Friday, October 17, 2008


I informed the Mahattan District Attorney's office, the Secret Service, and the FBI that my life was being threatened by doctors at Jersey City Medical Center ( Chang, Stewart, Jelnov---I will double-check the correct spellings of their names and addresses ) who claim that they honestly and sincerely believe that if their medical schools lied to steal tens of thousands dollars of dollars from them, if their medical school lied to destroy their lives, that they, as " former " students could not correct falsified records, you know, because 36 judges said so, you know, because in New York we don't have video-tape of judges taking brides, because in New Jersey we don't have Christopher Christie, appointed by President Bush, prosecuting doctors, lawyers, and business-people in the pharmaceutical industry every day of the week, because we don't have an entire industry, clinical research monitoring checking the drug testing/research of doctors who lie so much, who falsify drug studies so much, for the money, that there is an entire industry to monitor them. You know, because the judges said so, it must be true, you know, because we never heard of a judge who lied, deliberately, to hurt an innocent person. Because the Russians never heard of Soviet psychiatry, psychiatry as a political weapon.

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