Friday, April 24, 2009


( 1 ) From this point forward, all information is to be posted on the Internet, for ease of reference, to International Human Rights groups.

( 2 ) Facts are to be read into the record at City Council meetings; a criminal gang is being allowed to operate in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Note 1: From October 2008 to now, my family and I contacted the Jersey City police department, including detectives, a total of 8 times, in consistent, good-faith efforts.

[ plug in details here, with cross-references ]

[ Here's a sample, from a Jersey City detective who hung up on me: I don't want to hear about a judge who lied ]

Note 2: Learned Helplessness = one strategy used against me, to drive me into depression and suicide, using long-term psychological pressure, as if I were an animal, not human, a goy.

This supports a theory of attempted murder.

In addition, the crux of a Hostile Environment argument is not time or place, it is control. Yeshiva controls falsified records, which are used to create even more false records in Jersey City. There is no statute of limitations argument; I have never gotten my complete, unedited records from Yeshiva. False records are a weapon to hurt me.

The psychopaths I am dealing with like consistency. They are looking at false medical records that must say something along the lines of depression, and using that to implement a strategy of Learned Helplessness, [ tell her...there is nothing you can do, nothing you can do...].

This has been going on for a while. I sat in meetings with some members of the Jewish community, for example, where people would turn away from me and say, we'll help the Jewish girl, but not you. It was pretty obvious that Yeshiva put the word out on me. I never sat in on a meeting with Catholics, in contrast, where Catholics would turn away from a Jew and say, we'll help the Catholic girl, but, not you, because you are not Catholic.

Yeshiva University holds itself out to the general public as having expertise in psychiatry ---- when they use these techniques to break people ---they know what they are doing----demonstrating CRIMINAL INTENT.

Not unique to me, other examples [ plug in here ].

These people are profoundly disturbed. Sadists.

Monday, April 20, 2009

ON 9/22/08--at Ft. Knox---" TAKE RELIGION OUT OF IT ".

[ correction on 4/23/09--typo---should read on 9/22/08, NOT 9/12/08 ].





These examples demonstrating criminal intent are not comprehensive, and they are not the only examples I can cite, I'm just down-loading my brain, as quickly as possible.

[ my medical records are wholesale fiction, I will publish a two-page schematic, to hit the important high points, ASAP, so you'all won't get lost in the details, don't worry, it is easy. The Big Picture: they attacked Christians, including generals, who had done nothing wrong, for COVER, to make a big dust cloud, then, they attacked me ].


On 9/12/2008---2 BIG LIES were told: (1) pt has been stalking her public defender throughout the COUNTY in a menacing manner, and (2) pt has been coming to court even on days when no hearing was scheduled [ in order to try and spin this, like there is something wrong with me, when there is not ].

These were NEVER discussed with me; I discovered these false statements of material fact, weeks, months, later, AFTER I had been physically assaulted.

There would have been no CRIMINAL INTENT had Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski simply said to me on 9/12/2008, this is why we are meeting today, given me an opportunity to correct these false statements, and if Stacey had accurately recorded full, true, and complete information. She did not. She deliberately ( i ) did not discuss these false statements with me, [ neither did Judge Rodriguez, neither did my attorney, Jonathan Goodman ] and she deliberately ( ii ) omitted all mention of the evidence I presented to her demonstrating that I did not forge any documents, and that my medical school perpetrated fraud in a federal student loan program, among other crimes and transgressions [ like using a bunch of Christians for COVER, when they did nothing wrong ].

In addition, the history Stacey recorded on 9/12/2008 was so obviously dictated to her, by Dan Riesel et al, .....along the lines of ....patient has a history of filing frivolous law suits....does Stacey really believe I should pay $40,000 for classes my medical school never provided to me, because a bunch of dishonest attorneys made something up.... a " former " student can't correct her records....have you ever heard anything so stupid.

Note: Jersey City Medical Center said today that of the $15,000 that they charged for the October 1 to 3, hospitalization [ read here, victimization ], they would take a $14,000 loss, and only take $1,000 from Charity Care. I don't think so. I don't think they take ONE penny for fraud.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Criminal intent can be demonstrated, irrefutably, several ways.

Example # 1: Jelnov used two words in my falsifed medical records: "cervical impairment" , which indicates that he received the medical records that Dr. Hauskecht faxed to Jersey City Medical Center.

