Monday, September 28, 2009
--Before a bunch of racist Zionists stole land [ based on propaganda ] all different kinds of people lived in the Holy Land, in different camps, and got along as best as they could.
--That's the worse case scenario, when Israel becomes a failed state, quoted from Orthodox-Jewish rabbis in the Holy Land, some of whom have already met with Iran.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
--Controlling for looting and lawlessness, the worst that will happen is that
a non-Zionist majority will move back onto land that was stolen.
--Israel is not a democracy.
---Israel's policies are intended to keep a highly aggressive Zionist minority in power at the expense of a non-Zionist majority.
---That's what you'all are fighting for; a highly aggressive political group, not a religion, that will steal whatever it can get its hands on, quoted from Orthodox-Jewish rabbis.
--In fact, Israel is already a failed state. Look at the immigration numbers. No one wants into Israel. They want OUT of Israel. They want to come to America, and they want big, Democrat, social-welfare programs. Check and see how many in the Jewish community get college education for free at Queens College, for instance.
---The terrorists do not attack us because they hate America. They attack us because we help to hurt them. Their response, to fight back against oppression, is normal and healthy.
---And, a word about the torture. They are trying to induce psychosis-----that's why they keep the lights on ----to interfere with sleep----not to break a terrorist to get information-----to induce psychosis, so that if they really don't have a terrorist, they can manufacture one, by feeding whatever story they want into the mind of a person that they have made delusional......even more horrific than Mengele-----it is standard operating procedure, almost easy to understand, in research labs, if you don't have something, like a protein, you make it......here, they manufacture the terrorists they want to keep America living in fear, destroy the protections of civil liberties, and turn America into a fascist state [ there are other books that relate the signs of America becoming a fascist state, I am not the first person to say this ].
---I am falsely accused of being a terrorist and a potential assassin so that my rights are violated, by psychopaths like Dan Riesel.
--The Secret Service showed me how words and phrases from my writings were deliberately, maliciously taken out-of-context to falsely characterize me as a potential assassin so that if I approached an elected official at a public event I could be shot, no questions asked.
---Are you'all against nuclear weapons for Israel too ? No.
---Is Iran the most stable country in the region, the one you are trying to de-stablize? Yes.
---If Israel fails, and its nuclear weapons are removed, have you taken Iran's arguments away ? Yes.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Col. Bunn: as a man, when Robert Caslen returns, how are you going to face him ?
With respect, do you have children ? How are you going to face them ?
If Adm. Mullen throws his weight around and does the right thing, no pun intended, he will be a big hero.
Among other things, Adm. Mullen knows that:
( 1 ) His Christian soldiers and their families pay taxes to support private, religious education for Orthodox-Jews but they do not get equal access to support their religion in the same unfettered manner [ see note, re: south trip ]. When his Christian soldiers and their families try to get the same fair deal, the same equal access to federal tax dollars [ read here, public money ], they get a bogus
" separation of church & state " argument thrown in their faces.
They are fighting and getting killed to support and promote someone else's religion but not their own. They are not protecting American interests. They are protecting the interests of racist Jews.
I remind you, these people are so racist that they admitted that I, as a Roman Catholic, was " less than human " therefore, it was OK to experiment on me, as if I were a lab rat.
( 2 ) After employees of the Central Intelligence Agency finish torturing people, they go home and pay their taxes. Their taxes go to support private, religious education for Orthodox-Jews, but they do not get the same equal access to support their religion(s) in the same unfettered manner.
They are not protecting American interests. They are protecting the interests of racist Jews.
( 3 ) In violation of our Constitution, America has established religion. Our tax dollars support racist Zionism. We are an illegitimate government.
( 4 ) Yeshiva University, an overtly racist school run by Zionists, protected by the CIA, told Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan on the West Point campus, a campus owned by the Department of Defense, what to do and say. We don't own our military. Zionists do.
You know the amount of effort it would take for BG Finnegan to protect his cadets?
A single phone call to Yeshiva University: "please fax to my office the written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that Yeshiva University provides to its medical school students, I can see the one Yeshiva provides to it law school students, show me the one the medical students get". They can't fax it over, because it does not exist.
This is the guy who got on a plane to talk to some fantasy TV show, because, he claimed he was so worried about his cadets, but, when a real victim showed up at his door, he had every excuse in the world why he couldn't make a single phone call----how do they own him? Even now, he should be freaking out---Ms. Radin, these people are a mence to society---what do I have to do to put a stop to this?
