-RE: IRAN, scroll to information for Adm. Mullen.
-Scroll to information for Senate Republicans,
re: with one tenant, with one contract negotiation, with one case, demonstrating a strategy to reduce the TAX BURDEN, reducing big government in New Jersey, also of interest for Bob Jones University, I explained this to Janice Bennett in summer 2008.
-Scroll to very bottom, suggested notes for Rev. Al Sharpton's 9/24/2008 [ typo, should read 9/24/2009, corrected next day ] speech/event in Jersey City, we are executing COIN in America as a counter-point to the strategy the generals are executing in Iraq: ensuring the integrity of the institutions of good/just societies.
[note: see, it is clever, in my federal case, I was taunted that my case would hinge on a single word, that a "former" student cannot correct her records, so, I did it one better, I tied all the criminals together with a single " NOTE " , a single falsified promissory note, that demonstrates a whole lot of people cooperated in a ongoing criminal conspiracy to help Yeshiva University steal money; thou shall not steal from thy students, Rabbi Lamm, thou shall not pay doctors and attorneys to bear false witness, Rabbi Lamm, I suspect that Hebrew University doesn't like competition that violates the Ten Commandments.
note 2: Before 9/30/2008, the North Bergen police, Falcone's buddies, threatened me: "we'll take you off the streets". The NYPD threatened me like this too.
I can cite to creditable sources to show this is the language that is used to label someone as a terrorist. I am not a terrorist. They tried to intimidate me with threats of kidnapping and incarceration, threats that a criminal court judge acted on in New York, as I was trying to provide information to the Senate Judiciary Committee in a timely manner for the Sonia Sotomayor hearings ].
-Scroll to see comment for Jack Wind, president of Northeast New Jersey Legal Services, re: a strategy to compensate for reduced budget, president of Jersey Bar loved this;
Plus notes for the prosecutor(s).
-Left-click, once, on any document to enlarge it, for easy viewing, or print; to return to reading this blog, click, once, on your Internet Browser's "Back" button.
-10 am, meeting with Hudson County prosecutor Debra Simon, Friday,
Sept. 4, 2008, telephone: 201-795-6426.
-The BIG PICTURE: I was making too much trouble in my federal case(s), there was no other front on which to attack me, so they attacked me at my apartment; ultimately, they almost murdered me.
-FRAUD does not equal a bona fide medical record. Where is the screening document that sent these psychopaths to my home at 4 PM on 9/30/2008 ? Their story starts at 7 PM.
-North Bergen, New Jersey, municipal court judge Nino Falcone LIED to Debra Simon.
-He was hired by my landlords to come into Jersey City as their lawyer.
-There was NO "return date" on the waiver [ 10/2/2008 ].
-The eviction was stopped until 10/2/2008.
-After 10/2/2008, the landlords would have to get Judge Fast to re-instate his September 9, 2008 ruling against me AGAIN, then, the landlords would have to get ANOTHER warrant of removal, that would take 3 days, then, I would go back into court, and show Judge Fast ANOTHER CHECK that the landlords cashed, thereby re-newing my tenancy, and accepting me as a tenant.
-And, we could have played this little game, 5 to 6 times, each time it takes the landlords 8 to 10 days [ for about 60 days ] until it becomes OBVIOUS that Judge Fast is establishing a very dangerous precedent, and is PART OF A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY designed to illegally evict me in retaliation, among other things.
-Because the landlord cashed 5 to 6 of my checks after Judge Fast's
September 9, 2008 ruling against me and because they cashed my checks while I was still living in the apartment, I get post-judgment relief that says....the landlords cashed your checks, he has accepted you as a tenant and there is NO EVICTION.
-Judge Fast lied to me on-the-record on 9/24/2008, so the next day I had to go back into court, on 9/25/2008, and quote to Judge Fast from the book he wrote, the section on post-judgment relief. And, I can present this and quotes from various tenants' rights books from accepted and noted authorities in any criminal prosecution.
