Sunday, July 5, 2009


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The screening document that sent mental health workers to my home at 4 PM, on 9/30/2008, is missing from my records.

The story started at 4 PM.

Their story started at 7 PM.

Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski did not return phone calls from, on or about 9/24/2008 to 9/30/2008.

The mental health workers came to my house at
4 PM on 9/30/2008 and scared my family with false information that there would be a pad-lock placed on my door the next day, 10/1/2008; this was a lie.

The landlords and their attorneys knew that I had a waiver good until 10/2/2008, and that I could get more. They lied.

I was in Manhattan at 4 PM getting a witness statement from Patrick Williams.

His witness statement is important because it speaks to qualities that I could not possess if I was schizophrenic: team player, like in football.

From 4 PM to 5 PM I called the sheriff, the court clerk at landlord-tenant court, and the landlords' attorney(s), and got a run-around.

The landlords attorney(s) refused to speak to me; of course, they can lie to a hospital to falsely imprison me, but, they can't talk to me like a real person. They are sociopaths.

I went home on or about 5 PM from Manhattan.

My mother's friend and I went down to the police station to talk to one of the police officers that came to my home. The police directed us to the landlord, and the hospital.

[ finish details here, insert more facts here ].

"per landlord pt did not have door slashed by him". Ralph Pagnozzi admitted to slashing my door with a knife, both before and after my false imprisonment. Ralph Pagnozzi is a dishonest landlord who lied to a hospital to falsely imprison his tenant when he was so frustrated he could not evict her legally. Ralph Pagnozzi is a sociopath who has to be prosecuted for his crimes immediately. Can you imagine how sick Ralph Pagnozzi is that he would lie to a psychiatric ward to falsely imprison a person. No normal, decent person would have anything to do with him.

" has letters pertaining to her landlord, Including photo that have pt taking off a letter-note with a sharp object "------right, Robert Ruiz honestly and sincerely believes that the masculine, HAIRY hand in the photo is mine. That photo is posted on this website, for ease of reference. In addition, witnesses who saw Ralph Pagnozzi slash my door were sitting in Robert Ruiz's waiting room, but, Robert Ruiz deliberately did not check the facts with me, or them, in order to falsely imprison me. Robert Ruiz is a liar, and a menace to society.

I did not speak to the landlord. I told the landlord's father, that I did not know what kind of scam his son was trying to pull behind my back, or what kind of lies he was telling, but if his son caused my door to be pad-locked and any evidence was lost, he would be guilty of OBSTRUCTION of justice, a very serious crime.

My landlord filed 4 frivolous evictions against me. I did not file evictions against him. He tormented me. Kristen Smith did not check the facts, deliberately.

They caught themselves in their own lies. They cannot argue that a "no-contact" order did not exist [ you only have a computer print-out ] at the same time they claimed I violated a "no-contact" order.

The North Bergen police threatened me, and acted on their threats.

Ralph Pagnozzi threatened me, and acted on his threats.

Nino Falcone threatened me, and acted on his threats.

A hospital cannot hold a person based on her " uncooperative state " or her
" unpredictable behavior ". These were taunts that were dictated. Coming out of Ft. Knox I was supposed to go to the CIA or the FBI. I didn't. I went military. They were pissed when I left the Pentagon: " you went off the reservation".

Coming out of Ft. Knox: " keep religion out of it ". No. Religion is in.

Don't worry, Marceia Kepicova, I am publishing the 9/25/2008 screening document [ already seen by witnesses ] wherein you contradict yourself [ she didn't answer questions, but, we went ahead and diagnosed her anyway, what a scam ], and I am publishing all the lies you told.

I condensed 40 to 60 pages of falsified medical records into a 2 page summary that shows how their story changed with time, each time we caught them in another lie, an easy to work with summary for a jury.

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