Friday, July 31, 2009

The purpose of this blogsite is to place evidence on-the-record that criminals want to keep off-the-record.

( 1 ) I worked for Rita and Stanley Kaplan's Fortune 300 company for 5 years after my illegal expulsion from medical school. Unsolicited, I was told that I pulled off deals no other executive in the company could, including the CEO, a Yale trained attorney. I negotiated a deal worth over a million dollars [ there was a sound, long-term sales and marketing strategy behind this deal, it was not just a room-rental ], and handled clients that were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I got no support; the corporate office knows, this had nothing to do with anyone on a Center level.

Ultimately, after I put together everything the Yeshiva Victims group needed to win, I was told that the Kaplans would help an Orthodox-Jewish girl, who they did not know, who did not work for them [ the reason the Kaplans had money to throw around through their non-profit was because people like me went to work everyday ] but that the Kaplans would not help me because I was not Jewish. Note added 8/2/2009, and if I shared information with Bob Jones University, they would make sure to get me. I think there is something wrong with Mr. Kaplan, because I did not arrange to have the NYU deal go bad, as a retalitory gesture, when I resigned. I know the people they sent to re-neogiate this deal; I knew they'd do a bad job. Someone should have called me. I could have fixed this.

They helped the Orthodox-Jewish girl through their non-profit. I tried to tell them that if they wanted to practice racism, then, they should not operate through their non-profit foundation, because the only thing that they were doing was creating a data-point to help Bob Jones University, get its tax-exemption back. As I tried to discuss with Senator Grassley, during the recent Judge Sonia Sotomayor hearings, and promised to send his office a one-page draft, Bob Jones University had its tax-exemption revoked based on a purely theoretical argument that it discriminated. The Kaplan Foundation discriminated against me, based on religion, a REAL VICTIM, and did not have its tax-exemption questioned.

( 2) Diane Persky, a Conservative Jewish woman, already successfully sued Yeshiva University for religious discrimination. She was told she was not Orthodox enough for this school.

( 3 ) Jack Wind, head of Northeast New Jersey Legal Services, told me, essentially, that if Columbia University had done to me what Yeshiva University did, he would take my case, but, because he was Jewish and because Yeshiva University was an Orthodox-Jewish, religious school, he would not.

( 4 ) Jonathan Goodman, the second attorney in Jersey City assigned to me through the Jersey City public defender's office, tolerated Judge Rodriguez letting my landlords get away with obstruction of justice. Then, he told me how I would be blacklisted.... we'll make sure you never get a lawyer, we'll spend millions defending this......they want to spend millions of dollars defending doctors at Jersey City Medical Center who deliberately created false medical records/court records/public records [ some paid for with state tax-payer money, I think, because the account numbers are different ] so that they can illegally evict tenants from their homes.....they have got to be kidding with this.

( 5 ) Deputy first prosecutor, at the Hudson County prosecutor's office, Debra Simon, telephone: 201-795-6426, has to make one phone call to Kevin Purvin, my first public defender, telephone: 201-867-4454, 5600 Kennedy Blvd., West New York, New Jersey, to confirm that there is no release letter from Kevin Purvin to Judge Nesle Rodriguez asking to be released from my case. I showed Kevin Purin the page out of my intentionally falsified medical records; he confirmed that they lied. Then, we put as much as we could on-the-record in front of a judge.

I asked Ms. Simon, I want to see the letters Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski claimed I mailed to Judge Rodriguez. They can not be produced because they do not exist.

By asking just a few simple questions, Ms. Simon knows with absolute certainty that she is allowing a criminal gang to operate in Jersey City: ( i ) where is the screening document that sent mental-health workers to my home at 4 PM on Tuesday, 9/30/2008, for what reason did they come? I was in Manhattan getting a witness statement at 4 PM; ( ii ) what excuse do all the doctors and staff at Jersey City Medical Center have for deliberately omitting parts of my medical records from my doctors in New York that vindicate me? ( iii ) a detective I talked to at the Hudson County prosecutor's office told me that Jersey City Medical Center claimed that they thought I was delusional and therefore, a danger to myself; that excuse is absurd. A woman who is at risk for hurting herself does not go down to criminal court, and to municipal court getting "no-contact" orders, so that she can protect herself against criminals.

