Monday, September 1, 2008


The kind of pervasive Zionist racism that I am describing in these posts speaks to outrageous, gross discrimination that undercuts America at every turn, and violates commitments America made to the international community.

America cannot be a member of the world community and perpetrate the kind of human rights violations that I am describing; discrimination that effects, literally, every American.

The racism that I am describing is not unique to my experience. It does not effect me as an individual, alone. This hatred is directed at America's institutions, at their foundations, at the core principals on which they stand. Zionist racism in America is executed on an institutional scale, and has been going on for the past 30 to 40 years, at least.

The United States Supreme Court, in the late nineteen sixties, early nineteen seventies, manufactured, fabricated a ruling that said Bob Jones University, an Evangelical Christian university, practiced discrimination therefore, it was not "charitable" ( charitable organizations don't discriminate) and therefore, it should lose its tax-exemption. Tax-exemption doesn't just mean that a school doesn't pay taxes, it also means that its donors get a tax benefit too, in that they can deduct their contributions from the taxes they pay.

No one could find a real victim of Bob Jones University. The argument against this Evangelical Christian school was all conjecture.

In contrast, I am a real victim of Yeshiva University and Zionist racism. Not only am I victimized by my school, but, my government participates in the crimes against me, a Christian, up to and including THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, GEORGE W. BUSH.

All Americans are victimized by pervasive Zionist racism. All Americans pay taxes, public funds that go to support this overtly religious school. At Yeshiva religious rules must be obeyed, or a student can be expelled. In contrast, when Bob Jones University required its students to obey religious rules, it was branded racist, and stripped of its tax-exemption ( the details of the religious rules are irrelevant ). Further, Bob Jones University never lied to steal money from a student in a federal student loan program. Whatever Bob Jones did wrong pales in comparison to the crimes, and human rights violations Yeshiva has perpetrated against me.

In America, we do not have separation of church and state. This is a myth. We have a principal of neutrality towards religion, neither promoting one religion, over other religions, nor suppressing a religious group or groups. It violates our principals to allow one religion to flower, while choking-off others. In short, if one religion gets, all get. If one religion does not get, all do not get.

We violate this principal. We allow public funds, our taxes, to support Zionist institutions, to let Zionism flower, while suppressing other religions by not permitting them to enjoy the same resources in the same unfettered manner as Zionists.

There is no question that I have demonstrated America is overtly racist, and can not in good-faith participate in the world community, nor keep the promises it made in international treaties.

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