Are you getting this? Judge Fast LIED to a tenant to retaliate against me, because he didn't like me telling the truth about his racism; he made-up stories , to keep evidence off-the-record, to protect Asaf Rosenheim, ex-Israeli military, ex-Israeli Defense Forces, at the expense of a Christian.
Retaliation and harassment motivated by racism are HATE crimes.
This blog contains evidence and information of Judge Fast's bias, pursuant to a criminal prosecution, and will not be removed [ obstruction of justice ].
This blog can also be used to provide good information to the GENERAL public to help establish a foundation for a change of venue request or pursuant to appeals for other(s) in Judge Fast's court, and will not be removed.
Also, I related to Debra Simon how I never encountered Mr. Ralph Pagnozzi or Mrs. Ralph Pagnozzi on 9/30/2008. Pursuant to direction by a Jersey City police officer, I told the grandfather, Ralph Pagnozzi's father, if his son pulls another fast one, if he lies to the police again, if there is a pad-lock put on my door illegally on 10/1/2008 and I lose control of evidence, then, your son and Nino Falcone will be guilty of obstruction of justice, a very serious civil rights violation [ evidence against Dan Riesel, a former chief prosecutor for the federal government, that I showed to Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski on 9/12/2008 and that she deliberately omitted from the screening document she created on that day to protect Dan Riesel, who lied in federal court---I already have an admission of guilt, I already have confirmation from a state agency that shows Dan Riesel LIED in my federal case, I am a witness against Dan Riesel that he is trying to discredit ].
-Also, I checked with Ruppert, employed in landlord-tenant court, who observed Judge Fast's rulings. He agreed. Because evictions are not seamless, he observed Judge Fast do this once or twice, but, when Judge Fast re-instates his
eviction 5 TIMES, it is obvious he is out to get you.
When Judge Fast deliberately made-up an absurd reason to keep your creditable testimony from 2004 , from the Asaf Rosenheim case, off-the-record, he was out to get you; he worked to protect a Jew, an Israeli, ex-military, Israeli Defense Forces, who lied to try and steal money from the landlords, and to hurt you, a Christian. My landlords made themselves look like fools. They asked me to come to court and testify when Asaf Rosenheim lied to try and steal money from them. Right, I harassed my landlords by testifying for them, at their request.
[ note added on Tuesday, 9/8/2009, for ease of reference: Judge Fast accepted my security deposit check dated 2003 into evidence, but, claimed he could not let the certified, audio-tape of the February 2004 Small Claims action into evidence because it was TOO OLD, please, the 2003 check is older and Judge Fast accepted it into evidence.
note added on Tuesday, 9/8/2009: Major Bryan, at West Point, threatened to send the military police to my house, his email and my reply are posted on this blogsite, but, when I started giving him the FACTS, and said, please, send them, I have an extra copy of this audio-tape that I would like to put in their hands, they never came. West Point doesn't want the FACTS on-the-record.
You'll lose the cadets, Adm. Mullen, my death is preferable to the truth, at West Point ? ! ]
---In short, Judge Fast saw me coming. The very first time I stood in front of Judge Fast, he was making comments about the Yeshiva Victims fraud.
More information:
Modus operdani = MO = make a false record by ( 1 ) deliberate omissions and ( 2 ) false statements of material fact.
Here's a list of EVIDENCE that was deliberately, omitted from my landlord-tenant case, to micro-manage my case into failure, deliberately.
---evidence from Six K associates [ demonstrates that the wacko psychiatrist(s) .......LIED to make up a motive(s).....deliberately made-up stories because these psychopaths had no FACTS ].
---evidence from Mark Katelhon [ Sindoni lied about this ].
--Jan. 18, 2008 "no-contact" order against Falcone and Pagnozzi from criminal court, renders the Jan. 28, 2008 notice from Falcone void...in short, the whole eviction is illegal.
---all evidence from May to July 2008 that the landlord was targeting me
[ " fresh " acts of retaliation that stop the eviction ] by paying the other tenants interest on their security deposit but refused to pay me. Falcone LIED to prosecutor Simon again. The landlord is supposed to give notice and pay the interest every year and/or take direction from the tenant regarding how they want their interest payments handled. FALCONE LIED, the landlord does not pay the interest to the tenant plus the security deposit when the tenant moves out.