( 5 ) The Manhattan District Attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau is pursuing false criminal charges against me, in retaliation. His complaining witnesses against me have already discredited themselves.
[ NOTE: Here's what a bunch of Southerns report. More often than not, when they get federal money, the federal government gives them a real hard-time, so, ultimately, they don't want the money. It is a manipulation ]
Thursday, September 24, 2009
--My blogsite(s) are my intellecual property and they are NOT coming down.
--My blogsite(s) are LINKED to other websites and those websites will NOT be disturbed either.
--See, http://www.jmpfaffshow.com/twitter-weekly-updates-for-2009-08-29
[ please use google to go directly to this site, if you use Roadrunner, you will get some werid thing in German; alternatively, just go direct to "The Jim Phaff Show" and type in the search box, for this site, " weekly-updates-for-2009-08-29" and you will see my blogsite [ a-president-does-not-stand-alone, linked to his, regarding how Judge Sonia Sotomayor did not uphold the law for me, or any medical student in the state of New York. As soon, as there is a break in the action, I'll try to fix this link. In the meantime, the more links there are from my blogsite(s) to other websites, the harder it will be to destroy this intellectual property, information, and evidence, that I assembled into a SHIELD ].
--See, The Jim Phaff Show----a grassroots, conservative movement.
--Thank you Senate Republicans !
--Well.....let's see.....what do we know.....we know that they are honorable....they have a sense of fair play.....they have patience.......they are sensitive and understanding.........they like group sports......they are disciplined......overall, they are good guys......at their level, they like playing politics, but, in a good way.......they love planning and they got all kinds of secrets........it would not surprise me at all.......those pesky generals.

Brief summary: Deliberate omissions do not equal hearsay. Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski has no defense. She demonstrated her criminal intent irrefutably by omitting facts from the screening document she created on 9/12/2008 a la Dan Riesel.
--Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski can argue Dan Riesel's bogus hearsay arguments all day, but, it does not change the FACTS.
--Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski's criminal intent is demonstrated by the FACT that she deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, with malice of forethought OMITTED all the evidence that I presented to her regarding FRAUD in student financial aid programs from the screening document that she created on 9/12/2008.
--In good faith, I sat down with Ms. Dix-Kielbiowski and showed her: these are the post-marked envelopes, these ared the bills that the loan servicing company, Sallie Mae [ not Fannie Mae---propaganda trick ] sent me, this is the promissory note, these are the LIES my medical school told to steal money, here's how the system works, here's how the bank lied, here's how Sallie Mae lied, up to and including the Board of Directors, here's how Cheryl Fisher at the state guarantee agency LIED, here's how a lot of people LIED so Yeshiva University could steal money. Here's how they lied to steal from New York State, here's how they lied to steal from the federal government, here's how they lied to steal from Mike Tyberg, here's how easy it is to find other victims, here 's all the excuses that Cheryl Fisher made to cooperate in Yeshiva's criminal conduct in violation of her duty to me and Mike Tyberg.
--All of this information is deliberately OMITTED from the screening document that Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski created because she was told how to make a false document by Yeshiva's dishonest attorney(s).
---Deliberate omissions do not equal hearsay. She has no defense.
--I can demonstrate Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski's criminal intent with more irrefutable examples.
--The big picture question is: why would the Jersey City police and fire department work so hard to make excuses for Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski ?
--Why is Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski working so hard to help a bunch of racist Zionists steal money any way, and every way they can?
--What's in it for Stacey to screw her own people?
---What Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski, Judge Velasquez, and Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez should be saying: no kidding, Lidya, our tax dollars go to promote private, religious education.....this is great.....how much money do the Catholics get ?
-- None, Stacey. That's the point.
--When the Christians try to get the same equal access, the same good deal that Yeshiva University gets, they are fed a bogus "separation of church & state" argument.
---And, just to make sure that the target is not so obvious, they'll drag Rabbi Field's little school into their persecution too [ eliminates their competition, too ].
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
---Go to http://www.worldleaders.columbia.edu/
[ Columbia World Leaders Forum ].
----Click on " Multimedia" .
---On the right, click on academic year 2007 - 2008.
