Sunday, February 15, 2009

BOLLINGER DOES NOT HELP OBAMA? Janice Bennett is a liar.

This email was sent to Kenneth Finnegan, Director, Investigation & Techology, Low Library, Rm 112A, 535 West 116 Street, Mailcode 4301, NY, NY 10027, telephone: 212-932-0798, and others.

Dear Mr. Finnegan:

( 1) I would like to file a Grievance through the University Grievance procedure. All universities are required by law to have a Grievance procedure; I have standing to file a grievance.

Janice Bennett, a mental-health worker at Columbia University, lied and continues to lie about me.

Most recently, the lies that she continues to sanction and endorse were used to hurt me at Jersey City Medical Center.

This is a retaliatory gesture. With respect, who are you kidding?

I'm barred from campus a few hours after I announced that I had the support of the Hoboken City Council: " we support equal access to federal tax-dollars to finance private, religious education". That includes equal access for Muslims, too.

The only complaint you got was from Janice Bennett, a week ago, because as Columbia University employee, she continues to lie to help Yeshiva University steal money from me, the details are below.

Columbia University is intimately involved in her complicity in crimes towards me; incidents that are happening now.

This is the first I am hearing of "numerous complaints". The one student that I email and call, Ryan Close, emails me back, and is as concerned as I am, as are other members of the Columbia community that he and I talked to, including University Senators, who wished me well, at the last Senate meeting.

If I was a real threat, you would have called the New York City Police Department. The New York City Police Department already cleared me. They already know that they were used as pawns for a bunch of racists who lied about me; there is no polite way to state the truth. The Russian-Jewish community was trying to run a scam to " milk the rich ladies ", Rita Kaplan, and Lily Safra, and falsely accuse and discriminate against me.

( 2 ) There are many people who supported our new President, Obama, and who are helping me get equal justice for 97% of Americans, the same fair deal as Yeshiva University: equal access to federal tax-dollars to support private, religious education. To name a few: Mayor Healy, state senator Sandra Cunnignham, the Hoboken City Council, Jersey City Councilman Steve Fulop, Rev. Sharpton, attorney Michael Hardy, members of the armed forces, President Komisic of Bosnia, and Rabbi Marcus, for Dr. Lander's private, religious medical school in New Jersey as part of Touro College, and attorneys.

I remind you, that Iran defended me, when the Bush White House called me "unpatriotic" for asking for equal justice for myself and the majority of Americans, including members of President Bush's own constituency, against Zionist racism, and their politics of conquest, and hate.

We see a tremendous, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for President Bollinger to help President Obama be successful, and reach out to Iran, to the good people of ancient Persia, especially with respect to human rights issues, transgressions on both sides. On this issue, I should be helping President Bollinger.

Or, President Bollinger and Columbia University can continue to help Yeshiva University perpetrate crimes against me, and injustice against the majority of Americans. Who fights for equal treatment for Americans? Iran.

( 3 ) Janice Bennett is a mental health worker who lied about me and, as a Columbia University employee, continues to lie about me. For a list of lies that Janice Bennett continues to sanction and endorse, please see List at the bottom of this email.

One lie, I discovered as recently as a few weeks ago, not 10 years ago. Janice Bennett claimed her work with my group was supervised by David Preven, M.D. As recently as just a few weeks ago, he said he did not.

( 4 ) Janice Bennett, a Columbia University employee, helps Yeshiva University steal money from me. There are many venues readily available to me to communicate with students, faculty, and staff at Columbia University. Here's one example.

Janice Bennett, and all the members of my Promotions Committee, were and are responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes that Yeshiva University provided to me, in order to determine my ability to borrow money through a federal student loan program, so I could pay for those classes.

I paid $20,000 for classes Yeshiva University never provided. With interest, in a ten-year re-payment period, that amount comes to $40,000.

In addition, Yeshiva University used deliberately falsified financial information about me to collect grants that it was not eligible to receive from the state and federal governments.

I am not the only crime victim, Mike Tyberg, is a crime victim too.

