Monday, April 26, 2010

MOTION FOR A DELAY, filed Thursday, April 22, 2010

----The text of this Motion is 21 pages, I copied and pasted the text here, so Col. Fetterman could see it.

---I can scan the hard-copies later. This is just so Col. Fetterman and others can see this ASAP.

---Judge Simpson and ADA Spiro already have hard-copies. Their hard-copies contain a typo on page 18, bottom of the page: " My health insurance was cancelled in summer 1995...". The date should be 1996, as in, my health insurance was cancelled in summer 1996.

---I had people call Judge Jackson, the supervising judge, and leave messages on her answering machine, yesterday, saying that my requests were reasonable, and should be granted [ 646-386-4615 ].

---Einstein wants to railroad me in a trial because the school does not want me going to the US Department of Justice to request my records, because then, my falsified records may pass through the hands of an independent prosecutor at the Dept. of Justice.

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