---Scroll down until you come to Zeljko Komsic, Presidency Chairman, of Bosnia
& Herzegovina, President Komsic delivers a key-note address and participates in a question and answer session. You can recognize him because he has dark good looks.
---Click on "VIDEO", you can listen to his speech [ we cried through most of it, me and the others in the audience ] or you can fast forward to the START of the Question and Answer session.
---I was the first person. I said, essentially........ My name is Lidya Radin, I am an honors graduate of Columbia University, Croatian, a Roman Catholic, and a victim of Human Rights abuses in the United States. I have been to Congressman, Senators, priests and generals. They are ALL cowards. So, now I am coming to you to ask for a favor. Would the president of Bosnia/ Herzegovina deliver a letter from me to my president [ President George W. Bush ] that speaks to Human Rights abuses that effect me and every American?
---He said YES !
---You see me handing my letter to the Secret Service.
----Afterwards, there was a reception and we shook hands and I thanked him.
--He is a wonderful man.
[ and, as a woman, he is very handsome, too ]
---They went crazy becasue they said I "sparked an international incident" .
----- I did. That was the point.
---Then, they tried to discredit me by saying this never happend, that I was delusional [ that they didn't believe my story---words and phrases appropriate to Marlen Abramova, not me---I described the propaganda technique on this blog ].
--- He is a real man. I am a real woman. These are real problems we are trying to solve. Robert Caslen is a real man too. Yes, sir, he is.
--Gee.....North Bergen......you can do better than Nino Falcone.
--Nino Falcone went to law school at Seton Hall ?
---All over Seton Hall, Falcone, how much money do the Catholics get ?
---Who are you Democrats kidding ? A Roman Catholic, Andrew Cuomo, in a state that is 40% Roman Catholic [ last time I checked the demographics ] helped a bunch of racist Zionists steal money from another Roman Catholic, ME, because he can't stand up to his party also owned by a bunch of racist Zionists [ and I tried to help Mike Tyberg, an Orthodox-Jewish, white man as long as I was in the neighborhood and he was crying in his beer, so to speak. In a year Mike Tyberg is going to be in a worse position because his credit rating will be ruined for life like mine ].
---Mel Goldberg in Andrew Cuomo's office threatened me, and I did the leg-work for him. Nine medical schools in New York State do not uphold the law.
--I am Roman Catholic and I would NOT VOTE for Andrew Cuomo, not until every religion gets the same fair deal as Yeshiva University, the same fair shake.
--Hey, Andrew, how much money do the Catholics get ? None. That's the point.
[ Ten to one, Chuck Schumer is enjoying this, secretly ]
--Robert Cross and I were physically assaulted.
--I was physically assaulted while trying to recover from spinal injuries and almost killed. Assault and battery were maliciously inflicted on me.
--I was held in a hospital used as a de facto prison.
--I was denied pain management, access to my pain management specialists in New York so I could suffer physical pain.
--What happened to Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski. Nothing. She got paid to tell Lies.
--Who are you kidding?
She is upset by being embarrassed all over Hudson County because she does Yeshiva University's dirty work, she does the dirty work for a bunch of racist Zionists and she is too stupid to know it, she attacks the one woman in America, ME, who asks the question: Stacey, how much money does your religion get ? None.
--Dectective: how much money does your religion get?
( 1 ) Detective: ask Judge Velasquez why he could not resolve this issue weeks ago: please produce the letters that Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski accused Ms. Radin of mailing to Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez [ they can't produce them because they do not exist ].
( 2 ) Michael S. Stewart, M.D., sat in the back of the court-room in my landlord-tenant case. Ask how he got paid.
[ note: few other leads re: stewart ]
( 3 ) Detective: show me the so-called evidence that they use behind my back to accuse me and I'll show you the criminals, and it goes like this:
A la Dan Riesel, in my landlord-tenant case, they ran a de facto criminal prosecution, behind my back, that said I forged leases. The allegations and so-called evidence was never discussed with me or shown to me and Judge Fast and Lawrence Sindoni, my attorney, were in on it.
I was left "out-of-the-loop" , not shown the so-called evidence against me, because if they did discuss the allegations with me and show me the so-called evidence that would make my argument for me. Their little de facto criminal prosecution intended to discredit me as forging documents to get Dan Riesel off-the-hook was blown [ totally discredited ] when I produced a certified audio-tape wherein Mrs. Pagnozzi told the judge in Small Claims court that she accepted me as her tenant on 2-27-2004.
