Wednesday, December 30, 2009


---A bomb I should get, please, all I have to do against Yeshiva University is:

( 1 ) tell the truth: important consumer information for every pre-med, world-wide,

( 2 ) put a few gay men on the Board of Trustees,

( 3 ) cut their funding from the CIA,

( 4 ) revoke their tax-exemption for religious discrimination, and religious persecution,

( 5 ) cut their funding for federal student loan fraud,

( 6 ) replace their dishonest lawyers with decent people,

[ helloooo, Col. Fetterman, did the Army teach you about developing options in the civilian sphere, great, big opportunity here, should Yeshiva University be spending money on dishonest lawyers who are milking the rich donors, or do you think another group of attorneys could do a better job, not disgrace the university and be more cost-effective ]

( 7 ) prosecute them for their crimes, like maintaining false business records,

( 8 ) get a fair hearing procedure for the students,

( 9 ) embarrass a few hypocrites on the Board of Trustees, like Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace prize hypocrite,

( 10 ) install a monitor, like Dr. Lander, and, maybe, Rabbi Marcus,

And, a few other things, not for your eyes.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


[ I put my court papers into the hands of elected officials, Clinton, Sires, Lautenberg; they all know. I put hard-evidence and FACTS into their hands. ]

----(1 ) I AM NOT INTERESTED IN GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. That is Marlen Abramova's agenda. The propaganda technique that she and her profoundly disturbed community use is to try and confuse her identity with mine, so that she can take credit for my work, and/or falsely portray me as some mis-informed child.
--She is under the delusional belief that she and her community will push me through a criminal trial while I suffer with un-treated spinal injuries [ = torture ] because she is looking for a way to dis-credit school officials that we have in common, like James [ Jimmy ] David, MD, a dishonest psychiatrist, erroneously believing that she can get back into medical school. Jeevan Padiyar, most likely, is thinking along these lines, too. They ruined their chances with the Yeshiva-victims fraud, internet fraud that they perpetrated.
( 2 ) Ask: if Marlen Abramova is so talented, where is her blogsite? Where are the letters she wrote, the statutes she went to the law library, photocopied, and posted ? Where are her personal notes ? Where are all the presentations and meetings that she went too ? There aren't any. Where is her BROKEN back ?
--The adults in Marlen's community did not want the best for her. They goaded her into plagiarizing from me, and ruining her case, and her chances in life, because they enjoyed back-stabbing her, they enjoyed doing Yeshiva's dirty work. As I discussed with the leaders in her community, you have criminals raising other criminals in your community. The only thing we imported from the Soviet Union was criminals; under the guise of rescuing from religious persecution, wealthy businessmen were looking to import cheap immigrant labor. And, the Russians know it.
( 3 ) These are all the elected officials I went to.
--Hilary Clinton does not want America to know, she and her party are owned by a racist Zionist lobby.
--That is not Anti-Semitic. That is the truth. It is an ugly truth, but the truth, nevertheless.
--Senator Schumer does not want anyone to know, as he enters into a re-election campaign in a state that is 40% Catholic, that he does not represent their interests. Their tax dollars go to support racist Zionism.
--Overall, we lost control of our country. We need to take our country back.
--You should hear what other countries say about us, we are not America, we are the Jewish State; it is sickening.
--What are the sources of radicalization? Racist Zionism. Americans do not join terrorists because they hate America, they are fighting back, because the only thing the racist Israeli understands is FORCE.
[ you shoulda lived with Asaf Rosenheim, the Israeli---I'll post the article from his school, Rutgers University, wherein he self-indentifies himself as an Israeli, not as an American-----what a pig, boy, was that experience instructive. He is a gay man that is not welcome in Israel, so he came to America, we gave him everything and what does he do...he lies to Homeland Security to run a bunch of criminal schemes, and he tried to steal from my landlord through Small Claims court. If the tables were reversed, do you know what Israeli security would do to me, as a guest in their country, if I lied to them ? ]
---That is what Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan was trying to tell me, on the West Point campus, with the taunt that was put in his mouth by
racist Zionists: "Force me to obey the law". I was shocked. Already discussed with Col. Reilly, at Ft. Knox [ cash in my chips, Reilly, cash in my chips, I'll brief you before I go, they'll like you, you are a doctor and a hero, remember ].


---I spread my court papers around, to protect myself.