Debra Simon is dragging her feet.

( 6 ) My medical school told enough creditable witnesses, essentially, that they had the right to use me as a lab rat because, according to them, I was less than human.

I can post example after example of vicious Jewish racim directed at me, that, ultimately, almost killed me.

The last thing Lawrence Sindoni wants is me demonstrating example after example of evidence that he deliberately kept off-the-record so that I would lose my landlord-tenant case, when I should have won.

The last thing Judge Fast and Judge Falcone want is me demonstrating that they tried to place false information on the audio-tape during my landlord-tenant trial. Nino Falcone did not withdraw his complaint on October 1, 2007;it was dismissed. Had Judge Fast confronted Nino Falcone and Mrs. Pagnozzi with the lies they told in court then, all of the harm towards me and the other tenants in my building would have been stopped.

The last thing Judge Fast wants on-the-record is evidence that he let my checks from 2003 be placed on-the-record, but, made-up some bogus excuse to keep testimony from 2004 off-the-record [ the evidence from 2004 was too old, but the evidence from 2003 was not too old ] so that he could protect Asaf Rosenheim, a dishonest Jew, at my expense.

The last thing that Judge Falcone wants on-the-record is evidence that he thumbed his nose at a higher court's, a criminal court's "no-contact" order.

The lat thing Asaf Rosenheim wants me to do on this blog, is describe his criminal schemes.


Jess Berkowitz-telephone: 212-431-4453; cell phone: 917-733-7701.

Mr. Berkowitz is the lawyer the court appointed to represent me.

The aggrevated harassment charge against me in New York State is bogus. I am the victim of a medical school that lied.

Alex Spiro, assistant district attorney, telephone: 212-335-4058; fax: 212-335-4168, is engaged in misconduct. He is using the Manhattan District Attorney's office as a means of aggression.

Had the Manhattan District Attorney's office done its job a year ago, I would not have been physically assualted and almost killed at Jersey City Medical Center.

Republicians who sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee in the recent Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings know that maintaining false business records is a crime in New York State. This is happening NOW. They know Mike Tyberg and I are still being victimized by our dishonest medical school. I gave them information that they promised would be placed on-the-record [ insert link to Senate Judiciary Committee website HERE ]. Sonia Sotomayor is one of my 36 federal judges on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals who REFUSED TO UPHOLD THE LAW. The Senate Republicians asked me why I thought she was unfit for the Supreme Court: because she refused to uphold the law.

Here's your case, Mr. Berkowitz, in a nutshell:

( 1 ) Were her phone calls legitimate?


( 2 ) Are her blogsites malicious?


( 3 ) Is it relevant that she can discredit the complaining witnesses ? YES. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE THAT THE COMPLAINING WITNESSES ARE SCARED---THEY ARE LIARS.

[ I put all the information that the judges needs to see, that John Scarfone and Dan Riesel had committed perjury in federal district court, the Second Circuit is a black box, good stuff goes in, garbage comes out----why can't Judge Sonia Sotomayor ask why ? ]

The charges against me should be dropped immediately, my bail money should be refunded immediately [ Judge Jackson told me to shut-up because she did not want it on-the-record when I said in open court that my intentionally falsified records at Yeshiva University were being used as a foundation to create even more falsified records at other agencies and institutions, and that had the Manhattan District Attorney's office done its job a year ago I would not have been physically assaulted at Jersey City Medical Center and almost killed ], I need orders of protection against these psychopaths, a change of venue, and my criminal charges against Yeshiva has to go forward, and include Mike Tyberg, and Mike and I want the money that we paid for classes Yeshiva never provided refunded to us immediately.

NOTE: " Posse Comitatus is a myth " . The military can step in.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SPOOKY, isn't it?

--On my broken back, is how the law was brought, on the broken back of a woman, letters I ghost-wrote for a dishonest Russian-Jew.

--A woman, chosen, for abilty to with-stand pain, run long-distance, starve for a day, in a New York prison, spooky, isn't it.


