My credentials are posted on http:// ( I will post more, as soon as possible ).
Ahmadinejah, on September 16, 2008, at the United Nations, ASK:
This is an open letter to Iranian President Ahmadinejah asking for help against Jewish criminals, asking for help in fighting for a fair presidential election in November 2008, and asking for help in fighting for a strong, independent judiciary.
Ahmadinejah, as a man who says he can STAND UP to the WEST, are you strong enough to STAND UP to President Bush and Rabbi Lamm, to call them out in front of the world, on September 16, 2008?
George Bush will not stand up openly for me, for millions of Americans like me, for Muslims, for Mormons, for Christians, for Buddhists, for his constituency in the religious right. He will not STAND UP for Senator McCain, to fight openly for a fair election in November. He does not even have enough respect for himself to STAND UP for his own legacy----he kowtows to Rabbi Lamm. My country's disgrace is irrefutably clear.
Ahmadinejah, for the freedom of my country, will you fight the good fight with me?
Are you strong enough to demand the resignation of 36 federal judges? According to Congressman Mica's office, these judges have already admitted that what they did was wrong, and that if brought before the House Judiciary Committee, they, like cowards, will blame their law clerks.
The House Judiciary Committee, controlled by the Democratic Party, does not want to do anything, because, they don't want to mess up their upcoming presidential election in November 2008. This is NOT their election. It is the people's election.
According to scholars, the Democratic Party operates for Jewish interests, not American interests: " The Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates 'depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 percent of the money' " , page 18 working paper, RW P6-011, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, [The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John J. Mearsheimer, University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, Harvard University says, America acts for Jewish interests, not American interests. Click on the link below to read this work by these scholars: ].
America deserves a strong, independent judiciary, too, just like every other country, not a bunch of stooges that serve the interests of a racist religious sect, a sect whose beliefs are so extreme that they referred to me as not human, and claimed that they had the "right" to perform human behavioral experiments on me, as if I were an animal, against my will.
It is beyond reason that the Democratic Party, and my president would allow more innocent Americans to come to harm by not immediately condemning 36 judges, 36 criminals.
In America, we live like Palestinians.
Ahmadinejad, will you openly condemn 36 federal judges, so America can be free?
Will you STAND, STAND with me?
[ note 1: Here's your foreign policy analysis, Mr. Bush, if I have to go to the president of IRAN and beg his help in freeing my people from Zionist racism, it will give Ahmadinejad power and legitimacy. He will become Lord King, God Emperor for STANDING UP, and all he will have to do is denounce 36 federal judges. With respect, you, on the other hand, may as well get down on your knees before Rabbi Lamm, now, because that is what you will look like, BEFORE THE WORLD, a COWARD. STAND UP. LEAD.
note 2: Here's your domestic policy analysis, Mr. Bush, the Mafia, with all due respect to Italian-Americans, is prosecuted for racketeering, collecting illegal debts, but Rabbi Lamm's school, the school that collected an illegal debt from me is not prosecuted. I can't wait to inform organized crime FAMILIES, they will have a FIELD day with this. I will even show them how to use this information to fight their criminal prosecutions.
note 3, posted on 9/3/2008: The last conversation I had with Dan Riesel, on August 14, 2008, he told me that I had (1) no creditable evidence, (2) no creditable claim, and (3) accused me of "harassing" him. For (1): I have a stack of bills and postmarked envelopes demonstrating irrefutably federal student loan fraud, and am showing them to lots of witnesses, including foreign governments, and will post ALL of them. My evidence is GOOD, and I have tons of it. For (2): I can quote almost every judge in the Second Circuit citing a "2-year fraud discovery rule" in civil cases, including Judge Patterson who stated this explicitly in his May 2005 ruling against me ( I discovered the falsified promissory note in June 2005 ), and I can quote widely demonstrating judges in the Second Circuit know that there is a "1-year fraud discovery rule" for criminal prosecution. For (3): Dan Riesel is a criminal who lied to help Zionists steal from me, and the United States government is helping them. I will starting posting more evidence on related websites, to create an INTER-LOCKING web.
278 Third Street, # 1
Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
Mobile telephone: 347-416-0500
Dear President Ahmandinejad:
With utmost urgency and respect, I write to you to ask for help.
I feel that I can ask for your help, because I helped you.
You and I helped President Kosmic.
Bosnia and Herzagovina is 40% Muslim and 15% Catholic. You supported Bosnia and Herzagovina's independence because you were concerned about Muslims.
The Pope was concerned about the Catholics; he did not want them to live as an oppressed minority.
It was important, therefore, that before Zeljko Komsic, Presidency Chairman of Bosnia and Heragovina, met with the Pope, in October 2007, that he demonstrate that he would act for Christians. I gave him the opportunity to do so.