---I gave them to elected officials, I visited colleges and universities, went to community and religious leaders, went to associations, like the American Medical Students Association, I burned my way through 3 or 4 presidents, AMSA.

--Talked, at length, with a newspaper [ I have to dig out my notes---but, I know I gave the reporter court papers, detailed notes, I talked him through enough HARD FACTS for him to know that he had a series of stories that he could write that were FACTUAL and compelling enough to win him awards ] next to Bob Jones University---could you write about how the university in your town is being treated unfairly, and then, go large to show how the rest of us are being treated unfairly ?

When I went down South, I visited the University of Florida, for example, and met with school officials, I put them on notice-----you have a duty, as part of the scope of the relationship you have to advise your pre-med students, you have a duty, they pay you through their tuition, you have a duty to inform your pre-meds about Einstein/Yeshiva so that they can make an informed decision, you have a duty not to cover-up, you have a duty to act in the interests of your pre-meds, not the interests of a racist medical school.

Monday, December 28, 2009


--I'll post the rest tomorrow.


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---Here you go, Col. Fetterman.

---They want students to live in fear.


---RE: After I fired him, Jess Berkowitz deliberately did not send my complete file to my new attorney. In my file are subpoenas that were served, Mr. Berkowitz does not want anyone to see them. These are legitimate requests for information.

---The nerve damage is getting worse. Being put through a trial without being able to get medical care that is free from unwanted and uninvited intrusion from the psychopaths associated with my medical school like Dan Riesel = deliberate torture = human rights issues. I wouldn't let a doctor in the U.S. touch me.

---Post list of all the elected officials who have my court papers, so they know with absolute certainty that 36 federal judges upheld fabricated rulings to help a racist school steal money.

---My new attorney ? In reference to my landlord-tenant case, you don't get attorneys fees if you lose----no kidding. Like I am too stupid to know that.

----Here's another example of the disinformation re: the bogus criminal charges: it is about her state of mind. No. It is about hard evidence, like a physical assault on me, a person with spinal injuries [ a physical assault is NOT hearsay ] it is about hard evidence like all the checks Ralph Pagnozzi cashed to re-new my tenancy on 9/25/2008, a date when there was no judgment in place, because Judge Fast withdrew the judgment against me, thereby establishing my tenancy rendering the ENTIRE eviction illegal, and giving Ralph Pagnozzi a motive to LIE to Jersey City Medcial Center on 9/30/2008.

---I will post all the checks that Ralph Pagnozzi cashed and the quotes from Judge Fast's book, he is the authority, that state the ENTIRE eviction was illegal....and, oh, yes, the LIE that Nino Falcone deposits are only paid when a tenant moves out....nope......I will post that statute too, security deposits, by law, are to be paid every year to the tenant, or notice given, at least, so that the tenant can direct what she wants done with her money.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


LIE # 1:
---"acting manic in my ER" = the lie Stewart told.
---I wasn't in your ER when your hospital ATTACKED me, based on your orders.
---Was Robert Cross actinig "manic" too, when your hospital attacked him and held him, so he could not could to my aid? NO.
---Does your hospital always attack senior citizens like Robert Cross AFTER they testify against dishonest landlords like Ralph Pagnozzi, and BEFORE they are scheduled to testify again in a criminal trial [ = witness tampering ]. NO.
---Does the Social Security Administration always LIE about a BACK injury, trying to falsely characterize a BACK injury as a " psy " patient? NO.
---Does the CIA always taunt a person coming out of the Pentagon with " you went off the reservation " because they don't want the Army to know? NO.
Lie # 2:
---From Stewart, the pyschiatrist who lies, we didn't know you had a back injury.
----Yes, you did, I can publish more screening documents wherein you'all state that.
TWO months after the attack, a doctor that I did not pay for, and who was doing everything she could to downplay my back injury, saw "tenderness, swelling, redness" when she examined my back.
Weeks, to months after this, another doctor, who I did not pay, and who was doing everything he could to downplay my back injury, noted, crimping, which means that the bones in my back do not fit together like they should, means there is pain every time I move.
Did Dr. Jelnov/jersey city medical center do any tests for back injury? NO.
Then how did Dr. Jelnov know you had "CERVICAL IMPAIRMENT", he wrote this in his notes ? He got the fax from my doctors in New York.
Did Dr. Jelnov/jersey city medical center treat you for your back injury that they made worse by phyiscally assaulting you ? NO.
They held me as a prisoner for days, threatening me, refusing to let me go to my doctors for pain management, lying, because the purpose of this exercise was to CREATE A BIG FALSE MEDICAL RECORD THAT DAN RIESEL COULD RUN AROUND WITH, DEFAMING ME; they do Yeshiva University's dirty work.
They almost murdered me in Jersey City, and Debra Simon told me she didn't even know who Michael S. Stewart, MD, was.
Where are the threatening letters and the post-marked envelopes that I was accused of mailing to Judge Rodriguez? They do not exist = the results of Debra Simon's investigation = Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski is a liar.

