Friday, June 26, 2009


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--Dr. Jelnov and Jersey City Medical Center deliberately omitted Dr. Hausknecht's mental status exam from 7/29/2008, after my car crash, that stated, basically, that I had no thought or mood disorders, so Dr. Jelnov and Jersey City Medical Center could create a false medical record, and try to falsely diagnose me as delusional for the past year to get criminals off-the-hook.

--No one will have anything to do with Jersey City Medical Center.

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We are thrilled that Dr. Lander's Jewish medical school, Touro College, in New Jersey stated that it was closed on the "Sabbath".

Now, Seton Hall Law School, also located in New Jersey, can be closed on our "Sabbath" too; thank you, Dr. Lander.

Touro College was prosecuted by the Manhattan District attorney's office for maintaining false business records, while Yeshiva University is not.

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-The lies that Marlen Abramova tells are put in her mouth by the adults in her community. No one will have anything to do with these people.

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--When the locals do not uphold the law, as I have amply demonstrated, then, it is up to the feds to do so.

--When the feds refuse to do so, as I have amply demonstrated, then, in a time of WAR, it is the ARMY's responsibility to take over, and enforce the law as an adjunct police force.


--If the ARMY refuses to so, then, I have recourse to the international community. Will the world help free my country from the Jews, too?

--Isn't that what US Foreign Policy & the Israel Lobby says, that under direction from Israel, Jewish staff manipulates American decision-makers and gate-keepers for Israel's interests, not American interests.

--When the American-Jewish community is told what to do by Israel, then, they are subversive, and can be outlawed, by the same reasoning that outlawed the Communist Party; thank you, Richard Nixon.

--In contrast, the African-American community does not take direction from South Africa, about how to manipulate the American government for South Africa's interests, but, if this is the standard that the Jews want to set [ and remember they are 3 % of American society, African-Americans are 14% ], then, I'll bet, nothing would make the black community happier, "milk" America for everything you can get, like the Jews, and turn South Africa into a paradise for yourselves. "Milk" America for the interests of another country, the Jews say it is OK for them, why can't you'all do it too?

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--Ralph Pagnozzi may have cooperated in a DRUG STING operation at 278 Third Street, Jeresy City, New Jersey. Do you'all want to rent from him, now?

--Who else was involved? The locals? The feds?

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--Dan Riesel, is a former chief prosecutor for the federal government. Who does his investigative work for him? The locals? The FBI?

--Dan Riesel is a liar.

--[ post details here]

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--I worked in the pharmaceutical industry. I saw all the lies their dishonest lawyers and doctors told, for the money.

--Tom Duane, New York State Assembly-man, openly gay, HIV positive, is ALIVE today, because he has drugs that are effective and safe because Christ Christie keeps them honest.

--Allen Rascoff, openly gay, and all his friends, in and out of the closest, are ALIVE today, because Christ Christie keeps them honest.

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Why did the Rev. Sharpton get his tax-exemption revoked?

Was his conduct as bad or worse than Yeshiva University, a school that did not have its tax-exemption revoked.

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My cases take place on every level: city, state, federal, and international.

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