Friday, April 10, 2009


When persecution = Attempted murder [ brief synopsis ]

A Columbia University law professor used to talk about this.

When, as in my case, psychiatrists, and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, dishonest employees of Jersey City Medical Center, run around behind my back, spreading lies to destroy a person’s social health, an individual’s standing in her community [ there were no threatening emails or letters from me to Jersey City municipal court Judge Rodrieguez; I did not threaten to blow-up a school in Washington DC, among other lies they told about me ], and refuse to correct their lies in the face of facts, and when, for standing up to these criminals, I am threatened even more: we’ll make sure no one takes your case, we’ll spend millions to keep you down, we’ll lie about you even more, with the goal of imprisoning you in a locked psychiatric ward for life,

When, as in my case, lawyers, engage in system abuse [ in the language of domestic violence cases, usually a rich husband hires dishonest attorneys to manipulate the system to harass a wife who wants to leave him, including using vicious tactics like lying about her to judges and to the police, as in my case ],

When, someone, like Rabbi Lamm at Yeshiva University, pays thousands of dollars to dishonest attorneys like Dan Riesel [ a former chief prosecutor for the federal government ] to persecute a normal, healthy person throughout her life, making up lies, deliberately undermining her successful endeavors, like I demonstrated to the Jersey City Council on April 8, 2009, because he has to be able to demonstrate a decrease in functioning, so he can manage towards a false diagnosis that she is mentally-ill when she is not [ and I can provide more detailed examples directly linked to my medical school, my work life, the Kaplans, my landlord-tenant case and my federal case ], and I can demonstrate that my functioning has increased, not decreased,

When, I am threatened with, if you tell the truth to Bob Jones University, Christians who were persecuted by their government, we’ll make sure we get you,

When, as in my case, I spoke out against the persecution of others in my community, like Mayor Healy and Judge Irwin Rosen, and those activities were falsely characterized as “ increasing agitated behaviors in the community ” used to substantiate another false diagnosis, by Dr. Chang, a dishonest psychiatrist who refused to even speak with me, but, he can falsely label me, and send armed, uniformed police to my home to intimidate me, and mental health workers who lied,

When, the criminals in the Jewish community, like Marlen Abramova, her mother, and her mother’s dishonest psychiatrist [ who is well aware of the lies Marlen Abramova spread about me, as I discussed this issue with the staff at her state assembly woman’s office, among others ], lie so hard and so long, like lying to destroy my credit rating, making it difficult to get a job, an apartment, undermining my ability to work,

When, as in my case, law enforcement deliberately cooperates in the persecution,

When, I am told by Congress, such stupidity, that I should borrow money to pay these crooks,

When, as in my case, I am told by individuals who used to work for Ralph Nader, you have to be turned into a failure, Lidya, they want to see you living homeless, drooling in the gutter, otherwise, how can Yeshiva University justify all the lies it told about you, or the other students they falsely labeled as mentally-ill when they were not, like Ajay P. Garg, MD, [ they ran around saying he was psychotic when he was not ], otherwise, they may consider closing this dishonest institution, an institution with psychiatrists who make things up, New York has been talking about closing a medical school for years,

When, as in my case, I was falsely characterized by the Bush White House as being “unpatriotic” [ I am the one who defended members of his constituency ], when, the Secret Service was set on me, and when, I was threatened by Lt. Col. Wardle with treason, making it impossible for me to live in America,

When, 36 federal judges lied, and refuse to correct their fabricated ruling,

When, they instill fear, so that every day I live in terror: " we'll take you off the streets", and when this threat has been made more than once,

When, the overall goal, is to deliberately drive a normal person insane, or into the gutter, or to suicide, or out of her country,

Then, their conduct is beyond harassment, when, as in my case, the goal is to utterly and completely destroy every aspect of an innocent person’s life [ attempts to destroy a person’s social health, physical health, mental health, financial health, to destroy a person's potential ] then, according to lectures I attended by a Columbia University professor, who may have lived though such a nightmare, I can make a compelling argument for attempted murder.

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