Monday, December 21, 2009


---I already know the answer, Islamic University does not, but, they would like to, so my next move, is to call them up and let them know that millions of American-Muslims pay taxes to support Yeshiva University, but, not one penny goes to support Islamic University, and if compelled to do so, I can get help from the International Community to help Americans on American soil in a time of war, because millions of American-Muslims live like Palestinians in their own country---and that is not right.

---Can you see me, appealing to the world-wide Muslim leadership to help protect Muslims in America from Zionist racism---yep, that is going to be ugly.


---Not only do I have more original documents [ I never took a lab course in 1995 to 1996, the 3 classes I took were lecture courses, Biochemistry, Embryology and Genetics, one major class, and two minor classes ] BUT ALSO David Holbrook gave me his old exams and original documents, if compelled to do so, I can authenticate my originals with his to show that it is the same yellow paper, the same ink, originals will stand up in a crime lab.....and, I cross-checked with attorneys, you can even date the ink..

---So, if Einstein forces me to go to this level of detail, I am prepared.

---They lied to steal money from me, the state, the federal governments.

---The consequences of federal student loan fraud are HUGE. They lose their ability to administer these programs FOREVER, and can NEVER get it back.

--They already admitted all this to Congress during Congressman Miller's May 2007 hearings [ wherein they dragged in Marget Spellings and bashed the Bush Administration to get some headlines, that' s about all that happened ] and said.... so what.....we'll replace the federal student loans with private ain't getting this.....lying to steal money from students is criminal; and that's just the surface stuff.


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---The first document, "False Financial Records" was released by Einstein/Yeshiva in Manhattan criminal court in late 2009 = I did not forge this document.
---In the past, when I obtained information via FOIA, Freedom of Information Act requests, Dan Riesel, of Sive, Paget & Riesel, accused me of forging documents---that is not true.
---Judge Patterson claimed that this information was readily available to me. Not true. Look at the heroic effort I had to make, and still have to make----the school still refuses to give me access to my complete-unedited records. Why? Because they circulated a big story that said they watched me develop a major mental illness during my two years in medical school , persecuted me in an effort to turn their lies into truths, and now, that I showed that they are liars, they can't handle the consequences.


---My name was removed from the class lists, in advance = intent = there was no intention for me to graduate.

---publish class lists, Judge Simpson, and ADA Spiro already have these.


---The doctors knew that on Friday, 10/3/2008, I was insisting that a statement of FACTS be included in my medical records at Jersey City Medical Center.....they could not get rid of me fast enough------I can and will publish those FACTS.


***NOTE---I corrected the date, from 9/12/2008 to 9/30/2008--correction made on 12/28/2009.  I repeated these FACTS enough times, in courts, in writing, and verbally, on-the-record(s) and cross-referenced with all kinds of other evidence, that there is no question this was a typo, because I am multi-tasking.

---On Tuesday, 9/30/2008 [corrected date on 12-28-2009 ] at 10 am in the morning---I kept an appointment with Dr. Hausknecht.

If I was in a "MANIC" state, the lie Dr. Michael S. Stewart told to hold me as a prisoner in his ER, then, Drs. Hausknecht and the other members of his pain management team, who had been treating me for spinal injuries since July 2008, would have known about it.

---On Tuesday, 9/30/2008 [corrected date on 12-28-2009 ]----at 4 PM, I picked up a witness statement from Patrick Williams that helped me in my federal case against my medical school.

[ individuals that have schizophrenia do not have the emotional qualities that Mr. Williams speaks to in his positive performance evaluation ]

---Afterwards, I was scheduled to have a regularly-scheduled pain management treatment with a member of Dr. Hausknecht's team.

