Sunday, September 20, 2009


--( 1 ) They are executing a strategy against me called

" Learned Helplessness ".

It is really sick. I discussed it with Reilly and how I used it to defend myself; he gets it. I think he understands.

The purpose of this strategy, learned helplessness, is to drive me into depression and suicide. So, what this is telling you' that they must be looking at a falsified medical record that leads them into believing that I am susceptible to depression, that's why they chose this strategy. I am not. But, the strategy they use to attack me gives me information, reflects, the false records that they are looking at....understand ?

How they attack....tells you who they are, and what they are looking at.

Robert Caslen/ Adm. Mullen: This is the use of medical knowledge, the use of psychiatry, in the service of evil a la Joseph Mengele.

It does not effect me, because I already broke their hold; now, I just use it to gather evidence and demonstrate a point; I discussed with Reilly.

For Adm. Mullen, and with great respect and this is not a is fair warning: the top military leader in the United States, knows with absolute certainty that judges, including judges on the highest court in America, refuse to uphold the law against racist Zionists, a coercive military strategy used to oppress that we see in Israel and the United States.

Personally, I think this is a once in a life-time opportunity for Adm. Mullen to throw his weight around and do the right thing. His generals will love him for it.

[ According to the Counter-Insurgency Field Manual, COIN, we are supposed to be instituting the rule of law and making sure that the institutions of society have integrity and are protected so that an honest political process that represents the will of the people can go forward---in Iraq---
well.....with respect.....we don't have that in the United States.....I am not arguing theory. I am demonstrating this for you, in the field. It almost cost my life. ]

--( 2 ) One of the last conversations I had with an attorney who gave me a little inside information....was along the lines of......they will try to diagnosis you as obsessed. Right, I am obsessed with staying alive, and out of the hands of psychopaths.

--One of the last conversations I had with Jimmy David was along the lines of .....gee, Lidya....I'd like to see you engaged in other activities [ he was trying to develop a diagnosis that I was obsessed, you know, when the diagnosis of schizophrenia fell apart ] .....gee, Dr. David....with respect...if you didn't cooperate with dishonest attorneys so much and lie so much about my student loans, for example, then, maybe I would not have to spend so much time defending myself against your lies.

For goodness sake, Dr. are on the phone with me...saying things like....ah, the attorneys told me not to talk to you, Lidya, but, I don't listen to them....and we start having conversations.....the next thing I know you are pressing criminal charges against me for aggravated harassment.....your charges against me are can you be engaged in conversations with me, voluntarily, at the same time you claim to be annoyed by me ?

You discredited yourself, Dr. David.

For goodness sake, Dr. David, and with respect, don't you have confidence that you could get another job?

Do you have to lie for these psychopaths? Some of us did resign, why don't you?

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