So the little line of reasoning that they were developing, that I forged documents was totally blown. They refuse to show me that so-called evidence because that so-called evidence demonstrates what I have been talking about all along: they run criminal prosecutions behind your back and your attorney never tells you.
I told Senator Grassley's office that I would say and do whatever I had to say and do to force this thing out into the open; they know. I told them in advance.
In medical school, they ran a little de facto criminal prosecution behind my back that said I was hiding money in a safety-despoit box, that I was cheating on exams, that I was stealing, but, never to my face, always behind my back, which makes my argument for me, again.
Detective: show me the so-called evidence that they used behind my back to accuse me, and I'll show you the criminals.
( 4 ) The attorneys Solotoff & Solotoff, were the attorneys for Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar after James Michael Lenihan and Tom Shanahan dropped them as clients, respectively.
35 Clover Drive
Great Neck, New York 11023 Telephone: 516-466-5522.
P.O. Box 4686
Great Neck, New York 10023
[ insert here---info Retina Associates of New York, names of doctors, connections to Jersey City Medical Center, connections to Marlen Abramova et al ]
( 5 ) Ask Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski why she omitted all the information and evidence I showed her on the 9/12/2008 screening document that demonstrated my medical school was engaged in fraud against me, Mike Tyberg, and the New York State government [ TAP grants we were not eligible to receive ] and the federal government [ PELL grants we were not eligible to receive ].
Ask why she deliberately left that information/evidence out of the screening document(s) she created.
Ask her: what interest does she have in leaving out information that a medical school is lying to steal money?
Ask her [ and Judge Rodriguez ], why she worked so hard to protect Yeshiva University's fraud.
Ask me for a list of lies she reproduced on the 9/12/2008 screening document that are lies my medical school wants to reiterate and that I never discussed with her, she didn't get it from me, she was spoonfed these lies by my medical school.
( 6 ) Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam
71 Thomas Street, Room 307
New York, New York 10013 Telephone: 646-386-3804.
This judge does not know that in order to do an Article 78 judicial review to make sure that my medical school followed its own rules, she needs to have a written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure in one hand and a certified-verbatim transcript in the other hand, otherwise an Article 78 judicial review is impossible to do.
Ask her.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
--( 1 ) They are executing a strategy against me called
" Learned Helplessness ".
It is really sick. I discussed it with Reilly and how I used it to defend myself; he gets it. I think he understands.
The purpose of this strategy, learned helplessness, is to drive me into depression and suicide. So, what this is telling you'all.....is that they must be looking at a falsified medical record that leads them into believing that I am susceptible to depression, that's why they chose this strategy. I am not. But, the strategy they use to attack me gives me information, reflects, the false records that they are looking at....understand ?
How they attack....tells you who they are, and what they are looking at.
Robert Caslen/ Adm. Mullen: This is the use of medical knowledge, the use of psychiatry, in the service of evil a la Joseph Mengele.
It does not effect me, because I already broke their hold; now, I just use it to gather evidence and demonstrate a point; I discussed with Reilly.
For Adm. Mullen, and with great respect and this is not a threat.....it is fair warning: the top military leader in the United States, knows with absolute certainty that judges, including judges on the highest court in America, refuse to uphold the law against racist Zionists, a coercive military strategy used to oppress that we see in Israel and the United States.
Personally, I think this is a once in a life-time opportunity for Adm. Mullen to throw his weight around and do the right thing. His generals will love him for it.
[ According to the Counter-Insurgency Field Manual, COIN, we are supposed to be instituting the rule of law and making sure that the institutions of society have integrity and are protected so that an honest political process that represents the will of the people can go forward---in Iraq---well.....with respect.....we don't have that in the United States.....I am not arguing theory. I am demonstrating this for you, in the field. It almost cost my life. ]
--( 2 ) One of the last conversations I had with an attorney who gave me a little inside information....was along the lines of......they will try to diagnosis you as obsessed. Right, I am obsessed with staying alive, and out of the hands of psychopaths.
--One of the last conversations I had with Jimmy David was along the lines of .....gee, Lidya....I'd like to see you engaged in other activities [ he was trying to develop a diagnosis that I was obsessed, you know, when the diagnosis of schizophrenia fell apart ] .....gee, Dr. David....with respect...if you didn't cooperate with dishonest attorneys so much and lie so much about my student loans, for example, then, maybe I would not have to spend so much time defending myself against your lies.