---I was forced to call and cancel this appointment [ they didn't think I was in a "Manic" state when I called to cancel the appointment ] when I got a phone call from my family telling me that employees from Jersey City Medical Center were at my home, deliberately frightening my familty with false information----threats that there was going to be a padlock placed on my door the next day, and all my belongings would be thrown into the street.

---The most recent lie from Debra Simon: " they were looking for you". BULL. They all had my cell phone number and could have called me at any time-----including Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski----she is quarter-backing all this.

---I left phone messages for Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski from on or about Wednesday, 9/24/2008 to Tuesday, 9/30/2008--- for 6 days, she did not return phone calls. They were NOT looking for me.

---The reason the screening document from 9/30/2008 at 4 PM has been deliberately omitted from my files is because Jersey City Medical Center does not want anyone to see who is responsible for this, like Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski.

---From 4 PM to 7 PM, I talked to Falcone's office, Judge Fast's clerk, the police, and other law enforcement in Jersey City, and got a deliberate round-around. No one was looking for me.

---Robert Cross and I sat down with the police officer that came to my home that day ----he is tall, with glasses, and easy to identify-----NO ONE was looking for me. And, if there is a problem, officer, I am sitting in your police station talking to you, can you please tell me why you and Jersey City Medical Center were harassing my family this afternoon, forcing me to cancel a pain management treatment at 4 PM and come home from New York when I was busy taking care of business, like getting a witness statement [ that my medical school can't stand ] ?

---Is there going to be a padlock on my door the next day, 10/1/2008 ? ---No officer, here is the WAIVER that Falcone's office and my landlords had since 9/25/2008---there is NO EVICTION----and, they know that I can get more of these waivers, because my landlords keep cashing my rent checks thereby re-newing my tenancy---so what is the problem here officer?

---Jersey City Medical Center made-up this big story about how they were "helping" me through an eviction. There was no eviction. They lied.

---Dr. Michael S. Stewart, dishonest psychiatrist, made up a big story about how I was acting "manic" in his ER, after Nino Falcone called Jersey City Medical Center, after I was physically assaulted by Jersey City Medical Center security guards. Debra Simon DID NOT CHECK THE PHONE RECORDS.

---The only thing Debra Simon did was read a false medical record, and have a few people lie to her.

---Debra Simon did not check with my mother, or the police officer who witnessed me being held as a prisoner----officer, my landlord lied, here is how I can get his fingerprints from the inside of my apartment---the police officer knew that I was not in a "manic" state. He was the same police officer that accompanied Jersey City mental-health workers to my home at 4 PM, he knew NO ONE was looking for me. The point of all this is to DELIBERATELY create a FALSE medical record so Riesel can run around behind my back using it---that's the point of all this. The police officer knew I was telling the truth. He deliberately left me there. Debra Simon did not check with my brother who called the police and the police lied to him---he was shocked. Are they going to throw all of us in a locked psychiatric ward because they can't stand the truth? Are they going to persecute all of us?

---One reason Jersey City Medical Center let me go was because I drafted a statement of facts and insisted that it be included in my medical records; the doctors were scared to death that the FACTS would be included and discharged me as fast as they could.

---As I discussed with Debra Simon.... you better go tell your landlord that if he is pulling a fast one, and throws all your stuff into the street tomorrow, illegally, so that you lose evidence against him and your medical school that is obstruction of justice, a very serious civil rights violation, and you better warn him not to do that.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


---I can and will publish even more pages from my intentionally falsified recordsthat support my case [ and even more hard evidence ], turn them into handbills, distribute them all over Jersey Transit in Manhattan, right next to Penn Station so that there is no doubt in any one's mind that I whole lot of people are working real hard to stick me in jail, to destroy evidence and to re-write history.

---Jersey City Medical Center wants this blog to come down because if it stays up, it provides evidence of a pattern and practice of misconduct and malpractice at Jersey City Medical Center [ a teaching hospital for Mt. Sinai medical school, where a doctor Marlen Abramova worked for--- teaches ] that other victims can use to build their cases.

---This is how dangerous it is to live in Hudson County-----these pyschopaths almost murdered me, every step along the way they knew exactly what they were doing: deliberately, intentionally, malicously, with criminal intent.


