Sunday, April 19, 2009


Criminal intent can be demonstrated, irrefutably, several ways.

Example # 1: Jelnov used two words in my falsifed medical records: "cervical impairment" , which indicates that he received the medical records that Dr. Hauskecht faxed to Jersey City Medical Center.

Contained in Hauskecht's records is a MENTAL STATUS exam he did, in July 2008, after my car crash in late June 2008. Of course, he wanted to do a mental status exam, with my neck and back injuries.

He reported that there where NO MOOD and NO THOUGHT disorders; that I was fine.

Dr. Jelnov and the other sociopaths from Jersey City Medical Center deliberately kept this off the records at Jersey City Medical Center, because if this information was on-the-record, then, Dr. Jelnov could not have diagnosed me as delusion for A YEAR, in order to get criminals off-the-hook.

Notably, when Jersey City Medical Center talked to my landlords, and their attorneys, my medical record reflects that information....along the lines of here's the names of the people we talked to, here's their phone numbers, here's what they said.

In contrast, NO WHERE in my medical records at Jersey City Medical records do I see the's the name of Lidya's doctors, here's their phone numbers, here's the significant findings: she has neck and back injuries, and the mental status exam says she's fine.

The sociopaths at Jersey City Medical Center deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, with malice of forethought, WITH CRIMINAL INTENT created a false record to discredit me, and had the NERVE to bill $15,000 to Medicaid. This is Medicaid Fraud.

And, if they are not prosecuted for their crimes then, it is more than obvious that I am being persecuted-----for which I have 15 plans.

* * * * * AHMADINEJAD * * * * *

Not incidentally, Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, is leading by example. An America woman in his country did not get a fair trial. In response to a letter that her family sent to Iran's leaders, Ahmadinejad sent a letter to the Judiciary asking that she get a full, and fair opportunity to be heard, during appeal.

In contrast, I had a letter of mine delivered to George W. Bush, by the Presidency Chairman of Bosnia- Herzegovina, Zeljko Komsic [ and there were many witnesses to this event at Columbia University, in 2007, a year before the election, and it is part of the historical record made on that day by the press, and others, and the place was crawling with Secret Service ] and, I was drop-kicked into a locked, psychiatric ward on 9/30/2008. At Fort Knox, a week before, on 9/22/2008, I was told: " take religion out of it ". I did not.

In short, Ahmadinejad treated an American woman on Iranian soil better than I was treated as an American woman on American soil, in a time of war.

Anyone, at any time, even now, can weigh in, and right these wrongs, including George W. Bush, and his friends, like Karl Rove, who believes that FAITH-BASED groups, LIKE THE CATHOLICS, should get EQUAL ACCESS to federal tax dollars.

*note: The landlords and their attorneys knew I was suffering from injuries. After the crash, in June 2008, I asked Mr. Lawrence Sindoni's boss, the Director [ not Jack Wind ], if I could take a few weeks off from the trial to get medical attention. Even Judge Fast wanted a few weeks off, I pointed out. I was told no, and threatened that if I did not come in there would be consequences. I was forced to delay medical attention. This was just another dirty trick done, deliberately, to try and trip me up.

Playing psychological games with a person in physical pain, is the essence of torture.

Note: Here's the stupid response I got from Jersey City Medical Center. You got a service because you got to talk to a psychiatrist.

Being THREATENED by Dr. Jelnov that if I did not shut-up, he would LIE about me EVEN MORE is NOT a service.

Being taunted by Dr. Stewart...if you knew how to behave in medical school, this would not be happening to you....ha, ha, and try to characterize me as a terrorist, is NOT a service

Having Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski spread vicious lies about me, is NOT a service.

This is persecution.

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