THE BIG PICTURE ISSUE: The Jews control the courts; the Christians control the military. We're having a war. The CIA got caught in the middle [ with falsified information ? ]


--The courts fabricate rulings and refuse to uphold the law = coercive military strategies that are used by the Israeli military to oppress Palestinians and control Israel against a potential non-Jewish majority; tactics also seen in America, as I demonstrated [ see minor note below, re: China ].

The courts enforce the law for Jews, but, no one else. That's what sources from the New York State Attorney General's office said too, same tactic. And, I can demonstrate that I went to the Hudson County prosecutor's office three times, for three different reasons, and each time the law was not enforced to protect me, a Christian.

--Taxes that are paid to support one religion, but not all religions, is another coercive military strategy that the Israeli military uses to oppress Palestinians, and that I demonstrated is used in America, too, to oppress Americans.



Today, Sunday, 19-July-2009, I called Mikey Weinstein, Military Religious Freedom Foundation, telephone: 505-821-7432, hard-line for messages, I don't think he wants me to give out his private, cell phone number.

Item 1: I revealed FACTS in my case that help Valerie and her husband, who were trying to tell the TRUTH ABOUT REPORTS THAT LEAD THIS NATION TO WAR.

And, it goes like this: I revealed information about the CIA and got SLAMMED, no question, and got taunted, too.

Other individuals revealed information about Valerie and the CIA, information that they had no right to reveal, and were not SLAMMED. We were promised that the individuals responsible would be held accountable. So far, they have not been held accountable. Why?

Why isn't Mikey using this to help his friends? I don't know. He made up some bogus excuse about not having standing in a court of law. It's stupid. I know Mr. Weinstein. He is too good. He would use everything and anything, in any way, including the court of public opinion, to help his friends. If he is not, then, there is something wrong; He doesn't like the source. He doesn't like the fact that the only thing that mattered to the source, was that his friends were trying to tell THE TRUTH ABOUT REPORTS THAT LEAD THIS NATION TO WAR.

Item # 2: In the near short term, I am going to have to tell the truth. Mr. Weinstein will not like it. I told him, in advance.


No standing, in a court of law.....they don't want the truth...on-the-record, but Mr. Weinstein knows as well as me, there are lots of places to place the truth on-the-record, that can be cited to...heck, Mr. Wilson...I started telling the truth at city council meetings, I can tell the truth at county meetings, vido-tapes are played 24/7, 24/7, to get the story out, you can, too [ no standing...means they can't get in, but I can ].

The Republicans helped me place the truth on-the-record in the Senate confirmation hearings, during the Sonia Sotomayor hearings, this blogsite is being cited to as evidence in my upcoming criminal trial....there are lots of ways for Valerie to tell the truth, on-the-record,....all I have to do is tell the truth....why is the CIA at my medical school? How come I got slammed for revealing this truth, and the individuals that are responsible for ruining Valerie's career by revealing her standing at the CIA, are still not held accountable.

Mr. Wilson....Congressman Miller's staff said on Friday that he may be willing to have a HEARING in about a month or two......I can testify, so can you, and Valerie too....We don't have to say too much....Why is the CIA at my medical school? Why was I slammed for revealing this truth? To compare and contrast, why aren't the people who revealed information to destroy Valerie's career held accountable too? Use this, Mr. Wilson.

People asked me, on the way back from Washington, what they can do. They can call Congressman Miller's office, telephone: 202-226-2068. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to the appropriate staffer yet, but, anyone can call, you don't have to reveal your identity, or any information, and you will only be talking to a receptionist who answers the phone, and just say: "We'd like to see a hearing about Yeshiva University".


Note: China's biggest challenge is making a court system that upholds the law and enforces contracts. Without this, foreign investors are loathe to invest in China, because they know their contracts will not be upheld. For me, China will understand.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

FOR SUTTON & CATTON--A BETTER WEAPON # 2--argue directly, our government is illegit.

