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[ cleaning up the New York courts from Zionist racism....wow.....isn't that a HUGE opportunity for Eric Holder---having a TRUTH COMMISSION---isn't that another HUGE opportunity for Eric Holder-----I think someone may have falsely accused me of being against my president, just because I stood against Sonia Sotomayor during the Senate Judiciary hearings; she did not uphold the law for me; she could re-open my case at any time, any one of Radin's 36 could, sua sponte, of their own volition, but, they won't because it is more important to do Yeshiva University's dirty work ]
[ It is not a competition amoung generals. I was told explicitly to work my way up the chain of command, and I did. Adm. Mullen is a hero, and we're rolling with that ].
Item # 1:
---The federal court is tainted by Zionist racism, I already discussed this with Mr. Weinstein and ran it past Michael Hardy.....you can't do the terrorism trials in New York.....anyone can get a CHANGE OF VENUE, a change of geographic location, now, based on Zionist racism.
Item # 2:
---They took my case away from Vice-president of Human Resources,
Cindy Durning, telephone: 212-851-0611.
---Cindy Durning was told not to get involved and my case was returned to a director who was below her in the chain of command.
---Here's why: Columbia University does not employ individuals who continue to engage in criminal conduct, like Janice Bennett's criminal conduct towards me, as a former member of my Promotions Committee, she was and is responsible for accurately reporting the number of classes Yeshiva University provided to me.
---Janice Bennett was and is a co-conspirator in federal student loan fraud, see attached diagram.
---At any time, she could tell the truth, even now.
---I talked with her during my landlord-tenant trial because she wanted to avoid a subpoena.
---She made a number of admissions of guilt, on my phone; because I have been falsely labeled as a terrorist, I am pretty sure those phone conversations were not private---and I discussed this with a detective, who agreed.
---They are working too, too hard to protect Janice Bennett's job, because they know, she will turn on Dan Riesel.
---They ran around behind my back telling everyone that I was a terrorist, and violating my right to privacy, and now the federal government is embarrassed including Mr. Ronald Ray, telephone: 202-494-4104, from the FBI, who won't talk to me because he is so ashamed.
---What will Dan Riesel teach on the Columbia campus.....how to steal money from a student?
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