Last year at Columbia University, my alma mater, on September 27, 2007, in front of many witnesses including the Secret Service, President Komsic shook my hand and accepted my September 25, 2005 letter to Archbisphop Myers, posted on this blogsite for ease of reference.
Several months later, through officials at the United Nations, I confirmed that my letter had been conveyed to the White House.
Brief summary of the issues:
I am a victim of human rights violations, and have national security issues that involve (1) the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, (2) members of his cabinet, Michael Mukasey, Margaret Spellings, and Mike Leavitt, Mr. Leavitt is also a member of the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council, which is part of the Executive Office of the President, ( 3) thirty-six federal judges, the entire Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and other prominent members of my government including ( 4) Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, at United States Military Academy at Westpoint, and I need your help to make this known to the world on September 16, 2008.
I am awed that I am asking this of you, nevertheless, I am compelled to do so for my well-being and the love I have for my country; the criminals I am dealing with are a clear and present danger to me and to the safety and security of my country.
On this blogsite, I have assembled the core documents you need to understand my case. Please be assured that there is more corroborative evidence available, should you request it.
I do not trust regular channels for a complaint such as mine at the United Nations, because those channels call for closed-door meetings, meetings at which I will not be permitted to be present and at which I am afraid that false information will be presented and accepted.
This was how I was illegally expelled from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, the school from which Howard Dean, chairman of the National Democratic Party got his medical degree. I was required to stand out in a hall while in a meeting room my professors gave false unsworn testimony against me. I was not permitted to be in the room to hear the arguments against me, much less defend myself.
List of persons who have been informed:
George W. Bush, president of the United States of America, Mike Leavitt, U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services, Margaret Spellings, U.S. Secretary of Education, Howard Dean, chair of the National Democratic Party, New York State Attorny General Andrew Cuomo, Congressmen Miller, Crowley, Menendez (now, Senator Menendez), Mica, Weiner, Senators Grassley and Lautenberg, Nobel Peace prize winner and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, the Bronx and Manhattan District Attorneys, officials at major universities, including Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, highly-placed priests and rabbis, Brig. General Patrick Finnegan, and Major Madox at United States Military Academy at Westpoint, and more. Execept for an exceptional few, they are cowards, all. Any one of them, including President Bush, could, at any time, even now, speak out in the press and condemn the atrocity that they are witnessing. Choix de vie; they do not.
I expect that I will experience retaliation for reaching out to you, a man perceived as an enemy, yet, I believe that if we cooperate with each other for the sake of truth and righteousness, we demonstrate that we are good citizens of the world.
You should be aware that I have been falsely accused of being a terrorist, and have been cleared of these and other false charges by the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service. Frankly, I can do more damage by telling the truth.
The truth is my strongest weapon.
Bombs and bullets will not free America from the tyranny of pervasive Jewish racism.
Truth will.
I am your witness.
I am an honors graduate of Columbia University, a Roman Catholic, a Croatian-American, a victim of human rights violations in the United States, and your witness when you address the United Nations General Assembly on
September 16, 2008, as a man who purports to be strong enough to stand up to the West.
Last year at ColumbiaUniversity, President Lee Bollinger had no cause to critize you as a small and petty dictator, because at my alma mater President Bollinger acts as a small and petty dictator, himself.
I tried to speak with President Bollinger about the injustice he tolerates at his school towards his students, and other serious issues, and was treated with contempt, despite the fact that Columbia knows me as a good person who worked for the benefit of a school she loved. At anytime, even now, President Bollinger could easily right this wrong. He does not. His conduct is not that of a world leader. It is the conduct of a coward.
Subsequent to my graduation from Columbia University, I attended the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. As part of a number of crimes perpetrated against me, crimes that stand unabated to this day, officials at this overtly Orthodox-Jewish school lied to steal money from me in a federal student loan program, and members of my government are helping those officials.
Saying so, is not anti-Semitic. It is the truth. It may be an ugly truth. Nevertheless, it is the truth.
Jews lied to steal from me in a federal student loan program and my government, up to and including the President of the United States of America, leader of the free world, is helping them. What more does the world need to know?
Will you help me, President Ahmadinejad? With respect, are you strong enough to stand up to the West? Will you let me stand with you at the United Nations on September 16, 2008, and give testimony to pervasive Jewish racism in America, racism that undermines America at every turn, and, standing with me, demand the resignation of 36 corrupt federal judges, for the good of my country?
Are you strong enough to ask every other world leader to stand, to call out their names, one-by-one, to demand the resignation of 36 corrupt judges, to bring the full weigh of the world to bear, because America deserves good judges too. Because America deserves a fair election in November too.
America has always tried to help the world. Now, will the world help America?
Will you help me take my country back?
Will you stand, stand with me?
Lidya Maria Radin.
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