For goodness sake, Dr. David....you are on the phone with me...saying things like....ah, the attorneys told me not to talk to you, Lidya, but, I don't listen to them....and we start having conversations.....the next thing I know you are pressing criminal charges against me for aggravated harassment.....your charges against me are irrational......how can you be engaged in conversations with me, voluntarily, at the same time you claim to be annoyed by me ?
You discredited yourself, Dr. David.
For goodness sake, Dr. David, and with respect, don't you have confidence that you could get another job?
Do you have to lie for these psychopaths? Some of us did resign, why don't you?

--Left-click, once, on any document, to enlarge it, for easy viewing, or print; to return to reading this blog, simply, click, once, on your Internet Browser's
"BACK" button.
--They went to Judge Melissa Jackson, 5 th floor, 100 Centre Street [ two telephone numbers:
646-386-4615 and 646-386-4512 ], to quash [ not comply ] with this subpoena for my records.
---Judge Jackson is not the trial judge in my case. She has no business making decisions in my case.
Judge Shawndyia Simpson is the trial judge. They went to Judge Jackson, because she is influenced.
--You watch, this is what will happen next. All the subpoenas that I issued will be funneled through Judge Jackson to quash them.
--They stage-manage your case. I saw them do this in other cases; they stage your case like Soviet-Union show trials, to give the appearance that there is justice, when there is not.
--This is crucial, vitally important consumer information for every pre-med, world-wide. Even in criminal court, even when you are facing false criminal charges, even when Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro tells your lawyer, I know the charges against her are " stupid ", but I am under pressure to go forward anyway, to use the office of the District Attorney in retaliation, even with a subpoena you can't get your records from Einstein, because they don't want you to see the LIES they told about you.
--For a mere $99, very cost-effective, I can turn this subpoena into a hand-bill and wallpaper downtown Manhattan and Washington DC, so that there is no doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau cooperates in a criminal conspiracy to persecute me, and is not interested in the compelling evidence that I can easily produce to discredit his complaining witnesses against me [ Riesel, Scarfone, Reichgott, David, and Olson ], because the criminal scheme that Mr. Morgenthau sanctions and endorses = his legacy.
It is ridiculous. Yeshiva wants to charge me thousands of dollars for classes it never provided but when I ask to see my records to demonstrate that they never gave me those classes, Parasitology and Infectious Diseases, Judge Jackson says "no", you can't see your records, so that she can cooperate in a criminal conspiracy to maintain false business records.
She is not a judge.
She is a criminal.
John Scarfone lied in federal court; he said I failed 13 of 14 classes as a first-year medical student, so when I ask to see 13 sets of exams that show I did not, Judge Jackson says "no", so she can cooperate in a criminal conspiracy.
Judge Jackson is bought.
--Note 1: I will post the affidavit of service, ASAP, for you to confirm, my attorney assured me that he has it.
---Note 2: Any one who needs a change of venue [ a change of geographic location ] because Judge Jackson is biased, can cite to my case, now.
--Reilly, I know. I understand.
--During my false imprisonment Dr. Jelnov threatened me with an element that Riesel, leading a criminal gang, needed to try and pin a false diagnosis of schizophrenia on me, that there was something structurally wrong with my brain. There is not. But, they needed someone, like Reilly, a neuro-radiologist, some authority to say that there was.
--Riesel is so sick, so obsessed, so trapped in his little box that he will stalk an innocent person through life trying to make a false case, because he checked his humanity at the door.
--Reilly, it had nothing to do with you or the cheating that went on in anatomy lab.
--If something didn't happen, then, they would just make something up.
--Reilly, they were making up stories and accusing me behind my back from the very first day, long before I ever said or did anything, don't you get it, Reilly, there was a bulls-eye painted on my forehead long before I ever entered the school. The Canadian ambassador understands.
--When I was in medical school, they ran around behind my back accusing me of hiding money in a safety-deposit box, accusing me of cheating on exams, accusing me of stealing....they made up all kinds of stories....but, never to my face...so I could defend myself.....always behind my back. I told Senator Grassley's office; he knows.