Contained in Hauskecht's records is a MENTAL STATUS exam he did, in July 2008, after my car crash in late June 2008. Of course, he wanted to do a mental status exam, with my neck and back injuries.

He reported that there where NO MOOD and NO THOUGHT disorders; that I was fine.

Dr. Jelnov and the other sociopaths from Jersey City Medical Center deliberately kept this off the records at Jersey City Medical Center, because if this information was on-the-record, then, Dr. Jelnov could not have diagnosed me as delusion for A YEAR, in order to get criminals off-the-hook.

Notably, when Jersey City Medical Center talked to my landlords, and their attorneys, my medical record reflects that information....along the lines of here's the names of the people we talked to, here's their phone numbers, here's what they said.

In contrast, NO WHERE in my medical records at Jersey City Medical records do I see the's the name of Lidya's doctors, here's their phone numbers, here's the significant findings: she has neck and back injuries, and the mental status exam says she's fine.

The sociopaths at Jersey City Medical Center deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, with malice of forethought, WITH CRIMINAL INTENT created a false record to discredit me, and had the NERVE to bill $15,000 to Medicaid. This is Medicaid Fraud.

And, if they are not prosecuted for their crimes then, it is more than obvious that I am being persecuted-----for which I have 15 plans.

* * * * * AHMADINEJAD * * * * *

Not incidentally, Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, is leading by example. An America woman in his country did not get a fair trial. In response to a letter that her family sent to Iran's leaders, Ahmadinejad sent a letter to the Judiciary asking that she get a full, and fair opportunity to be heard, during appeal.

In contrast, I had a letter of mine delivered to George W. Bush, by the Presidency Chairman of Bosnia- Herzegovina, Zeljko Komsic [ and there were many witnesses to this event at Columbia University, in 2007, a year before the election, and it is part of the historical record made on that day by the press, and others, and the place was crawling with Secret Service ] and, I was drop-kicked into a locked, psychiatric ward on 9/30/2008. At Fort Knox, a week before, on 9/22/2008, I was told: " take religion out of it ". I did not.

In short, Ahmadinejad treated an American woman on Iranian soil better than I was treated as an American woman on American soil, in a time of war.

Anyone, at any time, even now, can weigh in, and right these wrongs, including George W. Bush, and his friends, like Karl Rove, who believes that FAITH-BASED groups, LIKE THE CATHOLICS, should get EQUAL ACCESS to federal tax dollars.

*note: The landlords and their attorneys knew I was suffering from injuries. After the crash, in June 2008, I asked Mr. Lawrence Sindoni's boss, the Director [ not Jack Wind ], if I could take a few weeks off from the trial to get medical attention. Even Judge Fast wanted a few weeks off, I pointed out. I was told no, and threatened that if I did not come in there would be consequences. I was forced to delay medical attention. This was just another dirty trick done, deliberately, to try and trip me up.

Playing psychological games with a person in physical pain, is the essence of torture.

Note: Here's the stupid response I got from Jersey City Medical Center. You got a service because you got to talk to a psychiatrist.

Being THREATENED by Dr. Jelnov that if I did not shut-up, he would LIE about me EVEN MORE is NOT a service.

Being taunted by Dr. Stewart...if you knew how to behave in medical school, this would not be happening to you....ha, ha, and try to characterize me as a terrorist, is NOT a service

Having Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski spread vicious lies about me, is NOT a service.

This is persecution.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


For the prosecutor: there is a MOUNTAIN, more, just in case you thought these were the only examples, from my intentionally falsified medical records at Jersey City Medical Center.

What kind of profoundly disturbed individuals would run around behind a person's back, spreading vicious, vicious lies, persecuting an innocent person, like me, for years, running around telling people that I am mentally-ill, when I am not, while at the same time, beating their breasts about how they were persecuted?

Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski ran around my back spreading vicious lies, but, she can't make a single phone call to me to discuss her lies with me; she is a sick individual.

You are not witnessing obsesssion, or frustration; you are witnessing iron-steel determination in the face of religious persecution.

I plan on being an unholy witch from hell, so these sociopaths NEVER, do this to anyone else again: NEVER AGAIN.


The hard-copies of these records are in Jersey City Medical Center.

I would be happy to show them to anyone who is interested, so that I am not accused of forgering documents, again, by, for example, Dan Riesel, a "former" chief prosecutor for the federal government, who lied in my case.

Friday, April 17, 2009


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More details, ASAP.
Audio, too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I can demonstrate PERSECUTION in ONE MOVE = 4 PM, on 9/30/08.

