Sunday, March 14, 2010


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---Col. Fetterman, legal counsel to Adm. Mullen, already has this, and more.
---It is attempted murder, at every step along the way, they knew what they were doing.
---Yeshiva University set into motion a series of events that ultimately culminated in a physical assualt on me, a person with spinal injuries, that could have resulted in paralysis or death.
---They physically assualted Robert Cross too, to prevent him from protecting me.
---And, based on the LIES Judge Rodriguez told in February 2009, add the crime of assualt & battery.
---In addition, Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez conspired to help Yeshiva University committ federal student loan fraud. I gave her all the documents she needed plus caselaw, which was checked, in advance with an attorney, to show that a judge on a municipal court level could have easily enforced the law and resolved federal student loan fraud to stop the crimes against me. Instead, Judge Rodriguez conspired with Yeshiva University to hurt me, deliberately. She is not a judge. Judges who help a school steal money from a student are not judges; they are criminals.

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