--I called Reilly, check you records.....goodness only knows what lies they told about you in your executive summary.....circulated behind your back.....I'll bet, ten to one, that no student from Einstein has ever seen their records, because
( 1 ) they are falsified, like mine, or ( 2 ) so that at any time, they can alter them, to make up any story they want.
--You have to close this school. These people are psychopaths, NOT psychiatrists.
--They run criminal schemes out of this place.
--I am going to start describing the criminal schemes, in detail, including the human experiment they performed on me, against my will.
--Here's one, minor, criminal scheme: my white, male, Orthodox-Jewish classmate signed a contract promising that he would be "un-enrolled" [ I understand the propaganda technique ] when he got a grant; in other words, the grant was paying him to perform research, not paying him to take classes. He lied. He took the grant, and took classes, and when he failed, the professors told him what would appear on tests to push him through. Michael J. Reichgott, " former" dean of students, helped him. They bragged openly about it.
--Reilly, there are some things I can only tell you face-to-face.
--I came to see you at Ft. Knox, Reilly, to let you off-the-hook, because it had nothing to do with you: I am the target.
---I can write field-manuals about it, but, the best thing to do is: have nothing to do with these people.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
[ and, you'all don't see all this because the civilians are hiding all this information---right ? They are hiding all the information I submitted, right ? ]
---When my Orthodox-Jewish, white, male classmate at Einstein failed classes, the professors told him what would appear on exams to push him through a la SOCIAL ENGINEERING, because the purpose of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is to put Orthodox-Jewish, white, men into positions of affluence in American society, based on race, sex, and religion, not on meritorious performance in the real world---you know, like the social engineering the Germans practiced; their response to racism is racism.
---As I discussed with lawyers in Pittsburgh.....what is this telling you, out there in the GENERAL public ? A degree from this school is not worth the paper it is printed on.
---In fact, if you see a white, Orthodox-Jewish, male doctor with a degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine you should RUN, not walk away from him, because you know that there is a good chance he was just pushed through, and when he makes a mistake on you all his bigoted friends will lie to protect him, that is the opinion of a lawyer I talked to, she advised to avoid these people like the plague, have nothing to do with them.
---And, she said, we would never know, but for me reporting from the inside.
---In contrast, and with great respect, I would trust Dr. Lander's medical school, associated with Touro College, because even though I disagree with Zionists, when they had criminal conduct present at their school, they investigated, they collected up the evidence, they reached out to the Manhattan District Attorney's office, they asked for criminal prosecution, they cleaned their own house, and this honorable conduct was not accurately reported in the press and it should be.
----Adm. Mullen/ Robert Caslen: see it is very simple.
----Mikey Weinstein wants to show that when his friends tried to tell the truth, they were outed, not protected, their careers ruined, and everyone at the agency has to be scared that it could happen to them, and the people who did it to them were not held accountable.
---So, all I had to do, was reveal a little information about the CIA, and almost get killed, to make the point, that when I revealed information I got slammed, but, the individuals who outed Mikey's friends did not.
---And, you can't threaten me with treason, for revealing this little information, because all I did was quote a reliable Congressional source.
---And, you can't threaten me with treason for telling the truth to Hamas because they are a legitimate government, elected by their people, even if racist Zionist don't like it.
---America, in contrast, is illegitimate. We have established religion. We are in violation of our Constitution.
---I leveled the playing field. I made things more equal.
---If/when President Obama sits down with President Ahmadinejad, Iran [ the Muslim World ] knows:
( 1 ) President Obama's election was rigged by his party, and me, Wiley Deck, and Congressman Mica tried to get a fair election.
So, when Ahmadinejad is criticized for having a rigged election in June 2009, he can say, so sorry, Mr. Obama, your election in November 2008 was rigged, too.
( 2 ) Our judges are corrupt too. They protect Zionists, not Christians.
( 3 ) Our media is censored for Zionist interests. Do you see anyone reporting this?
( 4 ) Iran has no reason to believe that America will protect Iran, therefore Iran should abandon its nuclear program, because America does not protect Americans, on American soil, in a time of war, as I demonstrated.
( 5 ) America is illegitimate. We have violated our Constitution. We have established religion.
* * * * * * *
---The Bronx DA lied to Congressman Weiner to protect Zionists.
---The Manhattan DA is pressing false criminal charges against me in retaliation.
----I should go to the New York State Attorney General, but, I can't, because Mel Goldberg already threatened me.
