Sunday, September 13, 2009


--I was denied a faculty advisor, access to federal work-study grants, I was not allowed to make outside grant proposals to support my original clinical research, my research was not supported 100% despite advertisements that this school supported student research 100%, in fact, I was undermined at every turn [ by the middle of my second year, despite failing two minor classes and one major class, because of mis-management, I was on-track to publish 3 to 5 original papers as a principal author, depending how we divided up the data, Bill Rennie's name would come first because it was his idea, but, I would be second author 'cause I did the all the original work, with great respect, it is one thing to have an idea, it is a whole other story to make that idea work in the real world ]; subsequent to my illegal expulsion, I demonstrated my ability to get a federal research grant, demonstrating INCREASED FUNCTIONING [ Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center is a liar ].

[ and, you'all don't see all this because the civilians are hiding all this information---right ? They are hiding all the information I submitted, right ? ]

---When my Orthodox-Jewish, white, male classmate at Einstein failed classes, the professors told him what would appear on exams to push him through a la SOCIAL ENGINEERING, because the purpose of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is to put Orthodox-Jewish, white, men into positions of affluence in American society, based on race, sex, and religion, not on meritorious performance in the real world---you know, like the social engineering the Germans practiced; their response to racism is racism.

---As I discussed with lawyers in Pittsburgh.....what is this telling you, out there in the GENERAL public ? A degree from this school is not worth the paper it is printed on.

---In fact, if you see a white, Orthodox-Jewish, male doctor with a degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine you should RUN, not walk away from him, because you know that there is a good chance he was just pushed through, and when he makes a mistake on you all his bigoted friends will lie to protect him, that is the opinion of a lawyer I talked to, she advised to avoid these people like the plague, have nothing to do with them.

---And, she said, we would never know, but for me reporting from the inside.

---In contrast, and with great respect, I would trust Dr. Lander's medical school, associated with Touro College, because even though I disagree with Zionists, when they had criminal conduct present at their school, they investigated, they collected up the evidence, they reached out to the Manhattan District Attorney's office, they asked for criminal prosecution, they cleaned their own house, and this honorable conduct was not accurately reported in the press and it should be.

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