Sunday, October 5, 2008


The documents posted on the yeshiva-victims-fraud blog, just click on this link to view, , were provided to the New York City Police Department (NYPD), 112, Detectives Lee, Hoxha, and Magaldi, telephone: 718-520-9252, complaint number 5862, who cleared me of false charges, including the false charge that I was a terrorist.

Brief statement of the issue:

Real organizations, like Yeshiva University and Touro College, Orthodox-Jewish schools, engaged in real crimes and real discrimination towards real victims, and did not lose their tax-exemption.

In contrast, Bob Jones University, a Christian school, had its tax-exemption revoked based on a theory, based on conjecture. There are no real victims of Bob Jones University, demonstrating discrimination by the United States government that is executed on an institutional scale.

-The good news: Yeshiva University states openly that it is closed on the "Sabbath" and requires students and teachers to obey religious rules. Students who do not obey religious rules can be disciplined, and punished with expulsion. Teachers, and administrators, like Diane Persky, can be fired.

-Wonderful. Thank you, Yeshiva University for opening those floodgates for us. I can't wait to tell the Mormons. They can have religious schools and get lots of public money too, just what they want.

-This means that Bob Jones University and Catholic University can be closed on their "Sabbath" too, and can require students and teachers to obey religious rules or be expelled or fired.

-So, why hasn't Bob Jones University had its tax-exemption restored?


-My " yeshiva-victims-fraud " blog contains information about how several tax-exempt organizations discriminated against me, based on religion, yet, did not lose their tax-exemption from the IRS.

-Also, Touro College was prosecuted by the Manhattan District Attorney's office, assistant district attorney, Jonathan Lenzer, telephone: 212-335-9924, for maintaining false business records; yet, Touro College, an Orthodox-Jewish school, did not lose its tax-exemption.

-In my case, Yeshiva University lied to steal money from me, a Christian, and is maintaining false business records, yet Jonathan Lenzer refuses to take action.

-I worked for Kaplan Educational Centers for 5 years, subsequent to my illegal expulsion from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. I did very good work for this Fortune 300 company. Unsolicited, I was told that I closed business deals that no other executive in the company could. When I was interviewing with other companies, prior to my resigning from Kaplan, as I described my work and showed examples of my accomplishments, I was asked why I was not a Vice-President at Kaplan.

-I put together a group of 5 medical students who had been wronged by Yeshiva University ( the " yeshiva victims " group ).

-I discovered that Mrs. Rita Kaplan had helped Dr. Hedi Weissman, when Dr. Weissman was wronged by Yeshiva.

-So, I called Mrs. Kaplan and asked if she would help us.

-Mrs. Kaplan knew me. She knew my good work for her husband's company.

-Nevertheless, Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan would help Marlen Abramova, an Orthodox-Jewish, Russian woman, but, not me, because I was not Jewish. I was shocked. The Kaplans did not know Ms. Abramova at all.

-And, they would help Jeevan Padiyar, but, not me, because, unlike Mr. Padiyar, I would not agree to suppress information, and evidence from other organizations and schools, like Bob Jones University, and Touro College, that indicated they were treated differently than Yeshiva University. The Kaplans did not know Jeevan Padiyar. They knew me.

-The Kaplans had money to finance Mrs. Kaplan's tax-exempt foundation, because people like me went to work every day and made a good profit for their company. Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar did nothing for the Kaplans and their company. I did.

-The mistake the Kaplans made was that they assisted Marlen Abramova by operating through Mrs. Kaplan's tax-exemption foundation ( I wish someone had asked me about this before the harm was done ).

[ will finish posting soonest ]

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