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---Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski already admitted that she talked to Einstein.
---Because of the LIES these psychopaths told I was physically assaulted while trying to recover from spinal injuries. I am lucky to be alive today.
---There are 4 ways that the state licensing boards will not give a doctor a license to practice medicine:
( 1 ) if you have a drug or alcohol problem
( 2 ) if you can't pass tests [ academic reasons ]
( 3 ) criminal conduct
( 4 ) psychiatric problem, not minor, something serious that makes you unable to deal with the real world, like psychosis or schizophrenia.
---The Dr. Garg case collasps to this: he witnessed a doctor at Einstein commit a malpractice, and he was honest about it. She got scared and thought that she would get sued. So, she used her power on the Promotions Committee to have him railroaded out of school and labeled "psychotic" to discredit him.
---Dr. Garg's lawyer discovered another student that the Promotions Committee tried to label as " psychotic " [ psychotic = out-of-contact with reality ].
---The doctors on my Promotions Committee are responsible for engaging in federal student loan fraud in my case, and Mike Tyberg's case, among other crimes and transgressions.
---They are afraid of losing their licences to practice medicine, so they run around trying to label me as " psychotic " and " schizophrenic " , not just to get rid of me from medical school, but also, to discredit me, a witness against them.
---Here's the nightmare: they don't want fair hearings for medical students in the state of New York. They want to have a strangle-hold on your career and life. They want you to know that anytime they want, they can make up a story about you being mentally-ill and get any with it. That's how they get rid of people.
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