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[ " pt. will be held overnight... based on current uncooperative state " = medicial malpractice = you do not hold people who refuse to cooperate with you, we have the right to be left alone, you do not hold people who refuse to cooperate with you AFTER you physically assualt them, Stewart, Ruiz, and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski are liars and psychpaths----they repeat the lies that are put in their mouths = gross, gross incompetence, the purpose of this exercise was to create a false medical record to discredit me ]
----Debbie Simon can't even get the sequence of events right.
---The screening document that sent JCMC employees to my home at 4 PM has been deliberately omitted from my records [ other parts of my records refer to this ....we came to her home earlier in the day...].
---Because they don't want anyone to see the obvious LIE that sent JCMC to my home at 4 PM----there was no eviction scheduled for 10/1/2008; the landlords knew that because they cashed 5 to 6 of my checks, renewing my tenancy, pursuant to post-judgment relief----there was NO EVICTION.
---Their story stated at 7 PM.
---Dr. Michael S. Stewart told Debbra Simon that I was acting "manic" in his ER----what AFTER Falcone called JCMC [ as per Vice-president Jim Martin....want can we do after a judge calls ?....bogus could check the facts by tallking to me...I had the waiver from 9/25/2008 on my person and could have easily showed it to JCMC ] ----I was acting "manic" in his ER AFTER his security guards jumped me ----Stewart is a LIAR.
---My mother went and got the police.
---The police officer talked to me.
----I explained to the officer how my landlords falsely accused me of damaging their property [ taking a wall down ].
----I did not take their wall down and I explained to the officer that it was easy for me to prove that Ralph Pagnozzi lied about this because his FINGERPRINTS were embedded in the plaster around the perimeter of the wall that was removed, and how easy it was for me to get his fingerprints using a reverse relief technique that I had learned and used before. I explained this to Debbie Simon too.
---The police officer knew that I was NOT acting "manic" and that there was no reason to hold me. He left me in the hands of criminals. For days these psychopaths held me without pain management AFTER they physically assaulted me, a person with spinal injuries---I am lucky that I knew how to control the pain, but, the next innocent person these psychopaths attack won't.
---Stewart claimed he had the "right" to hold me based on history at his hospital. That history is deliberate fraud. And, they tried to bill me for this = consumer fraud for which I get treple damages and attorneys' fees.
---Dr. Jelnov's criminal intent is shown by his precribing behavior, he wrote a drug prescription for 2 weeks, at least, their plan was not to hold me for a few hours or a few days, their plan was to hold me for a long period to create a BIG, LONG false history to discredit me.
Their propaganda technique: they accuse their victim of the behavior that they are guilty of [ accuse the accuser ]; this is a Soviet Union propaganda technique.
----My landlords threatened me. Judge Falcone threatened me in writing....see his December 2007 letter to me, already entered into evidence at trial.....he threatened me, and he acted on his threats.......Debbra Simona has a very good case that she is refusing to follow through with because she is protecting big business in Jersey City.
---Ralph Pagnozzi admitted to slashing my door with a knife, several times, and in court [ Dr. Jelnov lied when he tried to diagnose me as delusional for having this belief ].
---I showed Debra Simon the photograph----the hand in the photograph is NOT mine-----it is a masculine, hairy hand. Robert Ruiz is not so grossly incompetent that he thinks that the hand in the photograph is mine----Robert Ruiz is not this incompetent. He is a liar. He stood three feet away from me on the night of Tuesday, 9/30/2008. Not once did he discuss with me the fact that he called my landlords, and the lies they told him.
---Right now, in criminal court in Manhattan, Einstein released documents that show they owe me MONEY [ Dr. Jelnov lied when he tried to diagnose me as delusional because I believed my medical school owned me money, they tried to charge me $1,200 for a lab fee, I never took a lab during 1995-96, Einstein cannot accuse me of forging this document because they released it in Manhattan criminal court----what does ADA Spiro have to say about persecuting me now, for a school that lied to steal money ]----Marlen Abramova and her Russian community are criminals and liars---I would have nothing to do with these psychopaths.


