Thursday, May 7, 2009



Yep, should be an interesting re-election campaign.

New York is about 40% Catholic.

Whose against what Yeshiva University is doing? We think it is fabulous. Public money to support private, religious education. We want the same fair shake as the Orthodox-Jews get.

Thank you, Yeshiva University for opening those flood-gates for the rest of us.

Can Catholic University be closed on the Catholic "Sabbath", too?

Can Catholic University hire and fire based on religious rules, too?

Can Catholic University expel students based on compliance with religious rules, too?

You'd think Karl Rove would weigh-in, by now, won't you....Mr. Faith-based much money do the Christians get?

On a serious note, when I worked for Senator Moynihan's office, we did not jerk people around the way Maxine at Senator Schumer's office jerked me around, telephone: 212-486-4430, with a bunch of phony excuses, why she couldn't make a single phone call to Yeshiva University, is enough already, with persecuting this woman, give her, her records, so she can see what kind of hatch job you'all did on her.

When I worked at Senator Moynihan's office, and there was a family of New Yorkers getting jerked around in California, do you think anyone told me to get them to write a letter, and then, we would decide what federal agency was involved....please....the chief of staff would grab me, Lidya, these people are our people in California, their family member was murdered, and the police won't help them, get on the phone, do and say whatever you have to do and say, these are our people out there, call Senator Boxer's office, scream you head the chief of police....find out what's going on....we could care less what agency was involved.....please....when there was a little old lady whose slum-lord refused to repair her ceiling that had fallen in, do you think we sat around and researched what federal agency we should call, and asked the little old lady to write us a you think we made up reasons NOT to help people....please....I'm calling to make an inquiry....I'm calling to advocate for....I'm calling to ask a few questions....I'm running out of the office to hand-deliver these documents so someone does not get deported....I'm running out of the office to do and say whatever I have to do and say so something bad does not happen to a person....

As soon as there is a break in the action, I'll write Senator Schumer's office their letter, and jump through all their hoops, just to demonstrate how much this Senator will help persecute a Christian....just to make sure that there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Senator Schumer's office could not make a single phone call......when I went back to Senator Moynihan's office, after my second year at Einstein, I did not have to explain anything.....they offered to help....the first thing they did was pick up the phone....I didn't even have to ask....

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