Sunday, December 20, 2009


---I can and will publish even more pages from my intentionally falsified recordsthat support my case [ and even more hard evidence ], turn them into handbills, distribute them all over Jersey Transit in Manhattan, right next to Penn Station so that there is no doubt in any one's mind that I whole lot of people are working real hard to stick me in jail, to destroy evidence and to re-write history.

---Jersey City Medical Center wants this blog to come down because if it stays up, it provides evidence of a pattern and practice of misconduct and malpractice at Jersey City Medical Center [ a teaching hospital for Mt. Sinai medical school, where a doctor Marlen Abramova worked for--- teaches ] that other victims can use to build their cases.

---This is how dangerous it is to live in Hudson County-----these pyschopaths almost murdered me, every step along the way they knew exactly what they were doing: deliberately, intentionally, malicously, with criminal intent.

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