible for Ms. Radin's illegal expulsion. This is a false argument put forth by Riesel et al in order to mitigate, decrease, Ms. Radin's damages. Radin has the absolute right to submit an amended complaint. An amended complaint completely replaces the original complaint. Dan Riesel knows this, and has cooperated in a concerted effort to steal money from Ms. Radin, and otherwise destroy her life. Dan Riesel is a former chief prosecutor for the federal government. He knows what he is doing is wrong. He operates with criminal intent.

Oct. 2005-Mike Tyberg ordered to stop taking classes by Yeshiva University.

Dec. 2005-Mike Tyberg ordered to complete Financial Aid applications by Yeshiva University.

Spring/summer 2006- Mike Tyberg ordered to endorse loan checks to pay for classes Yeshiva University never provided. He tried to give Cheryl Fisher the emails that Greenberg sent him, making these demands, plus his transcript, and his promissory notes; she wasn't interested. His attorney is managing his case in ways that work for Yeshiva, not him. His attorney did not demand criminal charges. I can show you all the ways Mike was managed towards failure.

June 27, 2006-meeting with Cheryl Fisher, attorney at the state guarantee agency, with witnesses. Ms. Fisher has all kinds of excuses that do not fly regarding why she is incapable of taking effective action. I can refute all of them: "How would we know your enrollment status?" Because every semester/every year this state guarantee agency sent me letters of inquiry. I was required to respond. I did. I saved those inquiries, as corroborative evidence.

Ms. Fisher, its been over two years since we came to Albany-----what have you been doing?

Scarfone lie # 1- "Radin failed three of five first year courses", this is a LIE, see bulletin 1993/1995, page 37, posted on this blogsite and submitted in federal court, I failed 3 of 14 classes (one major course, Biochemistry, and two minor courses, Genetics and Embryology), also cross-reference to my academic transcript. I submitted all this information, in detail, in federal court, with Judge Paterson.

Scarfone lie # 2 - "Radin failed to continue her studies". Not true. After my decelerated program was cancelled by Reichgott in January 1996, see January 1996 email exchange, there was no other program provided to me. Three of the first-year classes (I was repeating, from first year) overlapped with 2 of the second year classes, so Reichgott ordered me not to take the second year classes. I only took 3 of 5. My last class was in February 1996. My last exam was in March 1996, see bulletin 1993/1995, page 38, posted on this blogsite, and submitted as evidence in federal court.

Scarfone lie # 3- "she was involuntarily withdrawn when she refused to submit to a psychiatric exam" . Not true. I thought this was a reasonable request, and said so, in front of witnesses and in writing. I was expelled because I refused to sign a contract wherein I would agree to release Yeshiva University from liability should doctors in its employ commit a malpractice on me, and use that malpractice to destroy my career, and my life.

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