Thursday, November 6, 2008


Major, Major General
You just don't understand
I have executed, in essence,
the meaning of Katyn
I have separated the field
from the high command.

I had no choice
I had to force his hand.

-Senator Grassley knows that I had to start forcing issues.

-Adm. Mullen has no choice. He has to deal with the situation on the home front. Forget about the president, they're puppets. Presidents come and go, but, the Pentagon, like the Church, is forever.

-Katyn-they killed the ones best able to fight.

-In effect, I have taken away the field's ability to fight. Mullen can't leave you out there, General, alone, in the field, without dealing with the situation on the home front. It is a terrible thing to leave the field unsupported in a time of war; no foreign general will respect Adm. Mullen for this.

-Judges who lie, doctors who lie, police who lie, elected officials, no critical reporting in an unbiased press----the enemy isn't in Iraq-----the enemy is HERE, in America.

-America plays Poland to Israel's Germany. We're destabilizing the Middle East to set-up puppet democracies, towards what end, for whose benefit?

-Major General, Orthodox-Jews lied to steal money from me, and our government is helping them. A Jewish judge protected an Israeli to hurt me, a Christian, and drive me from my home, and our government is helping them.

-The Middle East will laugh at you, and your men ( and my friend, Reilly ), what are you fighting for, the right of Jews to steal from Christians, on American soil, in a time of war? The right of Orthodox-Jews to use tax money collected from all tax-payers to support their religion, but, no other religion? The right of the US Supreme Court [ the highest in our land ] to fabricate a ruling that is used to hurt Bob Jones University, Christians, but, a ruling that is not applied to Yeshiva University, Orthodox-Jews? The right of 36 federal judges to fabricate rulings to steal from me, a Christian?

-What are you fighting for, General? To protect Jewish racism in America?

-No one believes that America will protect Iran, so Iran should not build to capacity. American does not protect me, an American woman, on America soil, in a time of war.

-36 federal judges rule on terrorism cases, rule on cases targeting Muslims, targeted by racial profiling. Look how easily the law is exploited. I was falsely accused of being a terrorist four times.

-Foreign presidents have to be concerned about the welfare of Muslims and Christians in America, AMERICAN CITIZENS, because we do not?

-Without backing from the home front, without dealing with the 36 federal judges who lied on the home front, the Middle East will laugh at you, Major General. You will be humiliated.

-Hamas will taunt you in the street, the Arab street, America isn't safe for Americans on American soil. Go home, Major General, they'll say, make America safe for Americans before your army tries to destabilize the Middle East to give us puppet democracies where we can be as oppressed as you. You will not be seen as a protector. You will be seen as an aggressor.

-With great respect, I have more creditability in the Middle East than Condolessa Rice, because I paid; I paid with my life.

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