Thursday, December 11, 2008


These are notes I prepared for Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, Congressmen, and Senators.

(1) Since the car crash on 6/24/08 I have been seeing 3 to 4 specialists regularly. I was hit while legally parked and injured.

One, a neurologist, also board certified in psychiatry, did a mental status exam as part of his general physical exam on 7.29.08. I was fine.

On 10 am the morning I was kidnapped, 9/30/08, I saw my neurologist. I was fine. If there was anything wrong with me, don't you'all think a doctor who was monitoring me for months would have noticed? If anyone was concerned about me, why didn't they talk to me?

I went to Jersey City Medical Center, with a witness on 9/26/08, and tried to talk with Dr. Chang, after Jersey City Medical Center employees came to my house on 9/25/08. The only thing he kept saying was: "I can't talk to you, I can't talk to you" Now, if I was a terrorist with a bomb, don't you'all think that Dr. Chang should have brought up that issue then, NOT DAYS LATER, on 9/30/08, as an excuse to kidnap me?

At 4 pm the day I was kidnapped, on 9/30/08, I was scheduled for a pain management treatment with 2 doctors that I was seeing regularly for pain.

Instead, I had to miss this appointment, scheduled right after I was scheduled to pick-up a witness statement, so I could deal with the fact that workers from Jersey City Medical Center came to my house, TO SCARE MY FAMILY, when there was absolutely no reason from them to show up, at all----AGAIN, if Jersey City Medical Center had a reason to be concerned, Dr. Chang, a psychiatrist, would have talked to me days before on 9/26/08, instead, of saying: "I can't talk to you, I can't talk to you".

There was no reason for Jersey City Medical Center to come to my home on 9/30/08; I had a waiver issued the week before, such that there was NO EVICTION, NO WARRANT FOR REMOVAL.

The landlords knew this too, because Judge Fast told me to hand-deliver the information to them.

(2) Dr. Jelnov is making a complete fool out of himself.

Subsequent to my illegal expulsion from my medical school, New York State certified classes that I taught to licensed professionals who dealt with patients everyday. My classes were used so that these professionals could maintain their licenses, as part of post-graduate continuing education, required by law.

Does Dr. Jelnov want to continue to claim that I was continuously out-of-contact with reality for this extended period of time, such that I could not function in the real world? Or does everyone recognize by now, that Dr. Jelnov is a sociopath and a danger to society?

Would Dr. Jelnov like to pit himself against New York State? and all the licensed professionals that I had to go through to get my classes certified?

Would Dr. Jelnov like to pit himself against all the licensed professionals who completed outstanding performance evaluations of my classes----because I can produce all of them.

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