Thursday, December 11, 2008


The men at Westpoint think it is funny that I was assulted, illegally abducted, illegally incarcerated, threatened, accused of being a terrorist four times in three years [ kidnapped the day I picked up another witness statement ].

These are notes I shared with Congressmen, Senators, and Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan. Steve Spurr at Senator Lautenberg's office thinks its funny too.

Dear BG Patrick Finnegan,

I talked to some of your instructors and your cadets at Columbia University, this past Saturday [ please scroll down to see, Plan E, re: Viet Nam, especially].


I asked them if they would be so kind as to deliver a message for me: now, that the situation has changed, at your convenience, I would appreciate 3 minutes of your time.

When would your schedule permit a meeting between you and me?

Details, in brief:

I started at the lowest level I could to solve this problem, it took me years to work up to your level; I am not doing this for self-promotion.

Doctors who lie to imprison a normal person in a locked ward for life, threaten her life, as well as her liberty. My life was threatened. Those threats were acted on, recently.

In the past few days, I just discovered more evidence that my medical school falsified records.

The modus operandi of the criminals that I am dealing with is that they falsify records, and then, base even more criminal acts on those false records.

For example, Michael J. Reichgott, MD, admitted to the Board of Trustees in 2004 that he falsified a security report to illegally break into my home on the Einstein campus.

The Board admitted that he lied, and then, said so what, it is only one example. Not true. I have more examples than I know what to do with, along the lines of here is a lie, here's how I can prove everyone knew it was a lie.

With great respect, because force is the only thing you seem to understand, if you will not talk to me for 3 minutes, here's what I plan to do:

Brief statement of issue: How do you own a general? What do they have on you?

What should have happened when I came to talk to you a year and a half ago, after Congressman Mica's office tried for weeks to get an appointment, was something along the lines of…..gosh, darn, Ms. Radin….36 federal judges don’t honestly and sincerely believe a student can’t get and correct her records….what’s really going on? Not your lame excuse to me: the Army feels no obligation to a civilian.

Or Plan B: I’ll try you in front of your troops.

You told me about a year and a half ago that the Army feels no obligation to a civilian.

Can you imagine how this will play to the mothers, the fathers, the brothers, the sisters, the neighbors, the best friends of your cadets?

We raise the Army, we pay for the Army, we feed you, we clothe you, we sacrifice for you, we are told that we need a strong Army to protect us, and when civilian authority is so completely and utterly corrupt that we are compelled to appeal to the Army, your response is: the Army feels no obligation to a civilian ? !

Or, Plan C: I’ll try you in front of their parents and friends.

All I have to do is distribute a handbill to colleges and universities with a photocopy of my falsified promissory note on one side, and notes on the other side that read: all the lies Dan Riesel told, here’s how to steal money from a student in a federal student loan program. Don’t worry the courts, law enforcement, and the Army will help you steal.

In short, the cadets will know with absolute certainty that : “don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal, or associate with those who do” is a lie.

It will destroy their belief system. It will destroy troop morale, before they even get to the field. This is a terrible thing. It is the essence of Katyn.

Or Plan D: I’ll try you in front of the Middle East.

Remember Mrs. Clinton, when you said your husband was the target of a vast right-wing conspiracy designed to discredit him, and ruin his life, and everyone said you were crazy, until independent reporters proved you right?

They tried to say Monica was crazy too, until she produced hard evidence, DNA on her dress.

I am the target of a criminal conspiracy designed to discredit me and ruin my life.

Standard operating procedure: women are always deemed crazy.

Or Plan E: Viet Nam, all over again.

-If you force me to appeal to foreign governments and that causes the army in the field to lose the support of local populations, then, you will have single-handedly caused a situation directly analogous to Viet Nam, an army in overtly-hostile territory without the support of local populations. My friends are out there. You cannot turn me into Tokyo Rose.

--The defense of entrapment is not available. Entrapment means a situation was created wherein the target had no other choice. All these people could have chosen to do the right thing, at any time, even now. They did not.

-All these excuses are trumpeted up, to avoid criminal charges, because we should not hold Jews responsible for their crimes. Should play well in the Middle East.

Lidya Radin

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