---Further, my landlords knew their obligations because they were reminded when Asaf Rosenheim sued them in 2004, long before their actions against me in 2007. And, I can provide quotes from authority in any criminal prosecution.
---And, Falcone and the landlords knew they were LYING when Falcone sent me his November 2008 letter, created a false record to steal money, an issue I discussed in detail with Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski on 9/12/2008 and that she deliberately OMITTED from the screening document she created on that day....deliberately omitted, with criminal intent. I also discussed this issue with Vice-President Jim Martin. He knows his employees are liars.
---Sindoni deliberately omitted the New York statute that says tenants get attorneys' fees too, creating a hole in my case so I would lose.
He did this deliberately; we discussed this.
I even went to the president of the Jersey Bar association, who loved this good work that we were doing.
Jack Wind should be outraged. He lost a HUGE WIN.
The Jersey Bar thought we were great.
We were creating a new revenue source so that private attorneys could get paid for helping tenants like me, so that we could take the burden off the state taxpayers.
The state taxpayers pay for Sindoni's group, legal services for poor people, Northeast New Jersey legal services.
Sindoni and I suspected that the budget was going to get cut to this group, so the issue I brought to the fore [ tenants get attorneys fees, too ], would compensate----see, this is very good, and a very Republican strategy, we reduce the burden to tax-payers, reduce big government, and create a new revenue source for private industry based on merit, I had a big discussion with Bob Jones University about things like this, they do not believe in big government funded by big taxes
[ Lt. Col. Kevin C. Reilly is a Republican, so you know, I have to do right by him, no pun intended....thanks for telling the truth, Reilly....the Republicans in Jersey will love you when you start your political career after your military service ]. He dis-obeyed orders.
By the way, Democrats, what are you going to do when that HUGE bill comes due for the stimulus plan, you better have things like this in the works to reduce taxes.I talked to Senator Grassley too [ corrected typo, next day ].
With this alone, I can demonstrate INCREASED functioning to show Dr. Jelnov is being dictated to, lies are being put in his mouth by my medical school.
I can show the screening document that Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski created on 9/12/2008 is nothing but a RENDITION of lies that my medical school put in her mouth.
At every stage of the game, I can demonstrate INCREASED functioning to show my medical school and the Yeshiva Victims group are nothing but liars and psychopaths.
----Sindoni was trying to put false information on the audio-tape in late July 2008: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her".
He lied.
This lie was put into his mouth by my medical school.
There was NO diagnosis.
In August 2008 Daw and Lankler provided certifications, Yeshiva freaked-out, and this was the driving force for the September 2008 false imprisonment, the need to create a false medical record to discredit me, because, in part, Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan can't take the heat.
When Iran protects me, Adm. Mullen, Iran protects West Point from racist Zionists; through me, with me, in me, Iran protects your Army from racist Zionists.
Since when does Yeshiva University, protected by the CIA, tell West Point, a campus OWNED by the Department of Defense, what to do and say?
---I could have gotten my landlord's fingerprints that demonstrate he knew he was lying when he falsely accused me of taking a wall down. I explained how easy this was to do to the Jersey City police officer who witnessed my false imprisonment on 9/30/2008 [ he left me in the hands of criminals to be hurt deliberately, HE KNEW ], and to prosecutor Debra Simon. You don't "lift" his fingerprints, they are embedded, stamped in the plaster that he touched, when he made shoddy repairs to the wall that was removed BEFORE I moved in.
Sindoni. Also, he was supposed to submit them in court. These documents show that the June 6, 2008 criminal charges that Mrs. Pagnozzi filed against me had nothing to do with a heat complaint I made against my landlords on 10/29/2007. She didn't like me calling her a criminal. She is a criminal.
