Monday, November 30, 2009


Item # 1:

--Robin Pattin was James ( Jimmy ) David's OUT-PATIENT, not me. Robin Pattin had "problems" with depression, not me.

--People with psychiatric problems usually don't get licenses to practice medicine.

--Robin Pattin used to try to give me acting lessons so that we could dupe our professors into doing our work for us, she is nuts. If I had any idea how sick the Albert Einstein Freak Show of Medicine was....I would have avoided this place like the plague.

--Dr. Jimmy David is part of a Promotions Committee of 20 to 30 doctors who are lying about the number of classes I took in order to help Yeshiva University steal money from me in a federal student loan program.

--Jimmy David is running around behind my back telling people he diagnosed me. I was never his patient.

--Apparently there is some sick freak of a psychiatrist running around behind my back telling people that I am his patient....that is really, really sick.....trying to do therapy by third party means.......really, really sick.....when does the Albert Einstein Freak Show of Medicine stop stalking me......

--Doctors who engage in criminal conduct, like lying to steal money, have their licenses to practice revoked, that is part of the reason they are so afraid and tell lies to discredit me.

Item # 2:

---Maj. Gen. Caslen: the only thing Maj. Madox heard was: "your boss is in trouble, I think I can help him".

--Maj. Madox didn't care about promotions, he didn't care about black or white, he didn't care about man or woman, he didn't care about rich or poor, he didn't care about incentives or sanctions or 3 seconds we were on and off the phone...."your boss is in trouble, I think I can help him".....I had an appointment in 3 seconds..........he was a very good XO.

--Item # 3:

Nope. If Lawrence Sindoni's excuse is that I forgot to bring documents to court, he is lying.

---Item # 4:

Nope. Not going to medical school. Not doing any of those things.

---Item # 5:

--Marlen Abramova would try to confuse my identity with hers, so she could take credit for my work; she is disturbed.

--Trying to confuse identities is a propaganda technique.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I ESTABLISHED ADM. MULLEN'S INTEGRITY IN IRAN on Friday, 27-Nov-2009--I met the deadline.

[ I talked to MacDougal about it; he is very nice; he should run for something; we spent some time gushing about how wonderful we think US Senator Tom Coburn is; can you have him stick around longer, because we NEED him ].

---( 1 ) Doc's to Iran.

--Fetterman refused to secure documents that protect my life.

--So, I secured them with foreign governments.

--Some of those documents show with that with backing from Mullen-Christian soldiers, Yeshiva University backed down.

--- WE WON, remember, YU had to admit that I did identify a policy/law stated on page 22 of our college bulletin the law that allows students to fully access and correct their records.

---I wrote all over the documents, Adm. Mullen is a hero, Col. Reilly is too.

[ Reilly, you're famous in Iran, you didn't listen to them, harassment my eye, you met with me anyway, you told the truth anyway, I talked to some of your men, your family will be so proud ]. Note: Now, in Manhattan criminal court, YU refuses to fully comply with a subpoena = I win, automatically with prejudice.

---By 2004, at least, I brought our cases to the Board of Trustees at Yeshiva University. These are millionaires, multi-millionaires, and billionaires that operate in the international community. They knew with absolute certainty that the doctors and lawyers that they paid were engaged in criminal conduct; they know the system is rigged.

---Iran has some of these documents.

---Now, Iran knows Mullen will work to establish the integrity of the courts. Mullen will stand up to racist Zionists and they will back down.

---This is the first-step.

---If the next steps are taken, Iran has reason to believe in Mullen.

BIG, EASY WIN----36 federal judges are wrong, demand that they correct their fabricated rulings, so that they can never be cited to again to hurt another.

--I already gave Judge Patterson 4 litigation points on which he is WRONG.

3 --passed through the US Marshal's office on a great, big, poster so ALL the Marshals could see it.

[Judge Patterson corrects his rulings, 36 federal judges are brought before the House Judiciary Committee, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg cleans up the Second Circuit, the criminals are prosecuted, we have a TRUTH COMMISSION, to show how the FLOW OF INFORMATION to decision-makers and gate-keepers is rigged, including how information to GENERALS is corrupted, show how war was made based on lies, back Holder's Truth Commission]

---Establishing Adm. Mullen's integrity in Iran can be used to stop first-strike.

---A driving force for nuclear proliferation in the region is Israel's naked aggression.

---Make Israel give something up, too.

---Start with this. On the domestic front.

Of 6 billion or more, cut 4oo million, a drop in the bucket, to Israel. Give to Dr. Jones and Rev. Sharpton to invest in setting up productive businesses in the deep South. Use model that MacDougal used in Eastern bloc countries. The businesses have to work because the money has to be re-paid. It is a very Republican strategy. To take tax burden off the citizens; not tax & spend Democrats, not big, welfare government. When they are too busy trying to get their companies to work and turn a profit, they will be too busy recruiting talent and getting work done to pay attention to black-white racism.

---The president is going to have to deal with this, because he won't be able to run for re-election unless he starts rebutting the criticism of his stimulus plan = big tax bill.

---If it works, HUGE win. Our nation's first black president will have taken GREAT strides to resolve black-white racism, build new productive business, take Republican criticism away in preparation for re-election. If not......well......he tried.

---I road-tested this proposal. The blacks I ran it past, said I talk sense.

---Dr. Jones knows that because I had a knock-down, drag-out fight at the Canadian embassy a couple years ago, his students got access to public monies to help fund their education that they never got before me.

--So, all I am asking of Dr. Jones is that he makes a good-faith effort, that he tries. Ultimately, if it works out that the differences are too great, then, that is important to know too.