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---late July 2008: Lawrence Sindoni placed false statements on the audio-tape of my landlord-tenant case: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her".
---This quote came directly from a conversation I had with a chairman of a department from a teaching hospital associated with Einstein/Yeshiva. It was a lie, and I had to correct him.
---When I confronted Mr. Sindoni.....Mr. Sindoni why did you say that.....that is not true.....why didn't you discuss this with me?.....I was shocked in the courtroom when I heard you say this......Sindoni LIED: " I wasn't under oath and testifying so it doesn't count". My own attorney lies to me. Yes, it does count, Mr. Sindoni. You know the rules of evidence. When my lawyer makes statements in court, they are taken as if they were FACT. Why didn't you discuss this with me, Mr. Sindoni? He didn't know what to say, because I caught him doing Yeshiva's dirty work. I confirmed this with prosecutor Debra Simon, months ago----yep, Sindoni LIED to you and he knows he LIED.
---In late August 2008----Daw's certification: There was NO diagnosis, her medical school has been LYING about her for years. His letter(s) are posted on my blogsite(s) and his contact information, and you can call him to confirm.
----By September 2008, Einstein/Yeshiva [ read here Dan Riesel ] & the Yeshiva victims fraud group [ read here Marlen Abramova and her dishonest community ] freaked out. THEY WERE DESPERATE TO CREATE MORE FALSE MEDICAL RECORDS, TO DISCREDIT ME. They lost Lily Safra, a billionaire, and Rita Kaplan, a multi-millionaire [ show me the evidence of me forging leases, and I'll show you evidence of the stalking, and I'll play for you the certified audio-tape from 2-27-2004 n Small Claims court wherein Magda Pagnozzi tells a judge that she accepted me as a tenant, so the whole issue of me forging leases is moot, and that I used to demonstrate the false accusations that go on behind my back ].
---The driving force for the September 2008 false imprisonment was their need to create FALSE records, to attempt to discredit me.
----Debra Simon did not have to waste her time, reading intentionally false medical records. I told her what to look for, I gave her notes, explanations.
---Debra Simon did not bother checking my medical records with Aric Hausknecht, MD, board certified in neurology and psychiatry. He and his pain management team had been treating me for spinal injuries since late July 2008. He faxed my medical checks to Jersey City Medical Center [ JCMC ] during my false imprisonment from 9/30/2008 to 10/3/2008. JCMC ran NO TESTS to find or confirm spinal injuries. You know JCMC received Dr. Hausknecht's fax because of TWO words used by Dr. Jelnov "cervical impairment".
---Also, JCMC deliberately OMITTED Dr. Hausknecht's 7/29/2008 mental status exam that said I had NO THOUGHT DISORDERS, no schizophrenia, and NO MOOD disorders, was not in a manic state, was not delusional. [ deliberate omissions means JCMC has NO hearsay defense, because deliberate omissions are AFFIRMATIVE acts ]. JCMC did this intentionally, maliciously to create a false medical record.
--- Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski deliberately omitted all mention of the Sallie Mae bills and their post-marked envelopes that I showed her on 9/12/2008 from the screening document she created that day, to cover-up Einstein/yeshiva's federal student loan fraud. All mention of the falsified promissory note from 1995-96 was omitted too, I gave copies to the Public Defender's office pursuant to my application for a public denfender in early July 2008 and to Judge Rodriguez; they all knew I was a victim of federal student loan fraud [ I discovered that note in June 2005, one month after Judge Patterson's May 2005 ruling---gives me newly-discovered evidence ]
---JCMC held me as a prisoner, deliberately kept me from my pain management doctors in New York, for days.
-----I have FIVE herniated discs and a pinched nerve. They were deliberately inflicting pain.
----Debra Simon did not check the facts. She didn't even know who Aric Hasusknect was.
----Here's more FACTS Debra Simon did not bother to check.
---Two months after the physical assault at JCMC, a doctor in New York, a doctor that was NOT paid by me, and who was doing everything she could to down-play my spinal injuries, noted TENDERNESS, SWELLING, AND REDNESS----this is TWO months AFTER the attack.
----Weeks to months later, I was sent to another doctor, again, NOT paid my me, who was doing everything he could to down-play my spinal injuries, he found crimping.....which means the bones in my spine do not fit together due to the injuries.....which means there is pain every time I move.
---My medical school is stalking me through life, and trying to kill me. My government is helping them. They can't stand the truth.
----In 1996, I almost bled to death. Here, I am lucky that after a physical assault on a compromised spine that I am not dead or paralyzed.
[ And, Dan Riesel wants to pick a fight with me in Manhattan criminal court when I said on this blogsite that if you monsters try to kill me again, I will defend myself so I don't wind up dead or paralyzed ? ! ! These people are a menace to society and law enforcement attacks me ? ! What a freak show. ].
---The American Medical Association in conjunction with the New York State Attorney General's office does not want fair hearings for medical students.
----The American Medical Association controls its subordinates through deceit and fear.
---They want students to live in fear.
---They want students to know that if, like Dr. Garg, they witness a malpractice or any other condition that would hurt a patient or student or anyone else, and they report it, they will be railroaded out of medical school and the school will try to discredit them as a potential witness by trying to falsely label them as "psychotic" or out-of-contact with reality.
---I can cite examples.
---Dan Riesel LIED about me getting TWO hearings.
---Col. Fetterman, make a phone call to Sive, Paget, & Riesel, and ask Dan Riesel to fax to your office, at the Pentagon, ( 1 ) the written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure Einstien claimed to have used in my case, and ( 2 ) the certified-verbatim transcripts of those hearings.
---Riesel cannot, because these do not exist.
----You have a right to ask. Your military attends medical school too, like Col. Reilly.
----Be a hero, Col. Fetterman. I already paid for your medal, with my broken back, with 5 herinated discs, a pinched nerve and a world of pain.
---Adm. Mullen's is a hero, Col. Fetterman, no one is messing with that.
---We are getting positive, productive change---and we are starting with fair hearings for medical students in all of New York State, a HUGE civil rights issue and no one is messing with that, because that is very presidential--understand.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