---I have no choice other than to appeal to Adm. Mullen, which I did.
--With great respect, if Adm. Mullen refuses to do the right thing [ see note ] then, he will have to answer to his Christian soldiers and the international community.
Note: I want my records from every source, including the FBI and the CIA and the Secret Service [ those records are works of fiction, like my records from Jersey City Medical Center, and don't tell me I don't have a CIA file by now, after I went to the presidents of other countries, and Reilly and I already discussed this ]; I want my subpoenas enforced; I want a change of venue; I want an attorney that works for my interests not racist Zionists.
---I get a change of venue based on conflict of interest; the attorney they assigned to lose my case and help railroad me, Jess Berkowitz has already lied to me about this issue, and others [ his telephone: 917-733-7701, and 212-431-4453 ].
---Here's the scam: they press false criminal charges against you, and then, "milk" you for money when you have to defend against them. These are the crimes of malicious prosecution [ in criminal court ] and abuse of process [ for the civil complaint ] directed at me, in retaliation.
---Here you go: Equal Time for President George W. Bush & the Republicans.
[ stay with me, there is more and better information that I will publish ASAP ].
---According to published reports, which I have not independently cross-checked yet [ I always independently cross-check, as many times as possible, Robert Caslen knows that this is standard operating procedure ], but, for now, will assume are genuine, Sonia Sotomayor worked for Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau.
---He recommended her for the Supreme Court, the highest court in America.
---It doesn't look like he likes Republicans.
---Also, he is Chairman of the Museum of Jewish Heritage [ the Holocaust Museum ]. Lily Safra and her husband are wealthy patrons.
---Lily Safra is one of the rich ladies that the Yeshiva-Victims group was trying to "milk" for money in a scam, and that I refused to go along with [ Russian-Bukharian-Jewish criminals, Marlen Abramova plus others ].
---He is engaged in professional misconduct against me by ( i ) letting Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro [ telephone: 212-335-4058 ] continue to press false criminal charges against me [ crime(s) = malicious prosecution ] when the complaining witnesses against me have already discredited themselves, so when, for example, John Scarfone [ dishonest attorney paid for by Rabbi Lamm/yeshiva university ] claims he is so afraid of me that he needs an order of protection, no one believes him because he has already lied in federal court about me, the evidence is already posted on my blog(s), Mr. Spiro admitted that the charges against me were " stupid " , he admitted he was being pressured to pursue them in retaliation, ( ii ) refusing to give me orders of protection against the psychopaths who are stalking me through life, and almost caused my death at Jersey City Medical Center, ( iii ) allows Yeshiva University to maintain false business records, NOW, a crime in New York; he refuses to let me and Mike Tyberg correct our false business records [ but, he had no problem prosecuting Touro College for the same crime(s); Touro College is Dr. Lander's school, Rabbi Lamm's competition, as Senator Grassley already knows ].
---Mr. Morgenthau does not like the fact that I provided information to the Senate Republicans that demonstrates Sonia Sotomayor does not uphold the law.
---Mr. Morgenthau does not like the fact that I protected Lily Safra, a wealthy patron of the museum of which he is chairman, from a criminal scheme, he did not protect her, and the reason that I was able to protect her, is because a woman, an Iranian diplomat protected me; I demonstrated that it was the good people of Iran that protected women in the United States against Zionist criminals.
---Also, I demonstrated that wealthy racist Zionists get a 3 to 1 tax-shelter benefit when they donate to Yeshiva University [ last time I read the tax code ] but, there is no equal time for Christians, because when wealthy patrons donate to Bob Jones University they do not enjoy this benefit.
---The federal government is already taking action against me, based on the lies Cheryl Fisher told, dishonest attorney, at the state guarantee agency for my federal student loans: pay for classes Yeshiva University never provided, or we will inflict more harm on you.
----I was already told how Yeshiva's dishonest attorneys want to micro-manage my criminal case to railroad me, we won't enforce your subpoenas, we won't give you your records [ because the last thing we want you to do is see all the lies we told about you ], you won't get a jury trial because we want to keep all decisions in the hands of a judge that we can control, to make decisions to deliberately hurt you, like I already demonstrated with Judges Fast, Velasquez, and Rodriguez in New Jersey.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
--I can neutralize Dr. Jelnov's threat [ see note ] 3 ways, right now:
( 1 ) Trial in 2003, I won and was creditable. Robert Cross and my mother testified too, and were creditable. I was falsely accused of damage to a landlord's property. Damage to property is an excuse to try to falsely imprison me in a locked psychiatric ward because my medical school can't stand me telling the truth.