( 2 ) Fell, Linington, Finnegan, and Bryan---knock it off. Mullen's a hero.

Stop screwing around. This is not a competition between generals. This is real.

Data-points that show flow of information to Mullen is corrupted too [ insert list ].

( 3 ) The decision to convict me in Manhattan criminal court has already been made.

Here's the fatal flaw in that argument [ insert here ].

List of documents that YU refuses to release and that are know to exist
[ insert list ].

Thursday, November 26, 2009


...remember when homosexuality was a disease that psychiatrists claimed they could cure?

....remember when women's independence was a mental disease that psychiatrists claimed they could cure?

---the American government has a history of experimenting on its citizens as if they were lab rats, without their consent. Here's one: the American government fed radio-active milk to retarded children to see what would happen, because they were considered less than human....that is how Yeshiva University referred to me less than human....therefore it was OK to create adverse conditions to test my responses like I was a lab rat, call James Daw and ask him. I can name, at least, 20 more examples like this.

---I discussed this with the American Medical Students Association. It is not OK to experiment on me as if I were a lab rat, not unless you do it to the white, Orthodox-Jewish man standing next to me, too.


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Item # 1:
---They are scared. Filing a false police report is a crime. Refusing to fully comply with a subpoena is a big no-no, deliberately hiding evidence, like documents I know exist, means I WIN AUTOMATICALLY with prejudice = there is NO TRIAL.
-----Jess Berkowitz should be all over this, instead when he gave me the edited, incomplete verison of my records on 16-Nov-2009, he taunted me with....."here this is all you are getting.....".
----- So, they ALREADY FABRICATED A RULING, to try and convict me, to WEASEL OUT of their crimes, and it goes like this:
" It doesn't matter. Even if you are 100% right about everything, you still annoyed them".
---They didn't have to be annoyed.
---If any one of these people had done their jobs. They did not.
---They helped Yeshiva steal money.
---Yeshiva University bribed these people to tell lies and help YU steal money.
---I can repeat all the lies the state guarantee agency told.
---You don't have to see the money go into the pocket.
---Normal decent people don't tell lies to help a school steal money from its students.
THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS HELP YESHIVA UNIVERSITY STEAL MONEY---the civilians have run amok, the Army has a responsibility to step in and restore legitimacy.
Note: They made-up stories to withhold documents; for example, I did not waive my rights to access my letters of recommendation pursuant to a need to access evidence to defend myself against criminal charges, I only waived my rights to see these letters pursuant to an application to medical school.
They refuse to release the minutes from the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting, because it shows the ENTIRE Promotions Committee LIED, and they refuse to release the minutes from the Board of Trustee meeting because it shows the ENTIRE Board of Trustees knew Michael J. Reichgott, MD, lied they helped him get away with his crimes.
They refuse to let me call all relevant witnesses, see witness list [ here's the list and here's what they are testifying to ]. They are trying to protect the judges who lied, like Judge Patterson, and Judge Rodriguez, and they don't want Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg up on the witness stand being asked questions like what action she plans on taking to clean up the court she is responsible for supervising. By subpeanoa, I already brought to her attention and to Judge Sonia Sotomayor's attention the crimes in my case.
---Item #2:
--Det. McSherry, badge # 2484, refused to take my complaint, this evening.
---LYING to steal money from a student is NOT a civil complaint. It is criminal. Dan Riesel is freaking out.
--In Jersey City, 6 times, when my landlords violated Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez's "no-contact" order, in August 2008, the municipal court refused to take my complaints, had they done so, I would not have been assualted and almost killed. Had they done so, Robert Cross would not have been assualted.
----Item # 3:
I am not an unreliable witness. That is just another excuse. I can back-up everything I say, a number of different ways.
---Item # 4:
--The ledger sheet that states YU charged me $1,200 for a lab fee [ I never took a lab that year ] was entered into criminal court, so Dan Riesel cannot accuse me of forging it.
--Eric Pennington, and I discussed this charge. He is a judge, now, in the Town of Orange.
---Item # 5
---I submitted these documents in federal court. If they are missing it is because my court records were tampered with.
---Item # 6:
" Nothing we can do...nothing we can do" is a taunt. That is not true.
---There is plenty that can be done, as the statutes that I posted here show. YU's ability to confer degrees can be revoked, and its charter, its license to do business can be revoked. I already gave this information to Congressmen, and Senators, when they asked me: what adverse action can be taken against YU ? what can we do ? They could have taken action a long time ago.
---Item # 7:
What is the NAME of the psychiatrist that is stalking me, running around taking words and phrases out of context to miscontrue my meanings.....telling the Secret Service made-up stories, for example.....see....see....this means this.....this means that......this guy is really sick.....are they still running around behind my back telling people that I am an OUT-PATIENT when I am not.....that is really, really sick.
---Item # 8:
Not going to law school, Mr. Weinstein [ he said I should ], not going to be a politician. Not going to do any of those things.
---Item # 9;
--Of course, the criminals want this blog to come down. THE COVER-UP IS WORSE THAN THE CRIMES.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


---Michael Orabch, reporter, Jewish Star, is willing to ask a few questions.


[ thank you, free press ]

Monday, November 23, 2009


---I gave this to Senator Grassley, a long time ago.

--Nope, not just me, here's how they treated a Muslim woman in a 2007 interview,

click on this link, either print, or google: Qadira Abdul-Ali, as reported by the Herald.

--I talked to her. I wish someone had told me, because I would have NEVER gone to this school. I believed them when they told me that they were "non-demoninational". They are not.