What was the stimulus that sent Mental Health Workers from Jersey
City Medical Center to my house at 4 PM on 9/30/2008?

There was no eviction scheduled for 10/1/2008, both the landlords and their attorneys and Judge Fast knew that I had a waiver good until 10/2/2008, and that it would take, at least, another week, to schedule another eviction, for which I would get another waiver; I had 6 of these.

I was in Manhattan all day [ easy to prove ], and was called back at 4 PM, when Mental Health workers came to my house with false information to scare my family.

Where is the screening document for the 4 PM visit to my home? It is NOT in my records.

They tried to confuse this issue, by starting their story at 7 PM, after I had been jerked around for hours.

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Audio-tapes to be added, ASAP.

Friday, April 10, 2009


When persecution = Attempted murder [ brief synopsis ]

A Columbia University law professor used to talk about this.

When, as in my case, psychiatrists, and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, dishonest employees of Jersey City Medical Center, run around behind my back, spreading lies to destroy a person’s social health, an individual’s standing in her community [ there were no threatening emails or letters from me to Jersey City municipal court Judge Rodrieguez; I did not threaten to blow-up a school in Washington DC, among other lies they told about me ], and refuse to correct their lies in the face of facts, and when, for standing up to these criminals, I am threatened even more: we’ll make sure no one takes your case, we’ll spend millions to keep you down, we’ll lie about you even more, with the goal of imprisoning you in a locked psychiatric ward for life,

When, as in my case, lawyers, engage in system abuse [ in the language of domestic violence cases, usually a rich husband hires dishonest attorneys to manipulate the system to harass a wife who wants to leave him, including using vicious tactics like lying about her to judges and to the police, as in my case ],

When, someone, like Rabbi Lamm at Yeshiva University, pays thousands of dollars to dishonest attorneys like Dan Riesel [ a former chief prosecutor for the federal government ] to persecute a normal, healthy person throughout her life, making up lies, deliberately undermining her successful endeavors, like I demonstrated to the Jersey City Council on April 8, 2009, because he has to be able to demonstrate a decrease in functioning, so he can manage towards a false diagnosis that she is mentally-ill when she is not [ and I can provide more detailed examples directly linked to my medical school, my work life, the Kaplans, my landlord-tenant case and my federal case ], and I can demonstrate that my functioning has increased, not decreased,

When, I am threatened with, if you tell the truth to Bob Jones University, Christians who were persecuted by their government, we’ll make sure we get you,

When, as in my case, I spoke out against the persecution of others in my community, like Mayor Healy and Judge Irwin Rosen, and those activities were falsely characterized as “ increasing agitated behaviors in the community ” used to substantiate another false diagnosis, by Dr. Chang, a dishonest psychiatrist who refused to even speak with me, but, he can falsely label me, and send armed, uniformed police to my home to intimidate me, and mental health workers who lied,

When, the criminals in the Jewish community, like Marlen Abramova, her mother, and her mother’s dishonest psychiatrist [ who is well aware of the lies Marlen Abramova spread about me, as I discussed this issue with the staff at her state assembly woman’s office, among others ], lie so hard and so long, like lying to destroy my credit rating, making it difficult to get a job, an apartment, undermining my ability to work,

When, as in my case, law enforcement deliberately cooperates in the persecution,

When, I am told by Congress, such stupidity, that I should borrow money to pay these crooks,

When, as in my case, I am told by individuals who used to work for Ralph Nader, you have to be turned into a failure, Lidya, they want to see you living homeless, drooling in the gutter, otherwise, how can Yeshiva University justify all the lies it told about you, or the other students they falsely labeled as mentally-ill when they were not, like Ajay P. Garg, MD, [ they ran around saying he was psychotic when he was not ], otherwise, they may consider closing this dishonest institution, an institution with psychiatrists who make things up, New York has been talking about closing a medical school for years,

When, as in my case, I was falsely characterized by the Bush White House as being “unpatriotic” [ I am the one who defended members of his constituency ], when, the Secret Service was set on me, and when, I was threatened by Lt. Col. Wardle with treason, making it impossible for me to live in America,

When, 36 federal judges lied, and refuse to correct their fabricated ruling,

When, they instill fear, so that every day I live in terror: " we'll take you off the streets", and when this threat has been made more than once,

When, the overall goal, is to deliberately drive a normal person insane, or into the gutter, or to suicide, or out of her country,

Then, their conduct is beyond harassment, when, as in my case, the goal is to utterly and completely destroy every aspect of an innocent person’s life [ attempts to destroy a person’s social health, physical health, mental health, financial health, to destroy a person's potential ] then, according to lectures I attended by a Columbia University professor, who may have lived though such a nightmare, I can make a compelling argument for attempted murder.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


April 8, 2009, on the public record: The flow of information to a Brig. General on the West Point campus is corrupted by Yeshiva University's interests.