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Forget about the International treaty, which takes an extra-step [ recall you will have to dig up the U.S. Supreme court case wherein Jews had themselves declared a separate race, in order to argue discrimination based on race as well as religion ]; instead just argue DIRECTLY; we HAVE established religion, in violation of our Constitution, for the past 40 years, or so, our federal tax dollars go to support private, religious education for Orthodox-Jews at schools like Yeshiva University, but, not to other religious groups in the same unfettered manner that Yeshiva enjoys, in sum, our government is illegitimate, and has been so, for the past 40 years or so.
[ Bob Jones gets its tax-exemption back; he needs to be made whole, even if he never uses it ]
The Big Picture: Power in the Army tends to be with the Christians. Power in the New York courts is with racist Jews, as Dr. Garg and I amply demonstrated, from about the mid-1980's to now, from the lowest state court to the entire Second Circuit of Appeals. If they took out the Christian generals, the Christian leadership in the military, the ones most able to fight, like in Poland, then, they consolidate power.
Understand, it is like the massacre at Katyn; they go after the ones most able to fight. Do you see anyone attacking Yeshiva University like these Christian generals were attacked? NO. And, the psychopaths at Yeshiva did much, much worse, in comparison [ I could write a book on the Nazi propaganda techniques, alone ].
The Bigger Picture: Once someone like me demonstrates that civilian authority has been so corrupted that it does not work, then, during a time of war, I can appeal to the military as an adjunct police force, to enforce the law, to protect civilians; but, not if they took you out first; America plays Poland to Israel's Germany.
This is a struggle for control of America.
Not incidentally, I am not against what Yeshiva University is doing, getting millions of federal tax dollars to promote private, religious education, I just want to much money do the Muslims get? None. How much money do the Catholics get? None. How much money do the Mormons get? None. How much do the Buddhists get? None. How come the doctrine of separation of church and state does not apply to Yeshiva University? already sued successfully for discrimination based on religion, by Diane Persky, a Conservative Jewish woman who had her career ended by racist Zionists. By the way, are they for separation of church and state in Israel too? No.

Minor tech difficulty.
Will fix, soonest.

Read the IG's report.

In sum, you'all did very little wrong.

Use this, to protect.

He went from making policy at the Pentagon to commander of cadets at West Point. So, I asked, is that a step up, or a step down, or a lateral move?

HEY, idiot psychiatrists, I'm not the one with the mental health problem, the lawyers are pathological liars....Riesel, Scarfone, Falcone....they are psychopaths.

John Scarfone already lied in federal district court...under penalty of perjury, in another student's case, he claimed that I failed ALL my first-year classes except for one, Todd Olson's anatomy course, because, Todd Olson was such a nice guy, and not a pervert who asked a female student to perform oral sex on him.

In short, Mr. Alex Spuro, Assistant District Attorney, Manhattan, telephone:
212-335-4058, I caught John Scarfone in perjury in federal district court, do you think your complaining witness had a RETALIATORY MOTIVE in lying about me, Mr. Spuro----did you bother talking to me, the innocent victim? No. Do you think that Yeshiva University has a RETALIATORY MOTIVE in filing a false police report [ a CRIME ] because they are LYING to steal money from me, and I caught them. Did you bother talking to me? No.

When they lie about the number of classes I was taking in order to steal money from me, and the federal government in the form of a federal Pell grant [ and state TAP grant ] that I was not eligible to receive, do you think those are MATERIAL FACTS, MR. Spuro?

Then, Yeshiva's contradicted itself; most recently, it told a state agency that I only failed 3 first-year classes. Face it, idiot psychiatrists, the lawyers just make things up; they are profoundly disturbed individuals, sociopaths.

In federal district court Riesel swore, under penalty of perjury that I got two hearings, now, he claims I only got one. The truth is I did not get even one hearing. I was required to stand out in a hallway, while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me; I already have admissions of guilt.

