Sunday, November 29, 2009

I ESTABLISHED ADM. MULLEN'S INTEGRITY IN IRAN on Friday, 27-Nov-2009--I met the deadline.

[ I talked to MacDougal about it; he is very nice; he should run for something; we spent some time gushing about how wonderful we think US Senator Tom Coburn is; can you have him stick around longer, because we NEED him ].

---( 1 ) Doc's to Iran.

--Fetterman refused to secure documents that protect my life.

--So, I secured them with foreign governments.

--Some of those documents show with that with backing from Mullen-Christian soldiers, Yeshiva University backed down.

--- WE WON, remember, YU had to admit that I did identify a policy/law stated on page 22 of our college bulletin the law that allows students to fully access and correct their records.

---I wrote all over the documents, Adm. Mullen is a hero, Col. Reilly is too.

[ Reilly, you're famous in Iran, you didn't listen to them, harassment my eye, you met with me anyway, you told the truth anyway, I talked to some of your men, your family will be so proud ]. Note: Now, in Manhattan criminal court, YU refuses to fully comply with a subpoena = I win, automatically with prejudice.

---By 2004, at least, I brought our cases to the Board of Trustees at Yeshiva University. These are millionaires, multi-millionaires, and billionaires that operate in the international community. They knew with absolute certainty that the doctors and lawyers that they paid were engaged in criminal conduct; they know the system is rigged.

---Iran has some of these documents.

---Now, Iran knows Mullen will work to establish the integrity of the courts. Mullen will stand up to racist Zionists and they will back down.

---This is the first-step.

---If the next steps are taken, Iran has reason to believe in Mullen.

BIG, EASY WIN----36 federal judges are wrong, demand that they correct their fabricated rulings, so that they can never be cited to again to hurt another.

--I already gave Judge Patterson 4 litigation points on which he is WRONG.

3 --passed through the US Marshal's office on a great, big, poster so ALL the Marshals could see it.

[Judge Patterson corrects his rulings, 36 federal judges are brought before the House Judiciary Committee, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg cleans up the Second Circuit, the criminals are prosecuted, we have a TRUTH COMMISSION, to show how the FLOW OF INFORMATION to decision-makers and gate-keepers is rigged, including how information to GENERALS is corrupted, show how war was made based on lies, back Holder's Truth Commission]

---Establishing Adm. Mullen's integrity in Iran can be used to stop first-strike.

---A driving force for nuclear proliferation in the region is Israel's naked aggression.

---Make Israel give something up, too.

---Start with this. On the domestic front.

Of 6 billion or more, cut 4oo million, a drop in the bucket, to Israel. Give to Dr. Jones and Rev. Sharpton to invest in setting up productive businesses in the deep South. Use model that MacDougal used in Eastern bloc countries. The businesses have to work because the money has to be re-paid. It is a very Republican strategy. To take tax burden off the citizens; not tax & spend Democrats, not big, welfare government. When they are too busy trying to get their companies to work and turn a profit, they will be too busy recruiting talent and getting work done to pay attention to black-white racism.

---The president is going to have to deal with this, because he won't be able to run for re-election unless he starts rebutting the criticism of his stimulus plan = big tax bill.

---If it works, HUGE win. Our nation's first black president will have taken GREAT strides to resolve black-white racism, build new productive business, take Republican criticism away in preparation for re-election. If not......well......he tried.

---I road-tested this proposal. The blacks I ran it past, said I talk sense.

---Dr. Jones knows that because I had a knock-down, drag-out fight at the Canadian embassy a couple years ago, his students got access to public monies to help fund their education that they never got before me.

--So, all I am asking of Dr. Jones is that he makes a good-faith effort, that he tries. Ultimately, if it works out that the differences are too great, then, that is important to know too.

( 2 ) Fell, Linington, Finnegan, and Bryan---knock it off. Mullen's a hero.

Stop screwing around. This is not a competition between generals. This is real.

Data-points that show flow of information to Mullen is corrupted too [ insert list ].

( 3 ) The decision to convict me in Manhattan criminal court has already been made.

Here's the fatal flaw in that argument [ insert here ].

List of documents that YU refuses to release and that are know to exist
[ insert list ].

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