Monday, September 8, 2008


Please scroll to Tuesday, September 2, 2008 posting to view an open letter to President Ahmadinejad. This is an open letter to Ahmadinejah asking for help against Jewish criminals, asking for help in fighting for a fair presidential election in November 2008, and asking for help in fighting for a strong, independent judiciary, because President Bush will not STAND for his people.

My credentials are posted on Two assistant district attorneys from the Manhattan district attorney's office gave me certified letters stating that there is nothing wrong with me. My medical school lied.

A bunch of Orthodox-Jews lied to steal money from me in a federal student loan program, 36 federal judges, and high government officials are helping them including the President of the United States of America.

What more does Ahmadinejad need to know?

An Iranian diplomat defended me when I was called "unpatriotic". The president of another country tried to help me. My government? My government helps Zionists destroy my life. What more does Ahmadinejad need to know?

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