Wednesday, December 24, 2008


-Janice Bennett sat on my Promotions Committee, when I was a student at Einstein. She knows Reichgott lied; she helped them lie. She is a mental health worker on the Columbia campus, now.

-She knows, with absolute certainty, that Michael J. Reichgott, MD, internal medicine doc, not psychiatry, intentionally falsified a security report to illegally break into my home on the Einstein campus.

-He claimed that they broke in because they were so worried about me, because I was missing from classes in May 1996, and because I was missing from my job at Long Island Jewish Medical Center [ LIJ ].

-The FACTS: There were no classes for me in May 1996. My last class was February 2, 1996; my last exam was in March 1996. As a member of my Promotions Committee, Janice Bennett knows these facts; all the members of my Promotions Committee know these facts. The Board of Trustees already admitted that Reichgott lied. They know.

-There was no job at LIJ. I volunteered.

-The psychiatric arguments against me started the very first day, long before I said or did anything; for example, I missed what I thought was an optional social event, the night before school started.

-The first day, administrators I didn't even know started accusing me of "isolating from my peers". August 1994.

-It got worse from there. When I refused to cheat in anatomy lab, Janice Bennett started using diagnostic words and phrases, like, accusing me of "having flat affect" [ read here, no emotion, an element in schizophrenia ]. October 1994.

-Guys, I don't have flat affect. I err in the opposite direction. Let's face it. I can be obnoxious.

-Guys, don't you get it. I was set-up, from day-one. Before I even set foot in the school, they knew how they would get rid of me.

-Guys, this is a school that falsifies information. A school that gets money, money that cannot be touched from the CIA.

---Mr. Sindoni knows, my former attorney. Nino Falcone started in with the " the bizarre behavior continues for she has filed harassment complaints in the municipal court" [ August 2008 ].---I didn't file a complaint. My landlady did [June 2008] unwarranted. ---I filed a cross-complaint, to protect myself. ---If I didn't have the original paperwork to correct these false statements of material fact, these criminals would get away with destroying my life. I already posted this detailed information on one of my blogsites. Lt. Col. Wardle knows, because he made reference to it.

-Guys, you're not getting this. I am being stalked by a psychopath.

-Guys, the words and phrases being used are to manage me towards a false diagnosis, to discredit me [ "isolating from peers" , "flat affect", "bizarre behavior continues" ].

-Guys, on 9/12/2008, I stood up to a bad judge in municipal court and she sicced the mental health workers on me, to intentionally create a false medical record [ a judge who refused to enforce a "no-contact" order for months, verbal order issued on 7/10/2008; not placed on the written record until 8/26/2008 ]. Stacey Dix-Kielbowski, a mental health worker, intentionally falsified medical records, to slant the truth [ "she has come into court repeatedly on days when no hearing is scheduled"---yes, because Judge Rodriguez instructed me to do, she promised that she would enforce a "no-contact" order; she never did; "she's stalking her public defender around the county in a menacing manner" ---my public defender, Keving Purvin, said he didn't know what Stacey was talking about ].

-I can demonstrate that mental health workers, doctors, from Jersey City Medical Center were in contact with my medical school----the same individuals who falsified my records at school [ from Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center: shut up about the 36 judges, Lidya, don't go to presidents of other countries, or we'll imprison you in a locked ward for the rest of your life, you know, the judges who upheld a fabricated ruling that a "former" student cannot correct her records, ridiculous ].

--Guys, my landlord took a knife to my door. Security at Jersey City Medical Center jumped me, assaulted me, left bruises on my body. The Jersey City police refused to protect me, lied to my family. My family kept 24-hour guard on me, and hard-evidence, under house-arrest conditions for 4 months.

--Guys, foreign diplomats spoke up to protect me when the White House criticized me for being "unpatriotic" ( they say this about everybody ) after the president of another country conveyed my letter to our president.

--Guys, I am in a war zone.

--New Jersey Legal Services [ Jack Wind and Larry Sindoni ] have been aware of my falsified promissory note since November 1997. I could not get legal services from New Jersey Legal Services unless I presented my financial information.

-Also, check my December 1997 letter to my landlords, presented in court trial, March 2008 to August 2008. Judge Fast and Judge Falcone know.

-Guys, they have done this to innocent people before: John Cacace, MD, Ajay P. Garg, MD, Heidi Weissman, MD.

-Guys, Janice Bennett could tell the truth now. She won't because she is protecting Reichgott and Yeshiva University. Why? She works at Columbia now.

-Why would Dr. Seward allow a mental health worker who lied to destroy an innocent student's life, my life, to continue to interact with students on the Columbia campus?

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