Sunday, November 8, 2009


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[ The ligitation machine: I think Rabbi Abadie put a stop to it: it is not OK to "milk" rich people because they can afford it ]

----According to Debra Simon, Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, telephone: 201-793-6400 extension 6568, Jersey City Medical Center refused to turn over the screening document from Tuesday, 9/30/2008 that sent their employees to my home at 4 PM to deliberately frighten my family with false information; they told my family that there would be a Padlock on my door the next day, 10/1/2008 pursuant to an eviction. THERE WAS NO EVICTION. THEY LIED.

---Let's take a wild guess......WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? NINO FALCONE ? .......Let's take a wild guess.....North Bergen municipal court Judge Nino Falcone called the hospital and told them that there would be a Padlock on my door the next day, 10/1/2008, pursuant to an eviction.....right....and Jersey City Medical Center is protecting him by deliberately concealing that screening document..... Why ?

----Magda and Ralph Pagnozzi PAID North Bergen municipal court judge Nino Falcone to LIE TO A HOSPITAL.

---Here it is in writing for the state ATTORNEY GENERAL whose only question to the Hudson county prosecutor's office will be; why aren't you aggressively prosecuting this ? Posted on a blog site so everyone can see it.

Hudson County Prosecutor's office can't deal with the FACTS:

( 1 ) In December 2007, Judge Nino Falcone threatened me in writing. That evidence has already been entered into the court records.

( 2 ) In January 2008 Judge Falcone and Ralph Pagnozzi violated a "no-contact" order from criminal court. That signed court order is already on-the-record in criminal court. Both Falcone and Pagnozzi had threatened me. Ralph Pagnozzi violated that order within 24 hours; Falcone violated that order within 10 days.

( 3 ) In January/February 2008, Tracy McQuaide from the Hudson County prosecutor's office refused to enforce that "no-contact" order.

( 4 ) Had Tracy McQuaide enforced that order Judge Falcone and Ralph Pagnozzi would have been prevented from making good on their threats subsequently in September/October 2008 when they LIED to Jersey City Medical Center to have me and Robert Cross physically attacked and almost caused my MURDER. Ralph Pagnozzi, Judge Falcone and Jersey City Medical Center knew I was suffering from a back injury, from spinal injuries from a car crash---I was hit while legally parked. I vomited after the assault, several times, a clinical sign and symptom of a life-threatening condition.

I can't get medical care in the United States because the psychopathic lawyers and doctors paid for by Yeshiva University are stalking me through life, running around behind my back spreading vicious LIES about me, in Jersey City the lies they spread almost caused my death. For example, Matt Feil, of Sive, Paget & Riesel, just lied to a criminal court judge, Judge Simpson, in Manhattan, in September 2009, that information is posted on this blog, see post from 18-October-2009. He wants this blog to come down because Sive, Paget & Riesel don't want anyone to know that they LIED to a judge in criminal court in a criminal scheme to convict an innocent person, me.

Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski already admitted she talked to my professors at my medical school, and her screening document from 9/12/2008 does not contain FACTS, they contain the LIES my medical school spread about me, Dix never bothered checking the FACTS with me, demonstrating her criminal intent and direct contact with my medical school.

Of course the psychopathic lawyers and doctors associated with Yeshiva University want this blog to come down. They last thing they want is evidence posted on an international forum that shows how they STALKED AN INNOCENT PERSON THROUGH LIFE AND ALMOST CAUSED HER MURDER.

----The FACTS for Debra Simon:

---On 7/10/2008 [ in open court with Kevin Purvin ] and 7/30/2008 [ in open court with Jonathan Goodman after I fired Kevin Purvin ] municipal court judge Nesle A. Rodriugez refused to put her verbal "no-contact" order into a written form so that I would have it to show to the police.

---In early August 2008, my landlords, the Pagnozzis violated Judge Rodriguez's "no-contact" order 5 to 6 times.

----The police refused to protect me and my family.

---In August 2008, as per Judge Rodriguez's instructions I came down to municipal court to report these violations and have her order enforced. Municipal court employees refused to take these complaints and refused to enforce Judge Rodriguez's court order. These were deliberately kept off-the-record, so Judge Fast, in a higher court could intentionally ignore FACTS and make a deliberately false ruling, see Fast's September 9, 2008 ruling.

---Subsequently, Judge Rodriguez let my landlords and their criminal defense attorney submit a BLANK CD of video-taped evidence of my landlords violating Judge Rodriguez's "no-contact" order in August 2008, again, to deliberately conceal FACTS.

---On one video-tape, you see me leaning out my front window in August 2008, saying.....essentially....Magda, why are you ringing my front door bell, why are you standing with a video-camera on my front stoop, taping me....there is a no-contact order.......Subsequently, Judge Rodriguez let my landlords submit a blank CD of this video-taped evidence = obstruction of justice, a very serious civil rights violation. Judge Rodriguez is a "former" prosecutor, she knew what she was doing.

----Because Judge Rodriguez aided and abetted by municipal court employees and the Public Defender's office refused to enforce her "no-contact" order in August 2008, subsequently in September 2008, Ralph Pagnozzi and Nino Falcone made good on their threats by lying to Jersey City Medical Center where Robert Cross and I were attacked and I was almost murdered.