At any point, even now, Yeshiva University could conduct an honest accounting and refund my money to me, and correct this falsified financial information. It refuses. Instead, it continues to maintain false business records, a crime under New York State law, and continues to prevent me from correcting those false records, another crime under New York State law, damaging me for life.

Yeshiva University, acting in concert with my loan servicing company, Sallie Mae, had me illegally declared in default, in May 2006 [ not 10 years ago, now ] and damaged my credit rating for life [ the 7 year rule for bankrupcy does not apply to federal student loans, Yeshiva's attorneys' lied again ].

I can, and will, for example, turn my falsified promissory note and other documents [ that I can demonstrate irrefutably I did not forge ] into handbills and distribute them, widely under the banner: Janice Bennett, a Columbia University employee, helps Yeshiva University, an Orthodox-Jewish school, steal money from a Christian.

Why wouldn't Columbia University want Janice Bennett to tell the truth about this issue?

I never heard of a situation where Columbia University would continue to employ a clinical psychologist who helped and continues to help a school lie to steal money from a student.

( 5 ) There was no incident on Friday, February 6, 2008.

After a University Senate meeting, at which several Senators wished me well, I went to ask for an appointment with Janice Bennett and/or her supervisor. I was asked to sit and wait. I did so. There was no disruption of business.

When it because obvious that Janice Bennett could spend her time lying to university security, but, not spend 5 minutes explaining to me why she continued to sanction and endorse lies to hurt me for life, I left the 8 th floor, and spoke to students, in full view of security for almost two hours. Those students volunteered to advocate for me; they were under no obligation to do so.

Before I left campus, I introduced myself to all the security officers, at the security office, and gave them a brief explanation.

They know that Yeshiva University is lying to hurt me. The only thing they asked was that when I distributed hand-bills, and the like, would I be so kind as to come to the security office first, and make them aware of my lawful activities. Of course.

List of lies Janice Bennett continues to tell [ this list is not comprehensive ]:

( a ) She refuses to be honest about the number of classes Yeshiva University provided to me during 1995 to 1996, so Yeshiva University can steal money from me, the state and federal governments. Because Yeshiva University continues to lie, my credit rating was damaged as recently as May 2006, and will continue to be damaged for life [ the 7 year bankruptcy rule does not apply to federal studen loans ].

As a member of my Promotions Committee, Janice Bennett was and is responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes Yeshiva University
provided to me. What prevents Janice Bennett from telling the truth, now?

( b ) I discovered as recently as just a few weeks ago, that David Preven, M.D. did not supervise Janice Bennett's illegal, forced, psychological treatment with my group. Janice Bennett claimed he did. He says he does not know what she is talking about.

Basically, Janice Bennett ran around behind my back spreading vicious rumors that she diagnosed me, and when I called her on it, she lied even more. This a standard scam at Yeshiva University.

Yeshiva Univesity victimized Ajay P. Garg, MD, and another student, similarly.

This is good news for Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly, however. Dr. Preven's admission of medical malpractice with our group makes the contract Reilly was cocerced into signing worthless. Kevin Reilly wanted a political career. That contract could be used to hurt him. Now, it only demonstrates that our medical school engaged in medical malpractice to hurt students.

( c ) Dan Riesel lied. Dan Riesel proports to teach at the Columbia University Law School. What would he teach? Perjury ?

I did not get 2 hearings. I did not get even one hearing. I can and will widely distribute as a hand-bill the page of my federal court-transcipt wherein Mr. Riesel claimed, under penalty of perjury, that I got 2 hearings. I was required to stand out in a hall, while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me.

After a while, when I realized that my Promotions Committee was having individuals testify without me even being in the room to hear the testimony against me, they moved me and two witnesses who came with me, to a different floor, so that I could not even see the identity of the witnesses who entered the meeting room.

Janice Bennett is a party to this. At any point, even now, she could tell the truth about this issue. She refuses.

Why would Columbia University continue to send students to engage in psychological counseling with a clinical psychologist who lied and continues to lie to destroy a student's career?