---In order to use the Jersey state statutes that Sgt. Sullivan gave me, in 2005, I have to show that ( 1 ) contrary to Judge Patterson's May 2005 ruling(s) the information I asked for was NOT available to me, I can, Einstein/Yeshiva refused and continues to refuse to give me access to my complete-unedited records [ my records are my property, I paid the fees that caused those records to be created and maintained, just like your medical records are property that belongs to you, not the doctor, because you paid the fees that caused those records to be created and maintained ] AND ( 2 ) that I made FOIA requests AFTER Judge Patterson's May 2005 ruling(s) to, for example, the New York state agency that guarantees student loans, I can [ gives me 42 USC 1983---denial of equal protection of law, a HUGE civil rights issue ], and the information I discovered constitutes newly-discovered evidence for which I made proper motions; I can and I did.

Note: One of the reasons Yeshiva wants this blog to come down, is because I learned how to use my federal student loans as protection; any student at any school can use their federal student loans to get protection for a number of different reasons, by citing to the CFR, Code of Federal Regulations.

In addition, Martin Bockstein, dishonest and evil YU attorney, hated the fact that I figured out the 42 USC 1983 claim, and he didn't want anyone else learning how.

Also, I saw the original documents in the Garg case, and the photocopies that were archived, and how the photocopies had the causes of action whitened out, so no one studying the Garg case would learn how to successfully sue YU.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


---( 1 ) They had my falsified financial information from 2005, and got phone calls from my representative, then, Congressman Menendez, now Senator Menendez, who wanted to take action and was told not to do so, by the Deomcratic Party bosses, read here, wealthy donors.

---( 2 ) Refused to enforce a written "no-contact" order from criminal court in January 2008, my landlord violated this order within 24 hours, Judge Nino Falcone violated this order within 10 days, Lawrence Sindoni kept this order Off-the-record in my landlord-tenant case, because if it were placed On-the-record, then, my entire eviction would have been declared illegal based on an illegal notice alone, Nino Falcone sent me a notice in January 2008 that violated this order, and Tracey McQuaide at the Hudson County Prosecutor's office refused to enforce this order.

how does the landlord enforce his rights? He does not threaten a tenant and act on his threats to the point where she has to get an order of protection against him.

Yep, I told Judges Carpenter and Gallipoli, in March 2008, you got a municipal court judge who thumbed his nose at a higher judge's order, from a criminal court, that is very serious.

---( 3 ) Results of Debra Simon's investigation:

-----( a ) There were NO court orders, Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski LIED and so did Jersey City Medical Center.

