[ I put my court papers into the hands of elected officials, Clinton, Sires, Lautenberg; they all know. I put hard-evidence and FACTS into their hands. ]
----(1 ) I AM NOT INTERESTED IN GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. That is Marlen Abramova's agenda. The propaganda technique that she and her profoundly disturbed community use is to try and confuse her identity with mine, so that she can take credit for my work, and/or falsely portray me as some mis-informed child.
--She is under the delusional belief that she and her community will push me through a criminal trial while I suffer with un-treated spinal injuries [ = torture ] because she is looking for a way to dis-credit school officials that we have in common, like James [ Jimmy ] David, MD, a dishonest psychiatrist, erroneously believing that she can get back into medical school. Jeevan Padiyar, most likely, is thinking along these lines, too. They ruined their chances with the Yeshiva-victims fraud, internet fraud that they perpetrated.
( 2 ) Ask: if Marlen Abramova is so talented, where is her blogsite? Where are the letters she wrote, the statutes she went to the law library, photocopied, and posted ? Where are her personal notes ? Where are all the presentations and meetings that she went too ? There aren't any. Where is her BROKEN back ?
--The adults in Marlen's community did not want the best for her. They goaded her into plagiarizing from me, and ruining her case, and her chances in life, because they enjoyed back-stabbing her, they enjoyed doing Yeshiva's dirty work. As I discussed with the leaders in her community, you have criminals raising other criminals in your community. The only thing we imported from the Soviet Union was criminals; under the guise of rescuing from religious persecution, wealthy businessmen were looking to import cheap immigrant labor. And, the Russians know it.
( 3 ) These are all the elected officials I went to.
--Hilary Clinton does not want America to know, she and her party are owned by a racist Zionist lobby.
--That is not Anti-Semitic. That is the truth. It is an ugly truth, but the truth, nevertheless.
--Senator Schumer does not want anyone to know, as he enters into a re-election campaign in a state that is 40% Catholic, that he does not represent their interests. Their tax dollars go to support racist Zionism.
--Overall, we lost control of our country. We need to take our country back.
--You should hear what other countries say about us, we are not America, we are the Jewish State; it is sickening.
--What are the sources of radicalization? Racist Zionism. Americans do not join terrorists because they hate America, they are fighting back, because the only thing the racist Israeli understands is FORCE.
[ you shoulda lived with Asaf Rosenheim, the Israeli---I'll post the article from his school, Rutgers University, wherein he self-indentifies himself as an Israeli, not as an American-----what a pig, boy, was that experience instructive. He is a gay man that is not welcome in Israel, so he came to America, we gave him everything and what does he do...he lies to Homeland Security to run a bunch of criminal schemes, and he tried to steal from my landlord through Small Claims court. If the tables were reversed, do you know what Israeli security would do to me, as a guest in their country, if I lied to them ? ]
---That is what Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan was trying to tell me, on the West Point campus, with the taunt that was put in his mouth by
racist Zionists: "Force me to obey the law". I was shocked. Already discussed with Col. Reilly, at Ft. Knox [ cash in my chips, Reilly, cash in my chips, I'll brief you before I go, they'll like you, you are a doctor and a hero, remember ].
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