---AMERICA = FASCISM, a book by Naomi Wolf, " The End of America: A letter of warning to a Young Patriot" , Chelsea Green Publishing, JC-Outside the Box Publishing, discusses the steps America is taking towards fascism, pushed by fears of terrorism [ I think Ms. Wolf is a nice, Jewish woman from Brooklyn, but I have not checked this fact yet, so please don't quote me---I have heard her speak ].

---The feedback Mr. Michael Orabck, at the Jewish Star--HE MAKES MY ARGUMENT FOR ME. They don't like my views on Israel. I didn't make that up; Israeli citizens did celebrate when Ameican was hit on 9/11, they figured we would be with them, and our news media had to stop showing the film. I didn't make that up.

---Mike Orbach is willing to help Mike Tyberg get his financial records corrected, so I called Mike Tyberg and let him know; please call Mr. Orbach, he is willing to help you get your records corrected, you shouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars for classes you never took. Please call him.

---When the Jewish Star helps Mike Tyberg [ bless him, I want to help him ] get and correct his financial records, a Jewish newspaper helps a white, Orthodox-Jewish man, but, not a Roman Catholic woman, with the exact same problem, the school that is LYING to steal, that MAKES MY ARGUMENT FOR ME. We are not judged on the merits, we are judged by gender, race, and religion. I want them to help Mike Tyberg, in a short time, he will be in my shoes, with the black mark of a defaulted student loan on his credit reports FOR LIFE. The truth is, they never would have picked on Mike Tyberg if it was not for us, running around screaming ...."minority......minority......minority " and Yeshiva needed a white man to sacrafice. If it wasn't for us, they would have just pushed him through.

---Mike Tyberg's lawyer stabbed him in the back, too. Call him. Ask him. He'll tell you.

--Of course, the fight is ugly. These sadists, psychopaths, and criminals destroy the lives of innocent people.

---Overall, it is what I expected.


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--On Friday, 20-Nov-2009, I showed these TWO documents to TWO prosecutors who work with ADA Spiro in the Manhattan District Attorney's office.
---The response, in 3 minutes or less: You didn't take classes 4 and 5, because they directly conflict with classes 1, 2, 3. Yeshiva is LYING about the number of classes you took to steal money in federal student loan program.
---From one prosecutor: Have you told ADA Spiro ? ! Yes, he is helping them steal. What does your attorney say? His job is to lose my case.
ADA Spiro has already threatened me, because the people who cooperated in these crimes are doctors and lawyers at Yeshiva, and Yeshiva's Board of Trustees, wealthy donors, already know about this; they are trying to cover-up Yeshiva's crimes.
---ADA Spiro and ADA Lenzer know Yeshiva is lying. ADA Lenzer has known since last summer; they cooperate in the crimes.
---Judge Simpson is letting them get away with it, by ( 1 ) not enforcing my subpoenas, and ( 2 ) by letting Yeshiva withhold documents that are known to exist and that I have a right to access.
[ I did not waive my rights to access my letters of recommendation to medical school pursuant to a criminal trial, I only waived my rights to access these documents pursuant to an application to medical school, and I did not get documents that are known to exist and that are dated BEFORE and AFTER August 1997---Yeshiva lied in court to Judge Simpson to withhold documents with phony-baloney excuses ].
---There are two points of control: ( 1 ) influence the judge, as I already demonstrated in Jersey City, and ( 2 ) influence my attorney, as I already demonstrated in Jersey City; the criminal conspiracy speaks for itself, YU and its associates are stalking me through life.
---NOW, a total of 6 prosecutors at Manhattan DA's office know irrefutably Yeshiva is LYING to steal money: ADA Lenzer, ADA Spiro, Ms. Bayer [ ADA Spiro's trial supervisor] the 2 prosecutors I spoke with on Friday, 20-Nov-2009, and Robert M. Morgenthau.
--I gave these documents to the U.S. Marshals on Friday, 20-Nov-2009 to give to Judge Patterson.
--NOW, Judge Patterson knows that on 4 litigation points, his rulings have no basis in fact or law, see brief summary below.
--So far, Judge Patterson refuses to correct his rulings, as a dirty lawyer trick, so that in the future, Yeshiva can cite to them to hurt another student.
--Also, in my case, and in Garg's case, documents are known to exist that Yeshiva refuses to release despite our right by law to access them, see Garg affidavit from 1987. I talked to his parents recently, they are easy to reach [ if you call me, I can get permission from them to give out their phone number ].
--From 1987 to now, I demonstrated that Yeshiva refuses to allow students access to their records and refuses to allow students to correct their records, and that over 50 judges let them get away with it.
---By law, the U.S. Secretary of Education can revoke ANY and All funding to Yeshiva including funding from the CIA [ I discussed this litigation point with James Michael Lenihan, a lawyer. Mr. Lenihan was a commissioned army officer for 15 years, where does his loyalty lie? ].
--The state can revoke Yeshiva's ability to confer degrees too, I already gave a list of adverse actions that can be taken to members of Congress, and I already posted that list on this blog, and submitted it in court(s) and to the American Medical Students Association.
---Question: why does the CIA protect a school that falsifies records to steal ?
---Question: does Col. Fetterman, legal advisor to Adm. Mullen, at the Pentagon, believe that other information obtained from Yeshiva is any better? If so, why ?
---With great respect, Col. Fetterman made a false argument when we talked last week. In essence, he is trying to argue the difference between blue collar crime and white collar crime.
He admitted that if the civilians , the blue collars, were murdering each other in the streets, then, of course, the Army would have to step in.
But, when the white collars, run amok, and almost murdered me, as I demonstrated, and when over 50 judges are in on it, and when this has been going on for over 20 years, [ and this is just one issue ], he claimed the Army should not step in.
Nevertheless, it is not my purpose to pick a fight with Col. Fetterman. It is my purpose to get these 3 documents to Adm. Mullen. They speak for themselves.
Adm. Mullen has a responsibility to weigh-in.
---Not incidentally, I hate to argue with Brig. Generals Finnegan and Linington at West Point, but, they were not honest with Congressman Mica's office last week, either.....their lame excuse, they would do the right thing if it involved their school....please...give me a break....this is WAY beyond a little school issue....I got over 50 judges refusing to uphold the law....I got District Attorneys cooperating in crimes, I got police officers refusing to protect citizens and take complaints to keep evidence off-the-record, I got doctors falsifying medical records, I got inspectors at the U.S. Department of Education refusing to uphold the law, I got Mel Goldberg over at the New York State Attorney General's office threatening I discussed with Maj. Madox, some of this has been going on for the past 40 YEARS....overall, I got civilians running amok, the Army has to step in.
Note: Judge Patterson has enough information to know that he is wrong on 4 litigation points, so far:
1) Student records, I pointed to page 22, where the policy/law was stated.
2) No evidence that a hearing took place, my attorney admitted to this last week.
3) The school has an explicitly-stated fiduciary duty to students in the federal student loan program, the word "fiduciary" is explicitly used.
4) Yeshiva lied to steal money.
Contact information:
--Ms. Bayer, trial supervisor for ADA Spiro, telephone: 212-335-4042.
--Jess Berkowitz, my court-appointed attorney, 212-431-4453, and 917-733-7701: his job is to LOSE my case.
--Tom Kapp, Bronx DA, 718-590-2111.
---Judge Patterson, telephone: 212-805-0238.
---U.S. Marshals, know that Judge Patterson is cooperating to steal money, so is the entire Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