Did West Point lie to steal money from its students? No. Did West Point lie to steal federal tax-payer dollars in the form of Pell grants? No.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


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I went to criminal court in Jersey City, CJP, on
January 18, 2008, with a witness who is unrelated to me, and got "no-contact" orders from a criminal court judge that ordered North Bergen municipal court judge Nino Falcone , and his client, Ralph Pagnozzi, to have " no-contact" with me, after Mr. Falcone mailed me a threatening letter [ that letter is posted on this blog, and was entered into evidence during my landlord-tenant case, and is on-the-record in other courts, and locations, and I will post it here, again, for ease of reference].
Ralph Pagnozzi violated this order within 24 hours.
Nino Falcone violated this order within 10 days---the whole fourth eviction is illegal, because the notice that Nino Falcone sent to me on January 28, 2008 is in violation of a court order.
The only thing Lawrence Sindoni had to do was enter this order into evidence and then demand that the fourth eviction be dismissed, based on improper notices. I had to fight with Mr. Sindoni who was trying to lose my case.
How does the landlord enforce his rights? He does not threaten his tenant to the point where she has to ask a criminal court judge for a "no-contact" order, that 's how.
Tracy McQuaide, at the Hudson County Prosecutor's office, refused to enforce this order, demonstrating that these "no-contact" orders are not worth the paper that they are printed on [ insert Tracy McQuiade materials here ASAP ].
So, Mr. Falcone the only thing I have to do is go down to North Bergen and show the residents this "no-contact" order, so that they will know that Judge Falcone, a pompass ass, who presumes to have his court orders obeyed, spit in the face of a higher court, a criminal court, in Jersey City.
[ insert a summary of Falcone's sociopathic conduct here ]

Monday, July 6, 2009


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I won't be able to publish brief narrative explanation for about a week or two, but, in the meantime, you know, I got it.
The Big Picture: Its a power struggle between CIA and Defense, the president was too weak to make the call, so Rumsfeld did----ARMY RULES !
But, they needed someone like me to demonstrate civilian authority was totally corrupt, before they could assert themselves.
* * * * 4 stars: There's a bigger picture. The Huns had this same problem. They were trying to consolidate control.
A poem:
He is black,
I am white,
We stand back-to-back,
He is white,
[ with minority-student status ] I am black,
I still got his back,
I am a girl among men,
Can you tell who I am?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


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The screening document that sent mental health workers to my home at 4 PM, on 9/30/2008, is missing from my records.

The story started at 4 PM.

Their story started at 7 PM.

Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski did not return phone calls from, on or about 9/24/2008 to 9/30/2008.

The mental health workers came to my house at
4 PM on 9/30/2008 and scared my family with false information that there would be a pad-lock placed on my door the next day, 10/1/2008; this was a lie.

The landlords and their attorneys knew that I had a waiver good until 10/2/2008, and that I could get more. They lied.

I was in Manhattan at 4 PM getting a witness statement from Patrick Williams.

His witness statement is important because it speaks to qualities that I could not possess if I was schizophrenic: team player, like in football.

From 4 PM to 5 PM I called the sheriff, the court clerk at landlord-tenant court, and the landlords' attorney(s), and got a run-around.

The landlords attorney(s) refused to speak to me; of course, they can lie to a hospital to falsely imprison me, but, they can't talk to me like a real person. They are sociopaths.

I went home on or about 5 PM from Manhattan.

My mother's friend and I went down to the police station to talk to one of the police officers that came to my home. The police directed us to the landlord, and the hospital.

[ finish details here, insert more facts here ].

"per landlord pt did not have door slashed by him". Ralph Pagnozzi admitted to slashing my door with a knife, both before and after my false imprisonment. Ralph Pagnozzi is a dishonest landlord who lied to a hospital to falsely imprison his tenant when he was so frustrated he could not evict her legally. Ralph Pagnozzi is a sociopath who has to be prosecuted for his crimes immediately. Can you imagine how sick Ralph Pagnozzi is that he would lie to a psychiatric ward to falsely imprison a person. No normal, decent person would have anything to do with him.

" has letters pertaining to her landlord, Including photo that have pt taking off a letter-note with a sharp object "------right, Robert Ruiz honestly and sincerely believes that the masculine, HAIRY hand in the photo is mine. That photo is posted on this website, for ease of reference. In addition, witnesses who saw Ralph Pagnozzi slash my door were sitting in Robert Ruiz's waiting room, but, Robert Ruiz deliberately did not check the facts with me, or them, in order to falsely imprison me. Robert Ruiz is a liar, and a menace to society.