---They lied even more----there are NO threatening letters that I mailed to Judge Rodriguez. There are NO threatening emails that I sent to Judge Rodriguez. Judge Rodriguez retaliated against me when I asked for a different judge on 9/12/2008 as is my right by Jersey Court rules. Jonathan Goodman asked me to make this request, he did not want to stand-up to a dishonest judge. The truth is Jonathan Goodman's job was to lose my case, to put me at risk. He should have been screaming his head off about Judge Rodriguez's obstruction of justice, instead he did nothing, because the PURPOSE of this exercise was to intentionally CREATE FALSE records for Sive, Paget & Riesel, so that they could run around behind my back.....citing to these false records AFTER I established my creditability in August 2008. The driving force for the false imprisonment in September 2008 was my medical school's need to create false records after August 2008, when witnesses like Andrew Lankler, James Daw, and Patrick Williams gave me certifications that demonstrated my medical school has been lying about me for years.

The driving force for the false imprisonment in February 2009 [ I haven't even seen these records yet, I'll bet they are a joke too ] was Judge Rodriguez's need to retaliate after I started speaking out and distributing flyers because she did not want everyone to know how she had used Jersey City Medical Center LIKE A CLUB to beat up on a resident of her town.

----A single phone call from Hudson county prosecutor Debra Simon to Judge Rodriguez demanding that Judge Rodriguez produce the threatening letters Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski claimed I mailed and their post-marked envelopes would put a stop these criminals. That is the amount of effort that Debra Simon has to expend, a single phone call: SHOW ME, show me the threatening letters and their post-marked envelopes that Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski claimed Ms. Radin mailed to you, Judge Rodriguez cannot produce these because they DO NOT EXIST; SHOW ME, show me the threatening emails that Michael S. Stewart, MD, dishonest psychiatrist, claimed Ms. Radin sent to Judge Rodriguez, Judge Rodriguez cannot produce them because they do not exist.

---Judge Rodriguez tried to confuse the time-line of events when she spoke with Debra Simon, recently to deliberately mislead a prosecutor.

----In addition, the photocopies of the records from Jersey City Medical Center that were sent to Debra Simon are labeled to mislead. For example, the 9/12/2008 screening document is composed of 5 pages, 3 pages are marked as "screening documents" and 2 pages are marked as "progress notes" and separated out in order to confuse and mislead. This is done deliberately, a deceptive practice that I witnessed in my federal court case(s), too.

---I informed Debra Simon that we have to work from the hard-copies that I had brought to Bryna Kieser's office, the Director of Medical Records, there are only 10 sentences, or less, from about 10 documents, or less, that Debra Simon needs to make her case. The rest of the records are just out-right lies, or phrases that the staff mindlessly wrote down, they are asleep at the switch and could care less, they wrote garbage that has no meaning. For example: "oriented patient to reality"....what reality....the reality where I am accused of sending threatening emails to Judge Rodriguez by the psychopath Michael S. Stewart, MD, dishonest psychiatrist, but when I asked him to produce them, he could not because they do not exist ....that reality?

----These people are psychopaths. They are dangerous. They almost murdered me. They want this blog to come down so that they can destroy evidence, re-write history and get away with their crimes, including attempted MURDER.

---Now, the gist of this is in writing for New Jersey State Attorney General, on a blog, so everyone can see it.

---Witness tampering, obstruction of justice, fraud, assault, assault and battery, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, reckless disregard for human life, and attempted murder.

---- [ the municipal court prosecutor was prosecuting me for asking for heat on 10/29/2007 after I had been without heat for 3 days because my landlord was retaliating against me after I won a judgment against him for over $1,000 on 10/12/2007, and for refusing to let my landlord into my apartment in June 2008 after he mouthed the words "BITCH" and "SLUT" at me while I was testifying against him in court the day before ! Lawrence Sindoni contacted Nino Falcone that same day by letter about this. This is what the municipal court prosecutor was harassing me with ? ! On 9/12/2008 Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski NEVER discussed these charges with me----I didn't even know what the charges against me were until after I looked at the records from Jersey City Medical Center ].

---I have known Ralph Pagnozzi for 5 years, and I have seen him under stress. It is not like him to mouth the words "BITCH" and "SLUT" at anyone, that is not his nature. He was goaded by Asaf Rosenheim. That is Israeli street-fighter. That's were Ralph got this. Ralph did not come to court on 2-27-2004 when his wife and I stood up to Asaf Rosenheim. Asaf freaked out when he saw me because he knew he could not get away with lying to steal money from the Pagnozzis.

----They don't want me to post the certified auto-tape from the 2-27-2004 small claims court action on this BLOG with Asaf Rosenheim because on the audio-tape you hear the judge asking Mrs. Pagnozzi, do you accept Ms. Radin as your tenant, Mrs. Pagnozzi responds, "YES"........they were fabricating this big story about me forging leases...... and that whole argument becomes MOOT once you listen to the audio-tape.....more to the point.....SHOW ME, show me the evidence that they used to accuse me of forging documents and I'll show you criminals, stalking me.

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