--Because if I was.....then, Einstein/YU could not run around behind my back defaming me....and they understood.

--"no one knows what you are talking about"....because I am talking to different groups at the same time, on this blog, and the folks I need to understand, they get it.

--Left-click, once, to enlarge any document for easy viewing, click once more to enlarge a second time; or print. To return to reading this blog, simply, click, once, on your Internet Browser's "BACK" button.
---I got more, names, contact information, hand-written notes to me, audio-tapes, all kinds of stuff; this check is just one example.

Friday, November 20, 2009


---Told Chief Davis to let Col. Fetterman know that I am out in-the-field today distributing the documents posted on 19-Nov-2009 as handbills.

---[ art. 78 questions easy, Einstein LIED, easy to show ].

----All over Penn Station, ADA Spiro, ALL over Grand Central Station, ADA Spiro, the charges against me are retaliatory and should be dropped immediately, and my charges for false business records should go forward immediately if you WANT TO WIN AND BE A GREAT BIG HERO TOO !


---Short list of documents Einstein /Yeshiva is actively concealing:

--All my letters of recommendation including those from Walter Reed Army Research Institute and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. I want ALL my letters.

[ I waived seeing these letters pursuant to my application to medical school, NOT pursuant to a CRIMINAL TRIAL wherein ADA Alex Spiro and ADA Lenzer are busy helping Yeshiva steal money from students, and from the state and federal governments ].


[ Einstein gave approval through an insurance company without my knowledge or consent to pay for the 1996 hospitalization IN ADVANCE showing direct contact with Einstein, AND the security report from May 1996 wherein Michael J. Reichgott, MD, "former" dean for students, says, essentially, that they broke into my apartment ( not dorm-room ) on the Einstein campus because they were so worried about me, they didn't know where I was. THEY KNEW WERE I WAS. The pre-approval insurance form shows this.

Criminal intent by Brian Hamilton and Julie Schulman is indicated by the fact that Brian Hamilton told the hospital that he was the person to contact in case of emergency. That was a LIE and he knew it. He was told what lies to tell to drop-kick me into a hosptial to falsely label me, so was Julie, who went behind my back to Einstien. They were managing towards a pre-determined goal that was Einstein's game plan.

--All the insurance forms, bills, business records.

--All records in any form from any and all sources from the Board of Trustees meeting wherein Michael J. Reichgott admitted to the Board that he was not responsible for the LIES he told when he intentionally falsified the May 1996 security report he only told the LIES the lawyers put into his mouth.

--Michael J. Reichgott's/Yeshiva's charges against me are RETALIATORY and ADA Spiro cooperates with it.

--The complete-unedited minutes from the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting wherein Todd Olson admitted to threatening me, admitted to acting on his threats by defaming me to Rennie in Fall 1995 in an attempt to stop my work, but claimed that defaming me to Rennie was of no consequence because Olson was absolutely certain that my research project was over.

[ It does not matter whether my project was over or not, defaming me to my clinical instructors is HUGE ].

[ The entire Promotions Committee had ample evidence readily available to it to know with absolute certainty that my project was NOT OVER, in fact, it was JUST STARTING, but, they accepted Todd Olson's LIES without question, because they are it on it. ]

---The written presentation that Michael J. Reichgott gave to the Promotions Committee wherein he uses the words "thought disorder" as a euphemism for schizophrenia. Reichgott is an INTERNAL MEDICINE doctor NOT a psychiatrist, who admitted to LYING about me BEFORE the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting [ gee....Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, did you bother talking to me, my family, or my attorneys about this.. ].