Very serious.

At a meeting with Congressional representatives, we were told that Yeshiva University gets money, "money that cannot be touched" from the CIA. Why?

Why? Why does a racist Zionist university, one that fabricates false psychiatric arguments to destroy the lives of normal people, one that discriminates, one that lies to steal money from its students, one that creates false records upon which to base even more crimes, get money, "money that cannot be touched" from the CIA?

What's really going on at Yeshiva University?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly, a graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, is a hero.

As a civil engineer, and doctor, Lt. Col. Reilly dedicated his life to building a better world, and healing. Through military service, Lt. Col. Reilly indicated willingness to place himself in harm’s way, and demonstrated this quality, recently.

Today, I ask for your help in protecting him, and me, to preserve our lives.

Synopsis: 36 federal judges lied.

I met with Lt. Col. Reilly on September 22, 2008. He authenticated our bulletin from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, thus, expanding my witness pool into the thousands.

Page 22 of our College bulletin confirms that 36 federal judges lied to do Yeshiva University’s dirty work.

Previously, they admitted that they lied, and tried to blame their law clerks.

Of their own volition, these judges can correct their ruling, at any time. They refuse, demonstrating commitment to criminal conduct.

For telling the truth, Lt. Col. Reilly received a veiled threat from our “ former ” dean for students, Michael J. Reichgott, M.D., Ph.D.

I discredited Michael Reichgott. Among other things, I confronted Michael Reichgott with a security report that he intentionally falsified to illegally break into my home [ an apartment, not a dorm-room, an important litigation point ], when Lt. Col. Reilly and I were medical students. Michael Reichgott claimed that he was not responsible for the lies he told, because, he only told the lies that Yeshiva’s attorneys told him to tell. Subsequently, Michael Reichgott admitted to Yeshiva University’s Board of Trustees that he falsified this report.

I discredited Michael Reichgott, but that’s not enough. These sociopaths act vindictively, as I demonstrated. They include Jersey City municipal court Judge Nesle Rodriguez, whose illegal conduct can be directly related to Yeshiva through information I provided, and through trial evidence submitted to Judge Fast [ submitted to 3 New York judges today ] They will go after Lt. Col. Reilly.

My intentionally falsified records at Yeshiva are being used as a foundation to create even more falsified records at Jersey City Medical Center, in order to persecute me through life.

Most recently, when I asked the Fire Department in Jersey City for a few volunteers to accompany me to Jersey City Medical Center to view intentionally falsified records, so that I would not be falsely accused of forgery, as I was in the past, I was told that the men were too afraid of reprisals to do so.

Overall, Lt. Col. Reilly and I are doing what I was told the men in Jersey City are too afraid to do.

The information that I provide, in turn, protects Lt. Col. Reilly.

Publishing this information will help preserve our lives.

I substantiated these claims.


Facts already on the public record and accepted into evidence to support a claim that I am the victim of a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by judges, doctors, and police to terrify me into silence concerning theft of student loan monies was placed on-the-record today, in front of 3 New York judges, and will be provided to the U.S. Department of Education, and others, ASAP.

[ Zionists at Yeshiva University who lied to steal money from a Christian woman with minority-student status have to be prosecuted or all the talk about change is just meaningless rhetoric. Morevoer,when Touro College kept false business records it was prosecuted by the Manhattan District Attorney's office. When Yeshiva does the same, it is not. What does Yeshiva have that Touro does not? CIA ? Their presence was confirmed by Congressional sources---what are they really protecting, what's really going on? ].

This record can be cited to, among other things, to get a change of venue [ change of geographic location to another court ] based on bias, or to support an appeal based on bias, from any case touched by the entire Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Jersey City municipal court chief Judge Nesle Rodriguez [ a woman, not the other one, a man, Judge Rodriguez ], New Jersey Superior court Judge Fast, North Bergen municipal court Judge Falcone, or Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, employee of Vice-President Jim Martin's at Jersey City Medical Center, and will be published widely, ASAP.