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Forget about the International treaty, which takes an extra-step [ recall you will have to dig up the U.S. Supreme court case wherein Jews had themselves declared a separate race, in order to argue discrimination based on race as well as religion ]; instead just argue DIRECTLY; we HAVE established religion, in violation of our Constitution, for the past 40 years, or so, our federal tax dollars go to support private, religious education for Orthodox-Jews at schools like Yeshiva University, but, not to other religious groups in the same unfettered manner that Yeshiva enjoys, in sum, our government is illegitimate, and has been so, for the past 40 years or so.
[ Bob Jones gets its tax-exemption back; he needs to be made whole, even if he never uses it ]
The Big Picture: Power in the Army tends to be with the Christians. Power in the New York courts is with racist Jews, as Dr. Garg and I amply demonstrated, from about the mid-1980's to now, from the lowest state court to the entire Second Circuit of Appeals. If they took out the Christian generals, the Christian leadership in the military, the ones most able to fight, like in Poland, then, they consolidate power.
Understand, it is like the massacre at Katyn; they go after the ones most able to fight. Do you see anyone attacking Yeshiva University like these Christian generals were attacked? NO. And, the psychopaths at Yeshiva did much, much worse, in comparison [ I could write a book on the Nazi propaganda techniques, alone ].
The Bigger Picture: Once someone like me demonstrates that civilian authority has been so corrupted that it does not work, then, during a time of war, I can appeal to the military as an adjunct police force, to enforce the law, to protect civilians; but, not if they took you out first; America plays Poland to Israel's Germany.
This is a struggle for control of America.
Not incidentally, I am not against what Yeshiva University is doing, getting millions of federal tax dollars to promote private, religious education, I just want to know...how much money do the Muslims get? None. How much money do the Catholics get? None. How much money do the Mormons get? None. How much do the Buddhists get? None. How come the doctrine of separation of church and state does not apply to Yeshiva University? already sued successfully for discrimination based on religion, by Diane Persky, a Conservative Jewish woman who had her career ended by racist Zionists. By the way, are they for separation of church and state in Israel too? No.
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