--William P. Rennie's , MD, performance evaluation of my meritorious hospital performance which he claimed he sent to Einstein about 6 months BEFORE August 1997, and which we [ me and other witnesses ] discovered was deliberately hidden in a SECRET FILE characterized to us as an "unofficial file" .

When the College of Medicine maintains a file on students and it does not tell those students that that file exists, that IS NOT AN " UNOFFICIAL file ", that IS A SECRET FILE.

---My complete-unedited "UNOFFICIAL FILE(S)" from any and all sources in any and all forms.

---My complete-unedited "SECRET FILE(S)" from any and all sources in any and all forms.

---ALL MY LETTERS and ALL Mr. Daw's LETTERS especially the ones wherein I demand the contents of my " unofficial file " a.k.a. " secret file ".

---The January 1996 email exchange wherein Michael J. Reichgott directs me NOT to take Parasitology and Infectious Diseases thereby cancelling my decelerated program and making me ineligible for a federal Stafford loan for 1995-96.

---All the exams that John Scarfone claims I failed as a first-year student pursuant to his perjury/statements in federal district court in the Abramova case in 2006 that I failed all my classes as a first-years student EXCEPT one, Todd Olson's anatomy class, you know, because Todd Olson is such a nice guy. Olson threatened ME, he acted on his threats, Rennie admitted it.

---All records, reports sent to the state guarantee agency for my student loans. This agency is called the Higher Education Services Corporation, supervising attorney is Cheryl Fisher. We met with Cheryl Fisher in June 2006 in an attempt to get our records corrected. Note: Judge Patterson ruled in May 2005.

---All records, reports sent to Sallie Mae, my loan servicing company, the US Department of Education, the Department of Health & Human Services, the state TAP grant program and the federal PELL grant program.

---The names and badge numbers of the police officers who were involved in the 1996 hospitalization wherein I was bullied with threats that "we'll take you off the streets" a la the North Bergen police: "we'll take you off the streets'.

---The HEARING procedure Einstein/yeshiva says it used in my case, and the certified-verbatim transcripts of the TWO hearings Dan Riesel swore in federal district court I got.

[ In 2007, my mother showed Judge Patterson....this is the hearing procedure Yeshiva provides to its law school students....can you SHOW me the hearing procedure that Yeshiva provided to its medical students?

He could not, because it does not exist.

ALL 36 judges are it on it.

Judge Patterson threatened to arrest my mother, after he INVITED her into his office. Congressman Mica stood up to the House Judiciary Committee for us. Congressman Mica stood up to generals at West Point to protect us. Congressman Mica is a hero ! ]

[ There was NO HEARING, I was required to be out in a hall while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me, I was not allowed to be IN THE ROOM to hear the arugments against me, not allowed to defend myself, treated as a witness against myself, and I brought witnesses with me to confirm ].


---James ( Jimmy ) David, MD, as a member of my Promotions Committe was responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes I took in 1995-96 pursuant to the student loan fraud, was Todd Olson's advocate during the 1997 October Promotions Committee meeting ( he helped Todd Olson lie to the Committee, and the Committee knew Olson was lying ) and David ACCEPTED MY PHONE CALLS VOLUNTARILY---so, how can he be a complaining witnesses against me saying he was ANNOYED by phone calls wherein he wanted to talk to me !

---SO, ADA Spiro/ Robert M. Morgenthau----can you explain why you are WASTING the TAX-PAYERS MONEY doing Yeshiva's dirty work !

PS. One day, on my day-off, I came into work with a check for $250,000 for my boss and NYU put my name on it so no one would take the credit away from me...can post for Mr. Harvard Business degree...and it was part of a larger SOUND sales & marketing strategy, not a simple room-rental-----like "ping" the system and then see what comes back to you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


--added note on 20-Nov-2009: Bronx DA is Tom Kapp, 718-590-2111; pager: 917-219-7971. Everything he needs to make his case is POSTED on this blog and IS NOT coming down.

--You can left-click, once, on any document to enlarge it, for easy viewing.
--You can left-click, a second time, to magnify the document, one more time, too.
--To return to reading this blog, simply, click, once, on your Internet Browser's "BACK" button.
---This blog is not coming down.
---NEVER AGAIN can they run this scam, because my experience and this evidence provide NOTICE, I PROTECT ALL STUDENTS WHO COME AFTER ME, I AM THE ROCK, I AM THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH ALL OTHER CASES ARE BUILT, they can't argue that they made a "mistake" to steal from any other student AFTER ME, plus Mike Tyberg's experience provides another data-point [ with me and Mike alone, I could argue RICO, but I digress ].
---I am turning these into hand-bills to work the Manhattan lunch crowd, so every TAX-PAYER can appreciate how Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro squanders their money litigating false criminal charges to retaliate against a Christian.

----If I had been at the Board of Trustee meeting in 2004, we would not have LOST the past 5 years. Our other losses would have been less, too.
---Plus, we could have handled things quietly. I could have showed the Board members LIE, after LIE, after LIE.
---And, I am going to PUBLISH the original class schedules which are printed on BLUE and YELLOW paper, which will hold up in a crime lab, Dan Riesel cannot accuse me of forging them, and my WITNESS POOL is about 800 former students, and several thousand faculty members.


---Tried to have 60 second conversation [ plan B ] with Maj. John Bryan's replacement at General Linnegton's office, commandant of cadets, telephone: 845-938-3103, they hung up on me.....

---I am the victim here.

----I wonder what horrible things they are saying behind my back.

--- Why does West Point do Yeshiva University's dirty work?

----What have they got on these GENERALS ? Threats or bribes ?

