Thursday, December 11, 2008


All the lies Dan told: Dan Riesel, a "former" chief prosecutor for the federal government LIED to hurt me, an honors graduate.
There has never been a hearing for a medical student in the state of New York in the history of our nation---these are power and control issues.
I was required to stand out in a hall, while in a meeting room, my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me.
I was not allowed to be in the room to hear the arguments against me, much less defend myself. An Iranian diplomat, with the support of her people, defended me and these AMERICAN PRINCIPALS when Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan at Westpoint would not---he is a BUM.
I asked Janice Bennett, who works at Columbia University now, and who was on my Promotions Committee, to tell the truth, to correct the false statements of material fact that Dan Riesel made in my case. She refused. So, I went to her boss; here's what my handbill looks like so far: "your medical care is being provided to you today, Columbia students, by a woman who lied to hurt an innocent student, me".
Janice Bennett does not feel threatened my me. She feels threatened by her own complicity. She has been trying to falsely label me since med school: "you have flat affect" ( no emotion ) as a symptom of schizophrenia. I do not have flat affect, please, I err in the opposite direction.
Ask James Daw, I never refused a mental status exam. I thought that was a reasonable request, and said so, in writing, and in front of witnesses.
I was expelled because I refused to sign a CONTRACT releasing the school from liability in my case.
I refused to be examined by doctors at Einstein who lied to illegally break into my home on the Einstein campus, who falsified a security report to do so, admitted that they were not responsible for the lies they told, they only told the lies their lawyers put in their mouths, doctors who lied to falsify my medical records, my educational records, my financial records, doctors who lied to help my classmate steal grant money, doctors who did a lot of things they should not have done.

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