[ Michael S. Stewart, dishonest psychiatrist, was sitting in the back of the room in my landlord-tenant case, I saw him ]

Who was the expert witness that was paid by my landlords when they were trying to trump up false criminal charges against me, falsely claiming that I damaged their property, when I did not [ they were forced to drop those charges ], they were trying to use false charges of "damage to property" to drop-kick me into a locked psychiatric ward to discredit me as a witness against them, because they COMMITTED INCOME TAX FRAUD, and JUDGE FAST KNOWS, JUDGE FAST worked for the IRS, by EXPERIENCE he is an EXPERT in income tax FRAUD, so why did Judge Fast let the Pagnozzis get away with INCOME TAX FRAUD ?


---the opening joke for your next meeting goes like this:

Ms. Radin, you are a psycho-warrior !

Yes, sir, I am, in more ways than one !



---Can you see gay men and women on the Board of Trustees at Yeshiva University, so that they can keep the public money and not discriminate ? !

---Can you see someone like Allen Rascoff keeping the Orthodox-jews and the Catholics on the Board of Trustees at Yeshiva University in-line ? !

---This is not revenge. This is only fair.

The gay community pays taxes that go to maintain Yeshiva University and they should be represented on the Board of Trustees too, if YU wants to keep the public money, and I know New York State Assembly-man Tom Duane and his constituency would agree with this because before Jeevan Padiyar was discriminated against, Yeshiva discriminated against a lesbian, and I gave all that information to Jeevan Padiyar and his publicist, so that his publicist knew which reporters to go to to get him some press.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


[ The Judiciary does not want the Military to see. The solutions that are chosen are those to protect a dishonest Judiciary and a dishonest civilian government, not to protect the Truth, to prevent proper & needed military intervention. When the civilians run amok in a time of war, ON AN INSTITUTIONAL scale, not limited to individuals, as I have demonstrated, and it has been going on for the past 40 years, then, the military has a duty to respond. And, if they do not, then, we need intervention from other countries. ]

---I submitted my documents through the Pro Se office in the federal courts.

---Attorneys who do not represent me handled those documents, submitted bench memos to the judges [ you are not allowed to see the bench memos ] , then, you get some bogus, fabricated ruling back.

---So you know what happened. I just saw it happen in Judge Simpson's criminal court, and pointed it out to's the document(s) that they are deliberately OMITTING to deceive you, and I gave her an example.


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---I FIRED Kevin Purvin because he claimed to be so grossly incompetent that he did not know how to get Judge Rodriguez'a verbal "no-contact" order into a written form so that I could show the police.
---Judge Rodriguez, and the municipal court public defender's office, had my falsified promissory note from Einstein/Yeshiva from 7/10/2008. I was REQUIRED to disclosure this information on my application form for a public defender.
[ Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski omitted all the evidence I showed her pursuant to federal student loan fraud from the 9/12/2008 screening document that she created = she has no hearsay defense, this was a DELIBERATE, AFFIRMATIVE act.
----None of them has a hearsay defense available to them, because on ALL my applications I was required to disclosure my financial information which included THE FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN FRAUD----they ALL had copies of my falsifed promissory note from Yeshiva, and I explained it to them.
---There are NO threatening letters from me to Judge Rodriguez.
---There are NO threatening emails from me to Judge Rodriguez.
Judge Rodriguez refused to put her verbal "no-contact" order into writing from 7/10/2009 to 9/12/2009 [ keep it off-the-record, off-the-record, off-the-record = the lawyers' criminal scheme, goes like this (1 ) deliberate omissions, and ( 2) false statements to create a false record ] otherwise Judge Fast in a higher court could not rule against me the way he did.
Municipal court employees refused to take 5 -6 complaints from me in early August 2008, when my landlords violated Judge Rodriguez's verbal "no-contact" order----keep it off-the-record, off-the-record, off-the-record otherwise with these violations ON-THE-RECORD Judge Fast, in a higher court, could not rule against me the way he did.
Judge Rodriguez conspired with the Public Defender's office, up to and including the chief, Andrew Abrams, to keep vido-taped evidence of my landlords violating Judge Rodriguez's "no-contact" order in early August 2008 off-the-record by letting my landlords and their criminal defense attorney submit a BLANK CD despite protests from me, repeatedly = obstruction of justice, a very serious civil rights violation.
---I defended Mayor Healy and Judge Rosen and me, and this is what I got.....a bunch of criminals lying to falsely imprison me and label me....because they can't stand the truth----important information for every citizen in Hudson County.