Friday, October 31, 2008


-Dr. Jelnov, a dishonest psychiatrist at Jersey City Medical Center, threatened me that if I did not pay tens of thousands of dollars for classes Yeshiva University never provided, then, he, acting in concert with other criminals, nobly Dan Riesel ( a former chief federal prosecutor who committed perjury in my case, and for the past three years has helped my medical school steal money from me ), would falsely label me in order to imprison me in a locked pyschiatric ward for the rest of my life, even though there is nothing wrong with me, and I have ample evidence to demonstrate so.

-Today I discussed this with Dr. Hausknecht ( 19 East 37th street, NY, NY; telephone: 212-239-2112, a doctor who is treating me for a back injury related to a car accident ), and a personal friend, to protect my life.

-Dr. Jelnov came up with the absurd story that I have been continously out-of-touch with reality for the past 20 years such that I was not able to function in the real world. He also came up with other impossible to believe details, which I will refute in a post as soon as possible.

-I feel fortunate that it is so easy to demonstrate that Dr. Jelnov is a liar. All I have to do is make up a time-line of my accomplishments over the past 20 years to demonstrate irrefutably that Dr. Jelnov and his accomplices are a clear and present danger to society.

-A sample: Over the past twenty years, I earned an honors degree from Columbia University, worked in research labs, worked for an elite tutoring company, had a research paper dedicated to me for technical skill, worked at US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's office, was offered admission at three medical schools, have an outstanding performance evaluation from Dr. Blau, a well-respected psychiatrist who was my professor in medical school, worked 90 hours a week at Long Island Jewish Medical Center on an original clinical research project where I interviewed patients alone and behind closed doors about very difficult material, subsequent to my illegal explusion, worked at a Fortune 300 company where I neogiated million dollar deals, and was told that I closed deals that no other executive in the company could, was offered a job at a Fortune 100 company, and now, have caught Dan Riesel, a former federal chief prosecutor and my medical school in federal crimes.

-The election was rigged.

-How would the American public had voted if they knew that the Democratic Party, funded by the Israel/Zionist Lobby did not want to deal with 36 federal judges who helped my medical school steal from me and Mike Tyberg, and lie to destroy the lives of innocent people, because they wanted to rig the presidential election?

-List of those who have been informed:

-Howard Dean, chair, National Democratic Party.

-Rev. Sharpton, political activist, in New York.

-Michael Hardy, attorney for Rev. Sharpton.

-Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

-Senators Obama, McCain, Biden, and Grassley.

-Orthodox-Jews at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, an overtly-bigoted Zionist school, lied to steal money from me, a Christian woman with minority-student status, lied to destroy my life, tried to shut me up, 36 federal judges and high government officials are helping them.

-The House Judiciary Committee, controlled by the Democratic Party, fueled by the Zionist lobby, refuses to do anything about 36 federal judges who already admitted to Congressman Mica's office that they lied, because the Democratic Party does not want to do anything to " mess up their election " in November.

-Threats against me have already been acted on. I was illegally abducted, and incarcerated for days, based on lies.

-I am posting detailed information on, as quickly as possible, to save my life from these criminals.

-I was told that if I continued to advocate for myself and others, if I reached out to presidents of other countries, then my government would lie about me some more, and hold me, as a prisoner for life.

-Last year, human rights advocate, Zeljko Komsic, Presidency Chairman of Bosnia & Herzegovina, tried to help me.

-This year I tried to help President Ahmadinejah [ Ahmadinejah helped Bosnia, in the past ].

-President Ahmadinejah was concerned for the welfare of Muslims in Bosnia. He is concerned about the welfare of Muslims in America, and, thank goodness, his diplomats are concerned about me.

-Where in America is the private Islamic University paid for with public, tax-dollars that is given to Muslims, the same way that Yeshiva University, a private, religious school paid for with tax-dollars is provided for Orthodox-Jews?

-There is no private, religious, Islamic University paid for with public, tax-dollars in America that is provided to Muslims, yet, their tax dollars, like mine and
like that of other Christians, goes to fund another religion, but not our religion.

-Why does the CIA pay money [ money that cannot be touched ] to a school that lies to steal money?

-Why is the Democratic Party helping to rig an election for these criminals?

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