Saturday, May 9, 2009


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This is not my hand-writing. I have paper, ink, & hand-writing. This will stand-up in a crime lab.

I did not forge this.

The Secret Service reported to Washington, that I was not a threat.

Apparently, some psychopath in Washington misconstrued words and phrases, deliberately, to sic the Secret Service on me.

Also, reflected in my medical records from Jersey City Medical Center is a report that the Pentagon did not consider me a threat.

At Jersey City, they fabricated a diagnosis that I was a danger to my community, I was a terrorist with a bomb, based on lies; they never bothered talking about this with me, which demonstrates their criminal intent.

I was not treated at Jersey City Medical Center on 9/25/08 and released. That is a lie, in my records at Jersey City Medical Center. I'll publish page after page of their lies.

I was not arrested in Washington and released. That is a lie in my records at Jersey City Medical Center. If I was, then, there would be an arrest report with my finger-prints; this does not exist.

Overlaying what is really going on, is the work of another group of sociopaths, who are too stupid to know what they are doing: Marlen Abramova, Russian-Jew, Jeevan Padiyar, and their dishonest attorneys, were cooperating with Dan Riesel to set-up a litigation machine to milk the rich ladies, Rita Kaplan, and Lily Safra. It would have worked, too, but for the fact that Marlen Abramova plagarized my work. She is too stupid to know that she was used to create " cover " for the Heidi Weissman case. A Nazi propaganda technique. You, on the outside, don't see 3 separate, unique cases: Marlen Abramova, Lidya Radin, Heidi Weissman. You only see a woman's name, associated with the word plagarism; 3 cases are smeared into looking like one case, in one big dust-cloud.

I showed the Director of Medical Records, Bryna M. Keiser, at Jersey City Medical Center, telephone: 201-915-2155, portions of my medical records, and she laughed; they contradict themselves. I showed false statements to her assistant too. They know their doctors are liars. My records at Jersey City Medical Center demonstrate contact with my medical school.

Michael J. Reichgott, M.D., "former" dean for students at my medical school, already admitted that he lied to the Board of Trustees at Yeshiva University. He falsified a security report to illegally break into my home on the Einstein campus. He claimed he was not responsible for his lies; he claimed he only told the lies that Einstein's attorneys put in his mouth.

On 9/30/2008, some night supervisor, Ayinde Sankofa [ a russian-jew ?] and Michael S. Stewart claimed they had the right to hold me involuntarily based on History at their hospital [ that history is fraud ] and on based on Dr. Stewart's allegation that I was sending threatening emails and letters to Judge Rodriguez. When I asked to see the emails and letters, he could not produce them, because they do not exist. Then, Dr. Stewart taunted me with.....if you knew how to behave in medical school this would not be happening to you....... You mean, the medical school where Michael Reichgott already admitted he lied? The crisis intervention team consisted of Robert Ruiz talking to my landlords....who lied, because I caught them in income-tax fraud, and Robert Ruiz talking to the attorneys for my landlords, who also lied. Robert Ruiz's criminal intent is indicated by the fact that he never discussed these conversations with me.

Subsequently, they lied to say they had a signed court-order by a judge to hold me. When asked to see it, Jeresy City Medical Center could not produce it, because it does not exist.

Then, the hospital created this big story that they were not deliberately hurting, no....they were helping me though an eviction scheduled for 10/1/2008. My landlord's attorney lied. She had a waiver put into her hands, in court on 9/25/2008, so did my landlords, there was no eviction scheduled on 10/1/2008.

Then, Jersey City Medical Center lied to say I was a terrorist with a bomb.

Jersey City Medical Center is guilty of the crimes of witness tampering, false imprisonment, assualt & battery, and consumer fraud, at the very least.

There are direct links between Jersey City, and my medical school, a number of different ways, and easy to prove.

The CIA is not stupid.

The CIA is smart.

The CIA must realize, by now, that Yeshiva University is nothing but a pack of thieves that lie for money, why would anyone believe anything Yeshiva had to say?

Shut it down.

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