Sunday, February 8, 2009


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Item # 1: The criticism that Mikey Weinstein and Military Religious Freedom Foundation levels at Christian organizations can be silenced with a few questions: (1) are you for separation of church and state in Israel, too ? No. ( 2) Are you for separation of church and state at Yeshiva University, too ? No.

Item # 2: Now, Mr. Weinstein, before you get your back up, and attack me again, with respect, you fail to use the facts in my case effectively to defend your friends, the Wilsons. To review, Ambassador Wilson tried to tell the truth. To punish him, unscrupulous men revealed his wife’s connection with the CIA, and, to date, were not held accountable for that breach of trust. I revealed information about the CIA, confirmed independently with a Congressional source in front of witnesses, and was slammed. In comparison, why was I punished and the men who ended the career of Ambassador Wilson’s wife, not punished?

Item # 3: Senator Grassley’s investigation & Adm. Mullen.

When Maj. Gen. Robert Caslen goes to war, he protects the sons of elected officials. Who protects him? I do. I spoke up. I raised a fuss. My friend, Lt. Col. Kevin Reilly tried to help, too. He received a veiled threat. My life was threatened and those threats were acted on. I was compelled to ask foreign governments for protection, notably, an Iranian diplomat defended me, when no one else would. The Wilsons, me, and Lt. Col. Kevin Reilly tried to tell the truth. No one should be threatened or punished for telling the truth.

Can you’all make a single phone call, send a single email [ even anonymously ] to Senator Grassley demanding a full, fair, open investigation? Telephone for Nick Wyatt, at the Senate Finance Committee, 202-224-4515, for Senator Grassley; email address:

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