--All my letters of recommendation including those from Walter Reed Army Research Institute and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. I want ALL my letters.
[ I waived seeing these letters pursuant to my application to medical school, NOT pursuant to a CRIMINAL TRIAL wherein ADA Alex Spiro and ADA Lenzer are busy helping Yeshiva steal money from students, and from the state and federal governments ].
[ Einstein gave approval through an insurance company without my knowledge or consent to pay for the 1996 hospitalization IN ADVANCE showing direct contact with Einstein, AND the security report from May 1996 wherein Michael J. Reichgott, MD, "former" dean for students, says, essentially, that they broke into my apartment ( not dorm-room ) on the Einstein campus because they were so worried about me, they didn't know where I was. THEY KNEW WERE I WAS. The pre-approval insurance form shows this.
Criminal intent by Brian Hamilton and Julie Schulman is indicated by the fact that Brian Hamilton told the hospital that he was the person to contact in case of emergency. That was a LIE and he knew it. He was told what lies to tell to drop-kick me into a hosptial to falsely label me, so was Julie, who went behind my back to Einstien. They were managing towards a pre-determined goal that was Einstein's game plan.
--All the insurance forms, bills, business records.
--All records in any form from any and all sources from the Board of Trustees meeting wherein Michael J. Reichgott admitted to the Board that he was not responsible for the LIES he told when he intentionally falsified the May 1996 security report he only told the LIES the lawyers put into his mouth.
--Michael J. Reichgott's/Yeshiva's charges against me are RETALIATORY and ADA Spiro cooperates with it.
--The complete-unedited minutes from the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting wherein Todd Olson admitted to threatening me, admitted to acting on his threats by defaming me to Rennie in Fall 1995 in an attempt to stop my work, but claimed that defaming me to Rennie was of no consequence because Olson was absolutely certain that my research project was over.
[ It does not matter whether my project was over or not, defaming me to my clinical instructors is HUGE ].
[ The entire Promotions Committee had ample evidence readily available to it to know with absolute certainty that my project was NOT OVER, in fact, it was JUST STARTING, but, they accepted Todd Olson's LIES without question, because they are it on it. ]
---The written presentation that Michael J. Reichgott gave to the Promotions Committee wherein he uses the words "thought disorder" as a euphemism for schizophrenia. Reichgott is an INTERNAL MEDICINE doctor NOT a psychiatrist, who admitted to LYING about me BEFORE the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting [ gee....Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, did you bother talking to me, my family, or my attorneys about this.. ].
--William P. Rennie's , MD, performance evaluation of my meritorious hospital performance which he claimed he sent to Einstein about 6 months BEFORE August 1997, and which we [ me and other witnesses ] discovered was deliberately hidden in a SECRET FILE characterized to us as an "unofficial file" .
When the College of Medicine maintains a file on students and it does not tell those students that that file exists, that IS NOT AN " UNOFFICIAL file ", that IS A SECRET FILE.
---My complete-unedited "UNOFFICIAL FILE(S)" from any and all sources in any and all forms.
---My complete-unedited "SECRET FILE(S)" from any and all sources in any and all forms.
---ALL MY LETTERS and ALL Mr. Daw's LETTERS especially the ones wherein I demand the contents of my " unofficial file " a.k.a. " secret file ".
---The January 1996 email exchange wherein Michael J. Reichgott directs me NOT to take Parasitology and Infectious Diseases thereby cancelling my decelerated program and making me ineligible for a federal Stafford loan for 1995-96.
---All the exams that John Scarfone claims I failed as a first-year student pursuant to his perjury/statements in federal district court in the Abramova case in 2006 that I failed all my classes as a first-years student EXCEPT one, Todd Olson's anatomy class, you know, because Todd Olson is such a nice guy. Olson threatened ME, he acted on his threats, Rennie admitted it.
---All records, reports sent to the state guarantee agency for my student loans. This agency is called the Higher Education Services Corporation, supervising attorney is Cheryl Fisher. We met with Cheryl Fisher in June 2006 in an attempt to get our records corrected. Note: Judge Patterson ruled in May 2005.
---All records, reports sent to Sallie Mae, my loan servicing company, the US Department of Education, the Department of Health & Human Services, the state TAP grant program and the federal PELL grant program.
---The names and badge numbers of the police officers who were involved in the 1996 hospitalization wherein I was bullied with threats that "we'll take you off the streets" a la the North Bergen police: "we'll take you off the streets'.
---The HEARING procedure Einstein/yeshiva says it used in my case, and the certified-verbatim transcripts of the TWO hearings Dan Riesel swore in federal district court I got.
[ In 2007, my mother showed Judge Patterson....this is the hearing procedure Yeshiva provides to its law school students....can you SHOW me the hearing procedure that Yeshiva provided to its medical students?
He could not, because it does not exist.
ALL 36 judges are it on it.
Judge Patterson threatened to arrest my mother, after he INVITED her into his office. Congressman Mica stood up to the House Judiciary Committee for us. Congressman Mica stood up to generals at West Point to protect us. Congressman Mica is a hero ! ]
[ There was NO HEARING, I was required to be out in a hall while in a meeting room my professors gave false, unsworn testimony against me, I was not allowed to be IN THE ROOM to hear the arugments against me, not allowed to defend myself, treated as a witness against myself, and I brought witnesses with me to confirm ].
---SO, ADA Spiro/ Robert M. Morgenthau----can you explain why you are WASTING the TAX-PAYERS MONEY doing Yeshiva's dirty work !
PS. One day, on my day-off, I came into work with a check for $250,000 for my boss and NYU put my name on it so no one would take the credit away from me...can post for Mr. Harvard Business degree...and it was part of a larger SOUND sales & marketing strategy, not a simple room-rental-----like sonar.....you "ping" the system and then see what comes back to you.
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