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----Judge Patterson ruled against me in May 2005.
----One month later, in June 2005, I discovered the falsified promissory note = newly discovered evidence.
---The LIE James David, MD, told......we had to check the box that said she was a "full-time" student because we don't have "part-time" students.
---Here are all the memos James David initialed wherein he contradicts himself and undermines his creditability by explicitly commenting on the "part-time" and full-time status of students.
---Janice Bennett [ employed by Columbia University now as a clinical psychologist who counsels students ] and ALL the complaining witnesses against me now [ Dan Riesel, John Scarfone, James David, Michael J. Reichgott, and Todd Olson ] in Manhattan criminal court are responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes that I was taking in order to be billed appropriately and in order to establish my eligibility to borrow in the federal Stafford student loan program, and in order to be eligible for state TAP grants, and federal PELL grants.
---They are ALL responsible for federal student loan fraud NOW.
---These memos were released by my medical school in another student's case, passed through the hands of his attorneys, and then, provided to me. In other words, I did not forge these documents, and there are witnesses to that fact.
---Dan Riesel likes to LIE and accuse me of forging documents.
---I did not forge this promissory note, and already confirmed that fact.
---Doctors, lawyers and clinical psychologists like Janice Bennett who lie and continue to lie and intentionally conceal evidence to deceive a student, and the state and federal governments to STEAL money have their licenses to practice revoked for criminal conduct.
---Judges who help a medical school LIE to steal money are NOT judges; they are co-conspirators.
---I gave this evidence and more to then, Senator Hilary Clinton, I was told to do so because she sat on the Senate Education Committee and because Yeshiva University was in her state, and I gave this evidence and more to Senator Lautenberg, because, when I lived in New Jersey, I was his constituent.
---All the judges in the Second Circuit have this evidence and more.
----Here's how the criminal scheme works: Einstein bullys you, the student, into filling out part A, of the promissory note, which is, essentially, name, address, references and how much money you want. Then, illegally, the promissory note is taken away from you. By law, the school is required to give you, the student borrower, the completed promissory note. The school did not. Illegally, behind my back, without my knowledge or consent, the school intentionally falsified my eligibility to borrow as a "full-time" student when I was not.
---By law, when the school takes on significant loan-making activities like this, in order words, I did not go to a bank to make this loan, the school made this loan, then, the student borrower's word, by law, is to be believed over that of the school, because it is understood that the school will LIE out of greed. In short, the way the law was made: you believe the student, NOT the school without any more proof than the student's word, because it was understood that the school, as a big bully would pull every dirty trick it could to steal from the student.
----The law was written to protect the individual student against a large institution by taking the student's word over that of the school.
---I gave these statutes and more to ALL the judges in the Second Circuit. They know that they are GUILTY of co-conspiracy.
---I published those statutes on this blog, for ease of reference.
---Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, lawyer, general, academic dean, at West Point, knows with absolute certainty that I am telling the truth.
---At any point, even now, BG Finnegan could start telling the truth.
----NOTE also, the part that says " .... [indicating the student] left the room". That lie was told about me too.....that during the Promotions Committee meeting I left the room. What a lie. Like we just flounced out the meeting room. The truth is students are not allowed to say, to hear the arguments against them, the procedures are rigged such that students are treated like witnesses against themselves.......SHOW ME....SHOW ME the written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that explicitly states students are allowed to be IN THE ROOM TO HEAR THE ARGUMENTS against them.....HUGE violations of due process.
---Janice Bennett already admitted that I was not allowed to be IN THE ROOM to hear the false, unsworn testimony she gave against me, and that because I was NOT IN the room when she testified against me, that there was NO hearing.
---At some point, the viewing audience is going to realize, after LIE, after LIE, after LIE, that the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Yeshiva University is just ONE BIG racketeering scheme designed to milk money from anyone and anything any way it can, lie to steal money from students, lie to steal money from the state and federal governments, lie to steal money from the CIA, I even heard of Martin Bockstein running a scheme wherein he tried to milk the faculty for money.
---At some point, the viewing audience is going to recognize these hoodlums for what they are, and just write them off.
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