If they weren't influenced, they would do the right thing, like be honest with me.....Lidya,....your medical school has been running around behind your back spreading vicious's what they told us.....THEY ARE GENERALS.....they gotta know the enemy spreads DIS-INFORMATION.....WHY ARE THEY PROTECTING DOCTORS AND LAWYERS at my medical school who lied about me in federal court, examples posted on this blog, why are they PROTECTING 36 federal judges who LIED to help Yeshiva steal money from me......YESHIVA UNIVERSITY OWNS WEST POINT.....I think I am going to throw-up.....if not true, they would just say....Lidya....we were LIED to.....we're's how we are going to correct this, so it never happens again.......WEST POINT CAN'T STAND AGAINST THE ENTIRE SECOND CIRCUIT, JUDGES WHO LIED........sickening....and their only thoughts are HOW TO PUNISH THE VICTIM, ME ?

----No wonder they want my blog to come down.....the cadets would be appalled.

----America = hostile environment.


---Left-click, once, once any document to enlarge it, for easy viewing, or print.

---To return to reading this blog, simply, click, once, on your Internet Browser's "BACK" button.

---Of course, they want this blog to come down, the last thing ADA Alex Spiro wants is evidence posted of how he does Yeshiva University's dirty work. How all his complaining witnesses have already discredited themselves, how they dashed down to file false criminal charges in RETALIATION, and how my attorney, Jess Berkowitz helps them railroad me.

----Here's a list of documents that Einstein deliberately omitted. I have NEVER gotten my complete, unedited records [ insert list ].

---The U.S. Secretary of Education, by law, has the power to revoke ALL funding to my medical school, including money from the CIA, until Dr. Garg and I get our complete, unedited records.
----The latest from Judge Simpson....she is going to check my records for me....please, she doesn't know the does she know want to look for.....they are just going to lie to her.....she doesn't even know what she is looking at.....My records are NOT confidential from me.
---The truth: they ran around behind my back, fabricating this big story about how they watched me develop a major mental illness during my two years in medical school, then, in order to demonstrate "decreased functioning" they stalked me through life undermining everything I did, and NOW that they are caught, they think they can LIE to a judge behind my back.
[ scroll down to see examples posted on "The Conspiracy Speaks for Itself" with a list of all the evidence Lawrence Sindoni deliberately omitted in order to intentionally lose my landlord-tenant case ]
---These are being turned into handbills, these pages and more, all over the Manhattan lunch crowd, Mr. Spiro, so ALL your colleagues can see how you abuse your office to persecute a Christian, because you are too gutless to go after REAL criminals. All over the Manhattan lunch crowd....examples of Dan Riesel's old lady word games.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


added note on 19-Nov-2009: The blank CD of video-taped evidence, [ Judge Rodriguez let my landlords and their criminal defense attorney submit a blank CD, which is OBSTRUCTION of justice ] is another example of the on-going conspiracy. If all these people were NOT influenced they would not have worked so hard to keep this evidence off-the-record, this evidence shows my landlady violating Judge Rodriguez's verbal "no-contact" order in early August 2008. They are: Judge Rodriguez, Jonathan Goodman, his boss & chief of the Jersey City Public Defender's office, Andrew Abrabams and others.

---I entered into criminal court the letters from March to July 2008 that demonstrate my landlord made interest payments to the other tenants on their security deposits, but, refused to pay me, demonstrating "FRESH ACTS" of retaliation, and demonstrating that it is impossible to accuse me of harassing other tenants when they came to me for this information which they used for their benefit. My landlords harassed their own tenants, not me.

---If Lawrence Sindoni wanted to win my landlord-tenant case, these would have been entered at trial.

----Also entered into criminal court papers, is the New York statute that Lawrence Sindoni deliberately omitted from my court papers [ "tenants get attorneys' fees too" ] that Judge Fast would have cited to, as a basis, as authority, to give me that provision in my new lease.

---If Lawrence Sindoni wanted to get this protection for me in my new lease, this statute would have been included in my papers; he deliberately omitted it. We would have set a precedent that would have served to protect every tenant in the state of New Jersey. THE BIG PICTURE = I am being stalked by a psychopaths, who have to be able to demonstrate "decreased functioning" in order to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia stick, so they stalked me through life undermining everything I did. These people are profoundly disturbed.

----Also entered into criminal court papers is the written, signed "no-contact" order that I got from criminal court in Jersey City to protect me against Ralph Pagnozzi and North Bergen municipal court judge Nino Falcone, I got this order on January 18, 2008, after Falcone threatened me in writing in December 2007 [ already entered into evidence at trial ]. Pagnozzi violated it within 24 hours, and Falcone violated it within 10 days.

---Again, if Lawrence Sindoni wanted to win my landlord-tenant case, he would have entered this into my court papers, because this order rendered Falcone's January 28, 2008 NOTICE to me ILLEGAL, therefore the whole eviction was ILLEGAL based on this alone.

---And, there is more evidence that Sindoni could have easily entered into evidence at trial, that would have caused me to win my landlord-tenant case, that he deliberately omitted [ insert list: Six K associates, Mark Katelhon, Sindoni and false DX, deliberately made false statements of material fact on the audio-tape at trial to create a false record, this statement was put into his mouth by my medical school, Sindoni knew what he was doing, and lied to me when I confronted hifm, already discussed with prosecutor, to confirm ].

