LIE # 1:
---"acting manic in my ER" = the lie Stewart told.
---I wasn't in your ER when your hospital ATTACKED me, based on your orders.
---Was Robert Cross actinig "manic" too, when your hospital attacked him and held him, so he could not could to my aid? NO.
---Does your hospital always attack senior citizens like Robert Cross AFTER they testify against dishonest landlords like Ralph Pagnozzi, and BEFORE they are scheduled to testify again in a criminal trial [ = witness tampering ]. NO.
---Does the Social Security Administration always LIE about a BACK injury, trying to falsely characterize a BACK injury as a " psy " patient? NO.
---Does the CIA always taunt a person coming out of the Pentagon with " you went off the reservation " because they don't want the Army to know? NO.
Lie # 2:
---From Stewart, the pyschiatrist who lies, we didn't know you had a back injury.
----Yes, you did, I can publish more screening documents wherein you'all state that.
TWO months after the attack, a doctor that I did not pay for, and who was doing everything she could to downplay my back injury, saw "tenderness, swelling, redness" when she examined my back.
Weeks, to months after this, another doctor, who I did not pay, and who was doing everything he could to downplay my back injury, noted, crimping, which means that the bones in my back do not fit together like they should, means there is pain every time I move.
Did Dr. Jelnov/jersey city medical center do any tests for back injury? NO.
Then how did Dr. Jelnov know you had "CERVICAL IMPAIRMENT", he wrote this in his notes ? He got the fax from my doctors in New York.
Did Dr. Jelnov/jersey city medical center treat you for your back injury that they made worse by phyiscally assaulting you ? NO.
They held me as a prisoner for days, threatening me, refusing to let me go to my doctors for pain management, lying, because the purpose of this exercise was to CREATE A BIG FALSE MEDICAL RECORD THAT DAN RIESEL COULD RUN AROUND WITH, DEFAMING ME; they do Yeshiva University's dirty work.
They almost murdered me in Jersey City, and Debra Simon told me she didn't even know who Michael S. Stewart, MD, was.
Where are the threatening letters and the post-marked envelopes that I was accused of mailing to Judge Rodriguez? They do not exist = the results of Debra Simon's investigation = Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski is a liar.
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