List of false statements of material fact [ deliberately placed on-the-record in my landlord-tenant case ]:
----insert list here---
We invited Rev. Sharpton to Jersey City because the institutions of society in Jersey City have failed its citizens, as I demonstrated: ( 1 ) the medical center lies to hurt, imprison and harass, this is a teaching hospital for Mt. Sinani medical school [ insert link to the doctors Marlen Abramova worked for at Retina Associates, discuss the scheme to manipulate these doctors proposed by Abramova et al., ] ( 2) the police do not protect, ( 3) the judges retaliate, ( 4 ) the legal services for poor people, Lawrence Sindoni's group, Northeast New Jersey Legal Services, lied to hurt the very person(s), they are charged to defend and protect, and ( 5 ) with a single case, they deliberately threw away a huge opportunity to establish case law, to establish a precedent that would have been used to protect every tenant in the state of New Jersey, rich or poor, [ tenants get attorneys' fees, too ] in successful actions against a landlord, AND ( 6 ) that would have reduced the tax burden to Jersey citizens who pay for legal services for the poor by creating a new source of revenue for attorneys in the private sector to take meritorious cases by poor tenants against their landlords.
These are additional notes for Michael Hardy and the Rev. Sharpton, added on Tuesday, 9/8/2009.
RE: The institutions of society in Jersey City have failed its citizens.
Judge Velasquez refused to enforce subpoenas, a huge civil rights issue.
[ One of my subpoenas demanded that his boss, Jersey City municipal court chief Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez produce the threatening letters plus their post-marked envelopes that I was accused of mailing to her. She cannot because they do not exist].
Jersey City municipal court chief Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez deliberately let my landlords submit a BLANK CD of video-taped evidence = obstruction of justice, a huge civil rights issue.
In February 2008, Michael S. Stewart, dishonest psychiatrist, claimed he did not know I had spinal injures. Not true. These FACTS are noted on Jersey City Medical Center's screening documents BEFORE I was physically attacked on 9/30/2008. I will publish these for the PROSECUTORS ASAP, and turn into hand-bills to WALLPAPER Jersey City with.
Note for prosecution: There are direct links from my landlord-tenant case to my federal case involving Dan Riesel.
One link is a piece of evidence that was accepted into evidence in my landlord-tenant case, Falcone's 12/12/2006 [ typo, should read 12/12/2007; corrected on 9/9/2009] letter to me: ( 1 ) on its face, demonstrates Dr. Jelnov diagnosed me without knowing any FACTS, it is obvious he was dictated to, in order to make a false medical record to discredit me [ notes added on 9/9/2009----Dr. Jelnov tried to diagnosis me as delusional because he claimed that there were no links from my landlord-tenant case to my federal case with Dan Riesel, there are links all over the place, I can cite several different examples, including a conversation I had with Ralph Pagnozzi in February 2007, when I took him aside and said....Ralph...I am not trying to give you a hard time about moving...but, here's how my medical school lied to steal money from me, ruined my credit rating making it very difficult for me to move, get a job, or anything else.....I explained this to prosecutor Debra Simon, too, the Hudson County prosecutor's office has had detailed informaton from me plus a police report plus phone calls from Congressman/Senator Menendez's office, for years, I explained this to Judge Rodriguez on 7/10/2008 when I applied for a public defender and she signed my application, I explained this in detail to Jonathan Goodman, my second public defender too, I am required to disclose this information, and to Lawrence Sindoni's group in November 2007 when I made an application for an attorney, they all knew.... here's Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro's response: essentially, you should let them steal from you.....yep, the Manhattan District Attorney's office HELPS Yeshiva University steal from its students....
.I have the absolute right to appeal to the Army on this alone, ( 2 ) demonstrates CIA and Russian techniques, deny reality [ they use other techniques too, for example, they state the opposite of the truth ] ( 3 ) demonstrates Dr. Jelnov is out-of-contact with reality, ( 4 ) demonstrates that Falcone threatened me, and, subsequently, acted on his threats by lying to psychiatrists to falsely imprison me, ( 5 ) in addition, I can demonstrate that Ralph Pagnozzi threatened me, and, subsequently, acted on his threats by lying to psychiatrists to falsely imprison me, using standard techniques: ( i ) deny reality, (ii) state the opposite of the truth, (iii) accuse the accuser ....all very SOP, standard operating procedure.
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