Sunday, December 20, 2009


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[ " pt. will be held overnight... based on current uncooperative state " = medicial malpractice = you do not hold people who refuse to cooperate with you, we have the right to be left alone, you do not hold people who refuse to cooperate with you AFTER you physically assualt them, Stewart, Ruiz, and Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski are liars and psychpaths----they repeat the lies that are put in their mouths = gross, gross incompetence, the purpose of this exercise was to create a false medical record to discredit me ]
----Debbie Simon can't even get the sequence of events right.
---The screening document that sent JCMC employees to my home at 4 PM has been deliberately omitted from my records [ other parts of my records refer to this ....we came to her home earlier in the day...].
---Because they don't want anyone to see the obvious LIE that sent JCMC to my home at 4 PM----there was no eviction scheduled for 10/1/2008; the landlords knew that because they cashed 5 to 6 of my checks, renewing my tenancy, pursuant to post-judgment relief----there was NO EVICTION.
---Their story stated at 7 PM.
---Dr. Michael S. Stewart told Debbra Simon that I was acting "manic" in his ER----what AFTER Falcone called JCMC [ as per Vice-president Jim Martin....want can we do after a judge calls ?....bogus could check the facts by tallking to me...I had the waiver from 9/25/2008 on my person and could have easily showed it to JCMC ] ----I was acting "manic" in his ER AFTER his security guards jumped me ----Stewart is a LIAR.
---My mother went and got the police.
---The police officer talked to me.
----I explained to the officer how my landlords falsely accused me of damaging their property [ taking a wall down ].
----I did not take their wall down and I explained to the officer that it was easy for me to prove that Ralph Pagnozzi lied about this because his FINGERPRINTS were embedded in the plaster around the perimeter of the wall that was removed, and how easy it was for me to get his fingerprints using a reverse relief technique that I had learned and used before. I explained this to Debbie Simon too.
---The police officer knew that I was NOT acting "manic" and that there was no reason to hold me. He left me in the hands of criminals. For days these psychopaths held me without pain management AFTER they physically assaulted me, a person with spinal injuries---I am lucky that I knew how to control the pain, but, the next innocent person these psychopaths attack won't.
---Stewart claimed he had the "right" to hold me based on history at his hospital. That history is deliberate fraud. And, they tried to bill me for this = consumer fraud for which I get treple damages and attorneys' fees.
---Dr. Jelnov's criminal intent is shown by his precribing behavior, he wrote a drug prescription for 2 weeks, at least, their plan was not to hold me for a few hours or a few days, their plan was to hold me for a long period to create a BIG, LONG false history to discredit me.
Their propaganda technique: they accuse their victim of the behavior that they are guilty of [ accuse the accuser ]; this is a Soviet Union propaganda technique.
----My landlords threatened me. Judge Falcone threatened me in writing....see his December 2007 letter to me, already entered into evidence at trial.....he threatened me, and he acted on his threats.......Debbra Simona has a very good case that she is refusing to follow through with because she is protecting big business in Jersey City.
---Ralph Pagnozzi admitted to slashing my door with a knife, several times, and in court [ Dr. Jelnov lied when he tried to diagnose me as delusional for having this belief ].
---I showed Debra Simon the photograph----the hand in the photograph is NOT mine-----it is a masculine, hairy hand. Robert Ruiz is not so grossly incompetent that he thinks that the hand in the photograph is mine----Robert Ruiz is not this incompetent. He is a liar. He stood three feet away from me on the night of Tuesday, 9/30/2008. Not once did he discuss with me the fact that he called my landlords, and the lies they told him.
---Right now, in criminal court in Manhattan, Einstein released documents that show they owe me MONEY [ Dr. Jelnov lied when he tried to diagnose me as delusional because I believed my medical school owned me money, they tried to charge me $1,200 for a lab fee, I never took a lab during 1995-96, Einstein cannot accuse me of forging this document because they released it in Manhattan criminal court----what does ADA Spiro have to say about persecuting me now, for a school that lied to steal money ]----Marlen Abramova and her Russian community are criminals and liars---I would have nothing to do with these psychopaths.

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