----Some of this evidence would have also PROTECTED MY LIFE AGAINST PSYCHOPATHIC PSYCHIATRISTS ASSOCIATED WITH MY MEDICAL SCHOOL. For example, I could have easily gotten a certification from my old landlords that showed I got $50 per month rent increases for 3 years and did not care. The sick freak of a psychiatrist that ran around behind my back in Jersey City diagnosing me as "she's so angry about a $50 rent increase that she damaged the landlord's property " is a LIAR, and a STALKER, and a PSYCHOPATH, and FABRICATED THIS TO ESTABLISH MOTIVE for a false criminal charge and in an attempt to drop-kick me into a locked psychiatric ward becasue the Zionists [read here: Israeli military ] can't stand what I have to say and I want her name so I can get an order of protection against her, because she and her ilk almost MURDERED ME in Jersey City.

---Of course, those psychopaths want my blog site to come down, the last thing they want is EVIDENCE in a public forum demonstrating what a sick bunch of freaks they are so normal, decent people can avoid them like the plague.

Chris Meehan 917-848-9624, SENATOR SCHUMER

---Any one can make a SINGLE PHONE call:

"Please fax to my office the HEARING procedure that Einstein medical school provides to its students before an adverse action is taken, like suspension or expulsion, I'd like to see it". Call Dean Allen Spiegel, telephone: 718-430-2801, or email directly,

---Any one can be a HERO with a SINGLE phone call, any parent group, any rabbi, any lawyer, any reporter, any dean, any GENERAL who is worried about his REAL students, any police officer, can make a SINGLE PHONE call, and ask ONE QUESTION, and by asking that ONE question, can protect every medical student at nine schools in the State of New York.

---Ask: why Chris Meehan, at Senator Schumer's office can't, cell: 917-848-9624.


---There was a new law passed in summer 2007, that said New Jersey is so corrupt that for this kind of abuse of power, by public officials, there may be MANDATORY jail time,depending on degree.

---Called newspapers [ plus I am a phone call away, call anytime, late nights, weekends, OK ] you are invited into Jersey City Medical Center to check hard-copies, Director of Medical Records & other witnesses, unrelated, also checked.

---You are not reporting this for me, you are reporting this so that we can sell real estate in this town, and so, they don't drop-kick you into a locked psychiatric ward, used as a prison cell, the next time they decide to get rid of someone, because the SCAM is already set-up.


---I got Vicky Polin for lawyer Lenihan, as expert witness, for Abramova case.

---I worked as a W.O.A.R. volunteer [ pronounced like the word "war", sounds like "poor" ], a.k.a. Women Organized Against Rape, I knew about Vicky's work to try and protect children from rabbis who rape them.

---Padiyar and I were killing ourselves to get our lawyers everything they needed; Abramova was a spoiled child, like we were children in school competing for a good star----Our lives are at sake, they'd kill us, if they could. Padiyar got a threatening email....that stated, essentially, the only good gay man is a dead gay man.....they act on their threats.....I just demonstrated it in Jersey City.....I told Col. Bunn.....these are the low-level attacks, if I survive them, the violence towards me will escalate.

---The threatening email to Padiyar is part of a propaganda technique, that Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan has got to recognize, by now.


---I sent a letter to Bush, stand against bad judges, I was persecuted; subsequently, her family sent a letter to Ahmadinejad, stand against bad judges, and he DID, why? to make Bush look stupid....I paid, I paid, I paid cash-up-front, with my LIFE. Bush doesn't like it. Take a stand NOW.


----At their convenience, asked contact at Mayor Healy's Action Bureau to give Debra Simon, prosecutor, a friendly support call, made them aware that everything thing Ms. Simon needs to win her case is posted on Tues-17-Nov-2009.

---They know what happened to me scares rich women, that doctors and lawyers who LIE will put in you in a prison, a.k.a. locked psychiatric ward, to help your husband steal your money.

---Detective Krause informed. Knows BLOG = FIELD NOTES.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


---NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS DEBRA SIMON, Hudson County prosecutor, WINS HER CASE, and she does it on 3 documents and against JUDGES.

---And, it goes like this:

----The 3 documents are:
9/30/2008--4 PM--screening, telephone, document.
9/30/2008---court-order, used to falsely imprison me for 4 days.


---If produced, Rodriguez is damned, because on that day I was not damaging property, not homicidal, and not suicidal.

---On that day I distributed handbills informing the general public how Rodriguez refused to protect me and my family, and the Jersey court rule that said no one had to suffer with a judge like that, that for any reason, I could request a different judge.

----Rodriguez used the mental status exam vindictively, and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski cooperated in the crimes by creating a FRAUD, A screening document that contained 4 Big Lies---2 obviously dictated by my medical school.

----If not produced, then, Judge Rodriguez and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski LIED, to commit a FRAUD [ the 9/12/2008 screening document ].

9/30/2008-screening document 4 PM.

---Again, I was not damaging property, not homicidal, not suicidal.

---If produced, it damns them, obvious FRAUD.

---If not produced [ they are hiding it ], and they acted without it, just as bad.

----My working theory: Falcone called it in.

9/30/2008-AFTER 4 PM--signed court-order.

---The Jersey City police told me to go inform my landlords, if they are going to execute a dirty trick, if a padlock is going to be placed on my door, which means I lose control of the apartment, and my landlord throws my evidence into the street [ evidence that I used against him, and Falcone ] that is the very serious crime of OBSTRUCTION of justice, the cop and I discussed it, go make sure your landlord knows that, before he does something stupid.

---If produced, it damns Falcone, because my landlords paid him.

----If not produced, then, it is just as bad, because the hospital LIED to hold me for days [ cross-reference to police report for that day ]

Det. Raquel Krause, Hudson county prosecutor's office, 201-795-6400 x 6594.