( 2 ) Trial in 2004, Ralph and Madga Pagnozzi won against Asaf Rosenhein because of my creditable testimony and my evidence.
I am posting the certified audio-tape on this blogsite(s) so they can verfiy, but, I can also post the chrono-card, too, that shows the same information, as discussed with Lawrence Sindoni. Judge Fast didn't want this audio-tape entered into evidence in my landlord-tenant case, because it demonstrated that all allegations that I forged leases were moot; on this audio-tape the Judge asked Mrs. Pagnozzi if she accepted me as a tenant and she said "yes". Dan Riesel did not want any evidence on-the-record that showed his accusations that I forged documents were not true; he accused me of forging documents in my case against my medical school.
( 3 ) After 2-27-2004, I went into court against Lisa George, and won.
Subsequently, there are other cases that I can cite to that I won, too.
In light of items 1, 2, and 3 alone, it is impossible for Dr. Jelnov to make good on his threat that......we will lie about you even more and say that you have been delusional for the past 20 years, if you don't shut-up about the 36 judges who lied, if you don't stop going to presidents of other countries.
But, I can and will post even more evidence and information.
These blogsite(s) do not come down. They are a shield against these psychopaths.
Maj. Gen. Robert Caslen: I talked about this concept with with Mikey Weinstein, Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a former White House attorney, Republican......a couple years ago......the concept that I am a shield....between evil and you, stands me.......I was talking to Mikey about the fact that the evidence and information that I put into the Second Circuit, establishes a foundation for any change of venue request for others based on the bias of the Second Circuit that I demonstrated [ I think that there is an email that I sent to this effect ].
Robert Caslen: I don't make Mikey Weinstein look bad. I always say......boy, you haven't lived until you've argued with Mikey Weinstein.
And, he encouraged me to tell the truth: Yeshiva University......they are a bunch of bigots, Lidya, stop dancing around it, just start saying it, they are racists,
I wasn't " Jewish enough " for them and I am Jewish.....then, he yelled for a while.....you know how Mr. Weinstein gets when he gets up a good head of steam.........." not Jewish enough " .......Mr. Weinstein quoted me from my court papers.....
In classifying me, Mr.Weinstein said I was " white hot " , so I know my letter to the Bush White House got through, this was the third confirmation I got.
Robert Caslen/Adm. Mullen: In Manhattan, they could have pressed false criminal charges against me at any time [ in Queens, in 2006, Det. Lee did not let the false criminal charges get this far, because I gave him evidence that showed they were lying ]. The false charges came down in May 2009, because that is when I started releasing information to foreign governments that showed Yeshiva University, protected by the CIA, told Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, on the West Point campus, what to do and say.....in short, that Zionists control West Point, a campus that is supposed to be owned by the Department of Defense, not the CIA, that's what you were saying.....
---They put me and Reilly together because he was ROTC, and I was Walter Reed.
---I am pretty sure that Lankler saw my letters from Walter Reed.
---I was targeted from the beginning........from the very first day....long before I said or did anything.......long before anatomy lab......they wanted me to cheat in anatomy lab, they wanted me to lie to the professors, to manipulate them, and I can't do that......I had to see Reilly, face-to-face, it had nothing to do with anatomy lab........if something didn't happen, then, they would make something up, as I demonstrated......because I was the target, from the beginning.....the attacks started the very first day........"she's isolating from her peers"......."she has flat affect" , words and phrases used to diagnose schizophrenia [ please, I don't have flat affect, no emotion, even James Michael Lenihan laughed at this, that's why picking up Patrick William's certification at 4 PM on 9/30/2008 [ where is the screening document that sent Jersey City mental health workers to my house at 4 PM on 9/30/2008 ] was important, it speaks to an emotional quality that I could not possess if I was schizophrenic, that's why they dropped this diagnosis and started making-up others ]. I am the third student these psychopaths have tried to label falsely as psychotic and schizophrenic; the fourth student that they tried to slap a false psychiatric diagnosis on.
---I was targeted for expulsion before I even set foot in the school.