Sunday, September 27, 2009


--Controlling for looting and lawlessness, the worst that will happen is that
a non-Zionist majority will move back onto land that was stolen.

--Israel is not a democracy.

---Israel's policies are intended to keep a highly aggressive Zionist minority in power at the expense of a non-Zionist majority.

---That's what you'all are fighting for; a highly aggressive political group, not a religion, that will steal whatever it can get its hands on, quoted from Orthodox-Jewish rabbis.

--In fact, Israel is already a failed state. Look at the immigration numbers. No one wants into Israel. They want OUT of Israel. They want to come to America, and they want big, Democrat, social-welfare programs. Check and see how many in the Jewish community get college education for free at Queens College, for instance.

---The terrorists do not attack us because they hate America. They attack us because we help to hurt them. Their response, to fight back against oppression, is normal and healthy.

---And, a word about the torture. They are trying to induce psychosis-----that's why they keep the lights on ----to interfere with sleep----not to break a terrorist to get information-----to induce psychosis, so that if they really don't have a terrorist, they can manufacture one, by feeding whatever story they want into the mind of a person that they have made delusional......even more horrific than Mengele-----it is standard operating procedure, almost easy to understand, in research labs, if you don't have something, like a protein, you make, they manufacture the terrorists they want to keep America living in fear, destroy the protections of civil liberties, and turn America into a fascist state [ there are other books that relate the signs of America becoming a fascist state, I am not the first person to say this ].

---I am falsely accused of being a terrorist and a potential assassin so that my rights are violated, by psychopaths like Dan Riesel.

--The Secret Service showed me how words and phrases from my writings were deliberately, maliciously taken out-of-context to falsely characterize me as a potential assassin so that if I approached an elected official at a public event I could be shot, no questions asked.

---Are you'all against nuclear weapons for Israel too ? No.

---Is Iran the most stable country in the region, the one you are trying to de-stablize? Yes.

---If Israel fails, and its nuclear weapons are removed, have you taken Iran's arguments away ? Yes.

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