Debbi Simon, Hudson county prosecutor's office, 201-795-6400 x 6568.

Shari Grenier, Risk Management, mobile: 201-923-6928, pager: 201-216-4092.
Vice-President of Risk Management, and Corporate Compliance Administration, Liberty Health, 355 Grand Street, 3 East, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. Paul Murphy x 2264, hospital attorney.

Hearsay does not apply in a criminal conspiracy, Dan Riesel knows that.

[ irrelevant, win or lose, gone ]

Sunday, November 15, 2009


---They just want it at some low level, to be an annoyance, and inconvenience, you know, like the trains don't always run on time, or a few little people get killed, not the big people who are protected.....that way, they get to control America through fear, violate your privacy through the Patriot act, America = the fascist state
[ there is a book on this, already out there, written by a nice Jewish girl from Brooklyn, I think ].

---Remember how Israel danced in the streets and celebrated when we were hit on 9/11, and our media censored it.

----All this talk of conquest in the Middle East is a reaction to what Israel puts out there.

----Before the state of Israel, lots of different people lived in the Middle East, together, as best they could.

---The solution to the problem is not to give some land back. If a thief comes to my house and steals everything I own, is it s a solution that he gives half back? NO.

---Man's inhumanity to man is NOT an excuse to steal land.


---Adm. Mullen is fighting a war on 3 fronts: America, Iraq & Afghanistan.

---He needs big, easy wins.

---I just gave him one.

---There is a way to UNITE the Parties [ Republicans & Demoncrats ] and execute positive, productive CHANGE that is good for America, in keeping with everyone's agenda, and everyone gets what they want.

[ Hi ! Col. Bunn ! ]


---The patient representative is REQUIRED to answer these questions in 7 days:

---SHOW ME, the signed-court order that required me to speak with Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski on 9/12/2008.

----SHOW ME, the screening [ telephone ] document that sent Jersey City Medical Center employees to my home at 4 PM on 9/30/2008 scaring my family that there was going to be a PADLOCK placed on my door the next day, 10/1/2008, and that all my belongings would be thrown into the street, causing me to lose evidence against my landlords and my medical school.

---Evidence that showed Ralph Pagnozzi targeted me in FRESH ACTS of retaliation------he paid interest on security deposits to all other tenants, but me, in summer 2008, Lawrence Sindoni deliberately kept this evidence kept off-the-record in order to cause me to lose my case. There was no eviction, Falcone lied, from 9/25/2008 my landlords and their attorneys had a waiver good until 10/2/2008 and they knew I could get more waivers stopping the eviction. And, I did get more waivers. Ralph Pagnozzi cashed my checks AFTER judgment, after 9/8/2008, renewing my tenancy, as post-judgment relief, there was NO EVICTION, already admitted to by Judge Fast, who tried to LIE to me on 9/24/2008, until I quoted his book to him and got the waiver on 9/25/2008.

---SHOW ME, the signed court-order that was used to hold me as a prisoner from 9/30/2008 to 10/3/2008---Falcone called the hospital and lied.....from Vice-president Jim Martin...."what can we do when we get a phone call from a judge"......reflected in the police report from that evening [ being held for an INVOLUNTARY reason ] and in the medical records----the medical records are deliberately ONE-SIDED and deliberately OMIT FACTS.

---It was signed by Falcone, until the hospital realized......oooppppsss......the landlords paid the judge.

----They made up this BIG story about how I had violated a "no-contact" order after 7 PM.

----They deliberately omitted the FACTS: that they came to my home at
4 PM and lied, that I was on the phone with the landlords' attorneys and everyone else from 4 to 5 PM trying to get a straight answer, that Robert Cross and I talked to the Jersey police, the Jersey City police sent me to the landlords house around 7 PM to tell them, if you are pulling a dirty trick....if you are putting a padlock on her door tomorrow, because you are lying behind her back, if she loses evidence, including evidence she is planning to use against are going to be in serious trouble......Falcone called the hospital, and the hospital is hiding that evidence, reflected in the police report from that evening and the medical records.....because.....ooopppsss......the landlords paid a judge to lie to a hospital.

Subsequently, Judge Falcone, paid by my landlords, tried to prosecute me for this in his own court, tried to be both prosecutor and judge, kept telling this big story about how I had violated the "no-contact" order, and I had to put a stop to that.

THE BIG PICTURE: The driving force for the false imprisonment in September 2008, was Mr. Daw coming forward in August 2008......saying there was no diagnosis-------her medical school has been running around behind her back for years, trying to discredit her, telling people she is mentally-ill when she is not-----they don't want people to know what really goes on in that medical school.
Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski and Tracy McQuaide already admitted it. Lawrence Sindoni made a fool of himself in July 2008, when he tried to place false statements of material fact on the audio-tape of my trial: "her diagnosis was never explained to her", Mr. Sindoni talked to attorneys for my medical school, SCARFONE, behind my back and did not check the facts with me.

CHECK WITH VICKY POLIN--expert witness.

---Already discussed with Congressman Mica's office, already checked with Vicky Polin, who is an expert witness, and has been threatened herself, take their threats seriously, a rabbi helped Vicky, they shot him in the face, he is alive today because by sheer luck he happened to turn his head, so the bullet just grazed his cheek instead of going INTO his face.

---Vicky helped save his life by getting him as much publicity as possible.

---Vicky helps chidren who have been raped by rabbis, and the Orthdox-Jewish community doesn't like it, because, according to their twisted logic, if the victim would SHUT UP then, there would be no problem.