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---late July 2008: Lawrence Sindoni placed false statements on the audio-tape of my landlord-tenant case: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her".
---This quote came directly from a conversation I had with a chairman of a department from a teaching hospital associated with Einstein/Yeshiva. It was a lie, and I had to correct him.
---When I confronted Mr. Sindoni.....Mr. Sindoni why did you say that.....that is not true.....why didn't you discuss this with me?.....I was shocked in the courtroom when I heard you say this......Sindoni LIED: " I wasn't under oath and testifying so it doesn't count". My own attorney lies to me. Yes, it does count, Mr. Sindoni. You know the rules of evidence. When my lawyer makes statements in court, they are taken as if they were FACT. Why didn't you discuss this with me, Mr. Sindoni? He didn't know what to say, because I caught him doing Yeshiva's dirty work. I confirmed this with prosecutor Debra Simon, months ago----yep, Sindoni LIED to you and he knows he LIED.
---In late August 2008----Daw's certification: There was NO diagnosis, her medical school has been LYING about her for years. His letter(s) are posted on my blogsite(s) and his contact information, and you can call him to confirm.
----By September 2008, Einstein/Yeshiva [ read here Dan Riesel ] & the Yeshiva victims fraud group [ read here Marlen Abramova and her dishonest community ] freaked out. THEY WERE DESPERATE TO CREATE MORE FALSE MEDICAL RECORDS, TO DISCREDIT ME. They lost Lily Safra, a billionaire, and Rita Kaplan, a multi-millionaire [ show me the evidence of me forging leases, and I'll show you evidence of the stalking, and I'll play for you the certified audio-tape from 2-27-2004 n Small Claims court wherein Magda Pagnozzi tells a judge that she accepted me as a tenant, so the whole issue of me forging leases is moot, and that I used to demonstrate the false accusations that go on behind my back ].
---The driving force for the September 2008 false imprisonment was their need to create FALSE records, to attempt to discredit me.
----Debra Simon did not have to waste her time, reading intentionally false medical records. I told her what to look for, I gave her notes, explanations.
---Debra Simon did not bother checking my medical records with Aric Hausknecht, MD, board certified in neurology and psychiatry. He and his pain management team had been treating me for spinal injuries since late July 2008. He faxed my medical checks to Jersey City Medical Center [ JCMC ] during my false imprisonment from 9/30/2008 to 10/3/2008. JCMC ran NO TESTS to find or confirm spinal injuries. You know JCMC received Dr. Hausknecht's fax because of TWO words used by Dr. Jelnov "cervical impairment".
---Also, JCMC deliberately OMITTED Dr. Hausknecht's 7/29/2008 mental status exam that said I had NO THOUGHT DISORDERS, no schizophrenia, and NO MOOD disorders, was not in a manic state, was not delusional. [ deliberate omissions means JCMC has NO hearsay defense, because deliberate omissions are AFFIRMATIVE acts ]. JCMC did this intentionally, maliciously to create a false medical record.
--- Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski deliberately omitted all mention of the Sallie Mae bills and their post-marked envelopes that I showed her on 9/12/2008 from the screening document she created that day, to cover-up Einstein/yeshiva's federal student loan fraud. All mention of the falsified promissory note from 1995-96 was omitted too, I gave copies to the Public Defender's office pursuant to my application for a public denfender in early July 2008 and to Judge Rodriguez; they all knew I was a victim of federal student loan fraud [ I discovered that note in June 2005, one month after Judge Patterson's May 2005 ruling---gives me newly-discovered evidence ]
---JCMC held me as a prisoner, deliberately kept me from my pain management doctors in New York, for days.
-----I have FIVE herniated discs and a pinched nerve. They were deliberately inflicting pain.
----Debra Simon did not check the facts. She didn't even know who Aric Hasusknect was.
----Here's more FACTS Debra Simon did not bother to check.
---Two months after the physical assault at JCMC, a doctor in New York, a doctor that was NOT paid by me, and who was doing everything she could to down-play my spinal injuries, noted TENDERNESS, SWELLING, AND REDNESS----this is TWO months AFTER the attack.
----Weeks to months later, I was sent to another doctor, again, NOT paid my me, who was doing everything he could to down-play my spinal injuries, he found crimping.....which means the bones in my spine do not fit together due to the injuries.....which means there is pain every time I move.
---My medical school is stalking me through life, and trying to kill me. My government is helping them. They can't stand the truth.
----In 1996, I almost bled to death. Here, I am lucky that after a physical assault on a compromised spine that I am not dead or paralyzed.
[ And, Dan Riesel wants to pick a fight with me in Manhattan criminal court when I said on this blogsite that if you monsters try to kill me again, I will defend myself so I don't wind up dead or paralyzed ? ! ! These people are a menace to society and law enforcement attacks me ? ! What a freak show. ].
---The American Medical Association in conjunction with the New York State Attorney General's office does not want fair hearings for medical students.
----The American Medical Association controls its subordinates through deceit and fear.
---They want students to live in fear.
---They want students to know that if, like Dr. Garg, they witness a malpractice or any other condition that would hurt a patient or student or anyone else, and they report it, they will be railroaded out of medical school and the school will try to discredit them as a potential witness by trying to falsely label them as "psychotic" or out-of-contact with reality.
---I can cite examples.
---Dan Riesel LIED about me getting TWO hearings.
---Col. Fetterman, make a phone call to Sive, Paget, & Riesel, and ask Dan Riesel to fax to your office, at the Pentagon, ( 1 ) the written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure Einstien claimed to have used in my case, and ( 2 ) the certified-verbatim transcripts of those hearings.
---Riesel cannot, because these do not exist.
----You have a right to ask. Your military attends medical school too, like Col. Reilly.
----Be a hero, Col. Fetterman. I already paid for your medal, with my broken back, with 5 herinated discs, a pinched nerve and a world of pain.
---Adm. Mullen's is a hero, Col. Fetterman, no one is messing with that.
---We are getting positive, productive change---and we are starting with fair hearings for medical students in all of New York State, a HUGE civil rights issue and no one is messing with that, because that is very presidential--understand.
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