Sunday, December 13, 2009


---The court records contain deliberate omissions and false statements of material fact.

---They are lying to you.

---You are shown a deliberately one-sided false record, and then, fed a bunch of lies.

---My mother did not approach Judge Patterson INCOGNITO. She introduced herself. She told him who she was. He invited her into his office. He knew who she was. Each one knew who they were taking to. There were no secrets and no attempt to fool the other. It was understood that this was NOT an ex-parte communication, she asked ONE question: "This is the hearing procedure that Yeshiva University provides to its law students, my daughter submitted this to you in her court papers.....can you please show me the hearing procedure Yeshiva University provides to its medical students ?"

---Judge Patterson could not, because it does not exist.

---Then, he repeated the lies put in his mouth, standard propaganda of the Orthodox community anytime a victim confronts them with their crimes......" she should go away....she should go away......she should go away..." , because in their twisted, perverse logic if the victim would stop complaining then, there would be no problem. Rabbis use this propaganda against children they have raped, standard operating procedure, you can check with experts, like Vicky Polin, who work in this field....the victim should go away....I should not be held responsible for my crimes.....

---Then, Judge Patterson threatened to arrest my mother, to intimidate her. Ultimately, he left the room, because he was so embarrassed.

---Dan Riesel is a LIAR , in federal district court, in my case, the page is posted on this blog, he swore under penalty of perjury that I got TWO hearings. Not true. I did not get ONE.

---Jess Berkowitz, the attorney I just fired, admitted that there was no hearing before my illegal expulsion from medical school.....he should have been telling Judge Simpson.....ADA Spiro's complaining witness, Dan Riesel lied in federal court about Ms. Radin, she caught him, and now, he is making false criminal charges against her in RETALIATION.

--Janice Bennett already admitted during summer of 2008 that I was not allowed to be in the room when she gave false, unsworn testimony to my Promotions Committee in October 1997 . Einstein does not want to release the minutes from this meeting because they know that the entire Promotions Committee is culpable, and they don't want anyone to know.

---Jimmy David was a member of my Promotions Committee. He is a psychiatrist who lies about me to cover-up for his crimes [ = medical malpractice ]. ADA Spiro knows this complaining witness is a LIAR.

There has NEVER been a hearing for a medical student in the state of New York, at all nine schools. Show me, ADA Spiro, show me, the hearing procedure Yeshiva University provides to its medical students, he cannot, because it does not exist.

The American Medical profession and the New York State Attorney General's office wants it this way.

And, the civilians do not want the Army to know how much they LIE.

Just a few weeks ago, I told the FACTS to the US Marshals. They delivered a HUGE exhibit to Judge Patterson that shows irrefutably that on FOUR litigation points, so far, his May 2005 ruling is fabricated [ those details are posted on this blog ].

The US Marshals know with absolute certainty that Judge Patterson upheld fabricated rulings and so did the entire Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

We do not have an independent functioning judiciary. Our judiciary is a corrupt extension of a corrupt political I demonstrated...up to and including the US Supreme court.

I am not taking on the federal government alone. I called out the Army.

Here's something else the Christian soldiers should know, I asked Mikey Weinstein's daughter-in-law to make a SINGLE phone call to advocate for me. She refused.

When I was in Jersey City, illegally imprisoned-----they use hospitals as de facto prisons----a la the Soviet Union-----with Dr. Jelnov threatening my life, the dishonest psychiatrist who deliberately created a false medical record-----I asked Mr. Weinstein to make a SINGLE phone call for me, and he refused. He will attack the Christian soldiers, but, not the Jewish community when they do wrong.

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