I added notes on 9/9/2009 in red to the post on 9/7/2009, Labor Day, for the prosecutor(s); they can irrefutably demonstrate links between my landlord-tenant case and Dan Riesel & the federal courts, lots of ways:
Dr. Jelnov is out-of-contact with realty; I explained all this to him. He deliberately created a false medical record = criminal intent.
Plus, his RX behavior [ the drug prescription that he wrote, in advance, for 2 weeks ] demonstrates criminal intent. This was not a psychic hold for a short period of time, hours to days, so they could check, this was planned, in advance, for 2 weeks or more, to discredit me........
--for the prosecutor: Dr. Stewart's defense to a charge of aggravated assault is that he didn't know about the spinal injuries that I sustained in the June 24, 2008 car crash....not true....
....I will widely distribute the pages out of my deliberately falsified medical records that noted this information, plus I told them.....you caused me to miss my pain management appointment with my doctor in New York at 4 PM on 9/30/2008, and you are causing me to miss more appointments with pain management so you can hold me in your hospital for no good reason.....you are coupling physical pain with incarceration plus playing stupid mind games by lying to me and my family, repeatedly; this is the essence of torture......you know what you'all are doing.......
This was an attempt to discredit me as delusional for the year 2007 to 2008, because in summer 2007 I talked to Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan at West Point, we're having a conversation and he says something along the lines of terrorism, and I say....oh, OK, so the meeting I had this morning [ with Madox, Caslen's XO ] is the exact right meeting that I should have.....and Finnegan went bananas....."what meeting ? " ..... that's when I got additional confirmation.....and this was the year that I had my letter conveyed to the Bush White House.....
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