Sunday, July 19, 2009


THE BIG PICTURE ISSUE: The Jews control the courts; the Christians control the military. We're having a war. The CIA got caught in the middle [ with falsified information ? ]


--The courts fabricate rulings and refuse to uphold the law = coercive military strategies that are used by the Israeli military to oppress Palestinians and control Israel against a potential non-Jewish majority; tactics also seen in America, as I demonstrated [ see minor note below, re: China ].

The courts enforce the law for Jews, but, no one else. That's what sources from the New York State Attorney General's office said too, same tactic. And, I can demonstrate that I went to the Hudson County prosecutor's office three times, for three different reasons, and each time the law was not enforced to protect me, a Christian.

--Taxes that are paid to support one religion, but not all religions, is another coercive military strategy that the Israeli military uses to oppress Palestinians, and that I demonstrated is used in America, too, to oppress Americans.



Today, Sunday, 19-July-2009, I called Mikey Weinstein, Military Religious Freedom Foundation, telephone: 505-821-7432, hard-line for messages, I don't think he wants me to give out his private, cell phone number.

Item 1: I revealed FACTS in my case that help Valerie and her husband, who were trying to tell the TRUTH ABOUT REPORTS THAT LEAD THIS NATION TO WAR.

And, it goes like this: I revealed information about the CIA and got SLAMMED, no question, and got taunted, too.

Other individuals revealed information about Valerie and the CIA, information that they had no right to reveal, and were not SLAMMED. We were promised that the individuals responsible would be held accountable. So far, they have not been held accountable. Why?

Why isn't Mikey using this to help his friends? I don't know. He made up some bogus excuse about not having standing in a court of law. It's stupid. I know Mr. Weinstein. He is too good. He would use everything and anything, in any way, including the court of public opinion, to help his friends. If he is not, then, there is something wrong; He doesn't like the source. He doesn't like the fact that the only thing that mattered to the source, was that his friends were trying to tell THE TRUTH ABOUT REPORTS THAT LEAD THIS NATION TO WAR.

Item # 2: In the near short term, I am going to have to tell the truth. Mr. Weinstein will not like it. I told him, in advance.


No standing, in a court of law.....they don't want the truth...on-the-record, but Mr. Weinstein knows as well as me, there are lots of places to place the truth on-the-record, that can be cited to...heck, Mr. Wilson...I started telling the truth at city council meetings, I can tell the truth at county meetings, vido-tapes are played 24/7, 24/7, to get the story out, you can, too [ no standing...means they can't get in, but I can ].

The Republicans helped me place the truth on-the-record in the Senate confirmation hearings, during the Sonia Sotomayor hearings, this blogsite is being cited to as evidence in my upcoming criminal trial....there are lots of ways for Valerie to tell the truth, on-the-record,....all I have to do is tell the truth....why is the CIA at my medical school? How come I got slammed for revealing this truth, and the individuals that are responsible for ruining Valerie's career by revealing her standing at the CIA, are still not held accountable.

Mr. Wilson....Congressman Miller's staff said on Friday that he may be willing to have a HEARING in about a month or two......I can testify, so can you, and Valerie too....We don't have to say too much....Why is the CIA at my medical school? Why was I slammed for revealing this truth? To compare and contrast, why aren't the people who revealed information to destroy Valerie's career held accountable too? Use this, Mr. Wilson.

People asked me, on the way back from Washington, what they can do. They can call Congressman Miller's office, telephone: 202-226-2068. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to the appropriate staffer yet, but, anyone can call, you don't have to reveal your identity, or any information, and you will only be talking to a receptionist who answers the phone, and just say: "We'd like to see a hearing about Yeshiva University".


Note: China's biggest challenge is making a court system that upholds the law and enforces contracts. Without this, foreign investors are loathe to invest in China, because they know their contracts will not be upheld. For me, China will understand.

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