Friday, September 12, 2008


[ my credentials are posted on . An open letter to President Ahmadinejad was placed on the Tuesday, September 2, 2008 post ].

Rabbi Lamm and his school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, an overtly-bigoted, Zionist school, lied to steal money from a me, a Christian woman ( with minority-student status ) and otherwise destroy my life and shut me up.

If a black man lied to try and steal $40,000 from me, he'd be in jail by now. When Jewish bigots lied to try and steal $40,000 from me, 36 federal judges and high government officials up to and INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, George Bush, helped them.

President Bush has the authority and the power to order that these criminals be prosecuted immediately, and replace 36 federal judges who lied.

Instead he kowtows to Rabbi Lamm. PRESIDENT BUSH THROWS AWAY HIS LEGACY. HE IS RABBI LAMM'S PUPPET. The puppet of Zionist racism.

What more does Ahmadinejad need to know? America is a joke.

My cell phone number: 347-416-0500. I have more creditable evidence than I know what to do with.

Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor for the United States, is cooperating in crimes against me. I am posting all my student loan bills, and all my postmarked envelopes, so the world can see the Mr. Riesel for what he is, a coward, and a thief.

While real men and real women die, on the ground, Dan Riesel, a former Air Force captain, plays word games with 36 patsy judges.

I am an American woman, on American soil, in a time of war, and my Generals are too COWARDLY to STAND UP to Zionist thieves in America? AMERICA IS NOT SAFE FOR AMERICANS---WE ARE A JOKE TO THE ENEMY.

Hey, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF after I beg the ENEMY to protect me from my own COUNTRYMEN, do you think troop morale might be compromised ?

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