I did not speak to the landlord. I told the landlord's father, that I did not know what kind of scam his son was trying to pull behind my back, or what kind of lies he was telling, but if his son caused my door to be pad-locked and any evidence was lost, he would be guilty of OBSTRUCTION of justice, a very serious crime.

My landlord filed 4 frivolous evictions against me. I did not file evictions against him. He tormented me. Kristen Smith did not check the facts, deliberately.

They caught themselves in their own lies. They cannot argue that a "no-contact" order did not exist [ you only have a computer print-out ] at the same time they claimed I violated a "no-contact" order.

The North Bergen police threatened me, and acted on their threats.

Ralph Pagnozzi threatened me, and acted on his threats.

Nino Falcone threatened me, and acted on his threats.

A hospital cannot hold a person based on her " uncooperative state " or her
" unpredictable behavior ". These were taunts that were dictated. Coming out of Ft. Knox I was supposed to go to the CIA or the FBI. I didn't. I went military. They were pissed when I left the Pentagon: " you went off the reservation".

Coming out of Ft. Knox: " keep religion out of it ". No. Religion is in.

Don't worry, Marceia Kepicova, I am publishing the 9/25/2008 screening document [ already seen by witnesses ] wherein you contradict yourself [ she didn't answer questions, but, we went ahead and diagnosed her anyway, what a scam ], and I am publishing all the lies you told.

I condensed 40 to 60 pages of falsified medical records into a 2 page summary that shows how their story changed with time, each time we caught them in another lie, an easy to work with summary for a jury.


FACT: The purpose of this blogsite is to PROTECT myself, and others from the sociopaths associated with Yeshiva University like Dan Riesel.
A normal, decent man does not get up in the morning and go down to federal district court and LIE about Einstein/Yeshiva University providing me with TWO HEARINGS, when in fact I did not get even one hearing. Dan Riesel cannot produce a written, published faculty-approved hearing procedure that fully comports with the spirit of the law because it does not exist. Dan Riesel cannot argue for an Article 78 proceeding because he cannot produce a certified, verbatim transcript. On this point alone, I demonstrated to Mr. Mel Goldberg [ at New York State Attorney General's office, who threatened me ] that all procedures at all medical schools in New York State are fatally flawed.
FACT: The reason that I published contact information, including telephone numbers, as advised, is so that reporters and others can independently confirm that what I am saying is true.
FACT: It is easy to win court cases when FACTS are deliberately kept off the record.
EXAMPLE: Mr. Lawrence Sindoni, North East New Jersey Legal Services [ legal aid for poor people in New Jersey ] deliberately kept evidence off the record in my landlord-tenant case that demonstrated "FRESH" acts of retaliation during summer 2008, and that demonstrated that other tenants asked me for information which they used to assert their rights against Ralph Pagnozzi, dishonest landlord, demonstrating that I did not harass the other tenants, Ralph Pagnozzi harassed his own tenants out of their homes, goaded by dishonest lawyer and North Bergen municipal court judge Nino Falcone----who cannot tolerate the truth published on this blog.
I can't be heard in an American court of law, because the system is rigged, not broken, rigged, then, I will be heard everywhere else.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
FACT: On Tuesday, June 23, 2009, I showed Kevin Purvin this page out of my intentionally falsified medical records from Jersey City Medical Center.
I reminded him that public defenders do not just walk off cases. If he asked to be released from my case, then, he would have to have given Judge Rodriguez a letter asking to be released and stating the reasons why, and I want to see that letter.
Kevin Purvin confirmed that the statements attributed to him were false, that, essentially, as the "referral source" , Judge Rodriguez LIED.
There was a new law passed in summer 2007, in New Jersey, that says for official misconduct Judge Rodriguez could be facing mandatory jail time.
In a trial for criminal conspiracy, heresy rules do not apply, as Dan Riesel knows.
On the public record, in front of Judge Moreira, I placed as much of this information as possible, before she shut me down because she cannot tolerate the truth.
I am really supposed to believe that the Hudson County Prosecutor's office could not make a single phone call to Kevin Purvin to confirm this false medical record.
FACT: The Hudson County prosecutor's office has been helping Einstein/Yeshiva University steal money from me since 2005; My case has to be referred to the State Attorney General immediately, also confirmed by attorneys.