Two witnesses, one, a former assistant prosecutor for the Manhattan District attorney's office, already confirmed that this was not a hearing. The other witness was a representative from a national student group; already confirmed that this was not a hearing.

Dr. Samuel Seward, Janice Bennett's boss, understands that the point of all this is to manipulate a system, to shut-out a victim, to shut-up a victim, so that criminals can get away with their crimes; there is no opportunity to be heard.

( c ) Michael J. Reichgott, M.D., my "former" dean for students, already admitted to Yeshiva University's Board of Trustees that he falsified a security report to illegally break into my apartment on the Einstein campus.

Michael Reichgott admitted that he lied, but claimed that it was acceptable, because he only told the lies that Yeshiva's attorneys told him to tell.

As a member of my Promotions Committee, Janice Bennett was and is responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes Yeshiva University provided to me.

She knows that there were no classes that I failed to attend in May 1996, and so, Yeshiva University was so worried about me, that it broke into my home to check on me. She knows Michael Reichgott lied; he admitted to it. Yeshiva University knew where I was; it committed insuranance fraud.

What risk does Janice Bennett incur to confirm the truth, at this point? None.

( d ) I showed page 22 of my medical school bulletin to many people, including you, Mr. Finnegan. You know that 36 federal judges lied to help Yeshiva University destroy an innocent person's life, my life. You know that Judge Patterson fabricated a ruling that stated I could not identify a bulletin, student guide or compendium that allows a " former " student to correct her records. You confirmed for yourself that the policy/federal law that gives a former student the ability to correct her records is explicitly stated on page 22.

( e ) I showed many people page 37 and page 38 of my medical school bulletin, including you, Mr. Finnegan. You know that John Scarfone lied when he claimed I failed 3 of 5 first year classes [ this is a propaganda technique, meant to confuse details ].

Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly also confirmed that we took 14 first-year classes, stated on page 37, and was threatened; I posted on the Internet, to protect him.

Janice Bennett and every doctor on my Promotions Committee, every member of the Einstein faculty, several thousand individuals, and 800 medical students who were my classmates, all had access to this college bulletin; they know with absolute certainty that we took 14 first-year classes, and that John Scarfone lied
[ I did not fail 3 of 5 first-year classes ].

It is easy for me to show every student at Columbia pages 22, 37, and 38 of my college bulletin. They understand in 30-seconds the lies that Janice Bennett continues to go along with, to hurt me.

Thousands of doctors at Yeshiva University know with absolute certainty that Rabbi Lamm pays dishonest attorneys hundreds-of-dollars-an-hour to lie in federal court, and that 36 federal judges went along with those lies, sanctioned and endorsed by the House Judiciary Committee, the committee in our Congress that is responsible for the conduct of judges.

I personally explained this issue to Congressman Weiner, who sits on the House Judiciary Committee. Also, Congressman Weiner knows that the Bronx District attorney lied to him. How can our representatives make good decisions, when they are lied to?

You know too, Mr. Finnegan. We don't have a functioning judiciary. We don't have a functioning medical system. We have wide-spread Zionist racism.

When so many people are involved in perpetuating Yeshiva University's lies, we have a HUGE human rights issue.

( f ) Janice Bennett and every single member of my Promotions Committee knows with absolute certainty that Todd Olson lied. My project, the Death Study, was not over when Todd Olson defamed me to Dr. William Rennie in an effort to stop my work. I cross-referenced to patient data. It is easy for me to demonstrate that Todd Olson lied.

Again, Columbia University sends its students to engage in psychological treatment with a mental-health worker, Janice Bennett, who lied and continues to lie on a number of issues, to destroy a student's career and life, why?

( g ) I was never an out-patient of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University, as confirmed, most recently, by Jimmy David, MD, another member of my Promotions Committee.

What risk does Janice Bennett incur by confirming the truth?

( h ) Everyone knew I did not refuse an administrative psychiatric exam, after I inhaled a patient's blood, and was denied medical care, repeatedly.

I refused to sign a CONTRACT releasing my medical school from liability in my case, and in retaliation, was expelled.

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